The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 634: The Demonic Leader

At this moment, Patriarch Motian's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Back then, he was severely wounded by Master Qingxuan's sword, and his hatred for Xuanqingmen was very deep.


Just after hearing one word spoken in a deep voice, five black mist suddenly formed in mid-air and fiercely attacked Xiao Chen. Wherever the black mist passed, all the flowers and plants withered, and they were all covered by a sinking evil spirit. shrouded.

The five black mists were so powerful that they suddenly turned into the appearance of five fierce ghosts. Suddenly, there was a continuous roaring sound in the air, like hundreds of ghosts crying, which made people's scalp numb.

Seeing the five demonic mists coming fiercely, Xiao Chen jumped back with his feet a little bit, and at the same time made seals with both hands, he saw a hundred-foot golden light mysterious seal instantly shine, and with a "chi" sound, he hit the five demonic mists. Above the mist, the five evil ghosts transformed into the mist suddenly screamed loudly.

This is the Taoist supreme magic seal, which is specially designed to defeat evil spirits. The seal in Xiao Chen's hand changed again, and a hundred-foot demon-killing sword energy came out of thin air. He slashed it with one sword. There was only a "boom" sound, and the five swords The magic fog was completely dispersed.

Seeing the five black mists being dispersed by Xuan Qing Sect's Taoist methods, the eyes of the Demonic Heaven Ancestor became cold and terrifying. He raised his palm and a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, pressing down on Xiao Chen, as if he wanted to swallow everything in the world. , extremely vicious and terrifying.

Not far away, Meng Xian'er was slightly startled when she saw him showing his killing move. He was about to step forward to stop him, but immediately stopped, thinking that the Patriarch Motian had not really killed him, so it would be nice to see it this way. How strong is Xiao Yichen?

At the moment, she chose to wait and see what happened. Unless Xiao Chen's life was really in danger, she would not take action.


The huge black hole suddenly shrouded it, turning everything nearby into nothingness, and Xiao Chen fled away in an instant. At this time, he still felt a bit suffocated. The ancestor of Motian's cultivation was still there. How could he defeat Quezi?


The ancestor of Motian had cold eyes, flicked his sleeves, and with a heavy demonic aura, he suddenly hit Xiao Chen with a palm.

This palm was not meant to be taken lightly. Before the power of the palm was reached, Xiao Chen felt a strong wind blowing towards his face, as if it was going to tear him apart. He was unable to resist, so he had to use his true energy to protect himself, and kicked with both feet. He flew back suddenly.

"Extreme Demon——Sha!"

The Patriarch of Motian shouted in a deep voice, approaching a distance of more than ten feet in an instant. Xiao Chen had no way to avoid it, so he had to attack him. With a "boom", his palms met for an instant, and the dust suddenly turned to the sky, and the surrounding areas were shaken.

The force of the palm was so fierce that Xiao Chen felt as if there was a Mount Tai pressing down on the opposite side. He was completely unable to withstand it. If it weren't for the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques protecting his body, he would have been severely injured just now.

"Extreme Demon—Destroy!"

He struck again, still carrying murderous intent in his palm. The Demonic Heaven Ancestor's moves were heavy and fierce, turning everything in his path into powder.

With this blow, seeing that Xiao Chen could no longer escape, the Demonic Heaven Ancestor suddenly flew up, changed his moves in his hands, and slapped his heavenly spirit with a palm. If this palm had hit, wouldn't it have hit Xiao Chen's brain immediately? Shoot, both body and soul will be destroyed?


Meng Xian'er secretly thought that something was wrong. She originally thought that the Patriarch Motian was just trying to explore Xiao Chen's true identity, but she didn't expect that he actually had murderous intentions. At this time, she wanted to go to the rescue, but there was no time.

"Senior, wait!"

Just as she screamed, the Patriarch of Demonic Heaven slapped Xiao Chen's head with his palm. With a "bang" sound, the earth suddenly collapsed. Amidst the flying dust, Xiao Chen's figure gradually disappeared into nothingness. .

Meng Xian'er had just recovered from the shock and was still holding her breath when she saw a big tree in the distance, and Xiao Chen's true form had landed lightly on the treetop.

It turns out that what was just destroyed by the Patriarch of Motian was just a phantom of his clone. This is the power of Ling Xianbu. No matter how high the cultivation level is, people may not be able to distinguish reality from reality in an instant.

At this time, on a cliff not far away, there were already a lot of people there. The leader was a middle-aged man in black, who was the adopted son of the ancestor of Motian, Xie Tianluo.


Xie Tianluo stared here blankly. He could clearly see everything just now on the cliff. He didn't expect that Xiao Yichen was so powerful.

"Ancestor Motian, what happened has made you so angry..."

At this moment, a gentle man's voice suddenly came from a distance, and I saw that there were people standing on a cliff over there. I don't know when.

The leader is a man wearing white clothes, but on the man's face, he wears a white jade mask. Very few people have seen his true face. This man is the most mysterious Baiyun Pavilion Master among the four demon sects. The man next to him, who is as beautiful as a jade, is the deputy sect leader, Young Master Bai.

And the disciples of Baiyun Pavilion behind them were all dressed in white, looking as handsome as sword immortals. How could they look like some evil sect? I am afraid that to this day, among the four major demon sects, only the Motian Sect looks the most like the Demon Sect. It is probably for this reason that the Motian Patriarch has always disliked seeing other people and denounced them as nondescript.

On the other side, people from Xiaoyao Tower also came. Xiaoyao Tower is also called Xiaoyao Gate outside. The owner of the gate is Xuanming Youjun, who is known to scare three thousand demons. He is the person standing on the cliff opposite Baiyun Pavilion at this moment. Wearing a black robe and a dou robe cap on his head, his whole body was filled with black mist. His face was completely invisible, but he was definitely Xuanming Youjun.

"Ancestor Motian, Master Baiyun Pavilion, Fairy Chuchen, long time no see..."

Xuanming Youjun's voice was low, not like the sound coming from a living person's throat. Listening to it only made people feel a little cold behind their backs.

"Xuanming Youjun and Baiyun Pavilion Master are here too."

The Patriarch of Motian glanced at the two people on the cliff, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "He is indeed the only disciple that Ling Yin has accepted in the past three hundred years, who has some ability."

The Patriarch of Motian has extremely high prestige among the demon sects. Many demon sects even have him as the leader. However, he has rarely praised anyone in his life. Although it is only a few words at this moment, it can be regarded as a praise. Highly affirmative of Xiao Chen.

Among the Demon Sects in the distance, many people were looking over here. At this moment, even the look in Xiao Chen's eyes changed slightly. Perhaps it was because of the two things the Demon Sky Patriarch said here today. In a word, from now on in the entire Demonic Way, everyone below will be polite when meeting Xiao Chen.

At this time, Xiao Chen was still standing on the top of the tree, silent. Seeing that the atmosphere gradually relaxed, Meng Xian'er also slowly walked out, "Hundred years no see, Mr. Xuanming You, Master of Baiyun Pavilion. , you two are well."

Speaking of which, the four leaders of the Demon Sect have not met for a hundred years, and for people who have reached their level of cultivation, a hundred years is just a moment. Even if they joined forces more than 300 years ago, The invasion of Xianyuan Middle Earth is just like yesterday, everything is still vivid in my mind.

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