The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 643: Transformation into God (Part 2)

"Concentrate again and don't let your mind wander. I will help you develop your skills..."

Meng Xian'er's face turned pale. As soon as she finished speaking, the real energy in her palms condensed and she pressed against Xiao Chen's back again.

The commotion outside was getting louder and louder, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, immediately closed his eyes, concentrated and tried to enter the mysterious realm again.

However, this time, no matter what, it was no longer possible for him to enter the mysterious realm just now. Every time he tried to enter that mysterious realm, what appeared in front of him was scenes of killings.

It seemed like I was back to that terrible dream where I dreamed of a person with his hands covered in blood. The people in the ancient village were killed by that person, and the people in Ningcun were also killed by that person. But when that person turned around, It actually looks exactly like him.


With a muffled groan, Xiao Chen opened his eyes again, and his face turned extremely pale. Seeing that he was suddenly confused, Meng Xianer frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I...I don't know..."

Xiao Chen's face was covered with cold sweat. He looked pale at this moment. He suddenly became confused for some reason. Finally he shook his head, "No, I can't concentrate anymore..."


At this moment, there was a sudden violent shock outside, causing both of them to tremble violently. Meng Xianer's face changed slightly, "The formation outside...the spiritual power is almost exhausted, and it can no longer sustain it for much longer."

Xiao Chen frowned. He knew in his heart what would happen if he failed to transform into a god when Shenquezi rushed in. Now there is no way out. Meng Xian'er originally still had five powers. , but now in order to help him transform into a god, he probably only has less than 10% to 20% of his skill left, and he can't even resist Shenquezi's moves.

"I will try again……"

Without further words, Xiao Chen closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, and once again tried to comprehend the mysterious realm. At this time, outside, under the constant bombardment of Shenquezi, the prohibition formation at the entrance of the cave was already crumbling, at most half Time will inevitably collapse.

"When I capture you, I will definitely teach you that life is worse than death..."

The death of his junior brother has caused Shenquezi to become more and more violent these days. Coupled with the fact that he has been unable to attack for a long time, the viciousness in his heart has become more and more serious, and his attacks have become faster and faster. Fierce, but Feng Wuyin watched from the side from beginning to end, calculating in his heart how to make Meng Xian'er obey.

Inside the ancient cave, both of them were soaked with cold sweat, but their faces were pale. After a moment, Xiao Chen let out a muffled groan again. It was obvious that he still failed, but at this moment, he seemed to have discovered what he had asked him to do before. The source of the palpitations was not from the Shenquezi outside, but from something deep underground that disturbed his mind.

"Isn't it still okay?"

Meng Xian'er has always been calm in situations, and has never been so anxious before. The noise outside has become louder and louder, and Shenquezi has already entered with a quick attack.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, with sweat pouring down his face, and finally shook his head, "No, there is something deep underground that has been disturbing my mind. Now I can't concentrate..."

"Then what should I do..."

Meng Xian'er's expression condensed. Could it be that this time, the two of them were really going to die in this ancient cave? So what if she got the magic scripture, she didn't have the life to take it out...

The commotion outside became louder and louder, and the whole ancient cave started to tremble. Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. At this moment, he seemed to have made a decision to break the boat and said with concentration, "Since you can't understand the mysterious realm, then break through it." The entrance...forcibly transformed into a god!"

"Break through the entrance..."

Meng Xian'er looked stunned. Even though many years have passed, she still clearly remembers the elder who transformed into a god by breaking through the entrance, but failed to transform into a god in the end.

Ordinary people will never transform into gods in such a dangerous way as breaking through the entrance. Such a method of transforming into gods can be said to be the last resort without any escape route.

She still remembers clearly that the elder wanted to transform into a god by breaking through the mysterious entrance, but in the end the transformation failed. The meridians in his body were shattered, and all his cultivation was gone. Even the power of his soul was exhausted. In the end, he could not even Not as good as any mortal.

Xiao Chen looked outside the cave, his eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper. Unless it was a last resort, he would never take the risk and break through the entrance to transform into a god.

As the name suggests, to transform into a spirit in this way, one must break through twenty-four entrances throughout the body. However, these twenty-four entrances are where the cultivator's life gate lies. If one is not careful at all, the meridians in the whole body may be severed and all cultivation will be lost. Or it will turn into ashes.

"Have you really... thought it through?"

For a moment, Meng Xian'er was still a little surprised. Xiao Chen frowned and said nothing. At this moment, he had no other choice. If Shenquezi broke in, he would only die. Rather than sit back and wait for death, it would be better to pay the penalty. Put your life on the line.

Fighting with people, fighting with heaven, and cultivating along the way, isn't it just like this? Now that you have chosen, there is nothing to be afraid of.

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to be relieved suddenly. He flicked his hands outward and instantly opened twenty-four entrances on his body.

Opening the body's mysterious door is equivalent to opening the door of life. At this time, even if it is Shenquezi, even a random person who has not yet cultivated the Nascent Soul, as long as he attacks the twenty-four mysterious doors, his life can be killed in an instant. .

Faced with his decisive choice, even Meng Xian'er couldn't help but feel suffocated at this moment.

At this moment, there is no need to say anything more. Xiao Chen gathered his skills and began to attack various entrances on his body. Meng Xian'er was sitting behind him at this time. She must carefully protect him, otherwise he would most likely fail to transform into a god and become a useless person. .

Time passed moment by moment, and for Meng Xianer, this moment had never been so long, as if a year had passed.

Outside, the rocks at the entrance of the cave were cracked. The forbidden formation was finally on the verge of collapse. Finally, under the palm of Shenquezi, it finally collapsed completely. With a "bang", the rocks at the entrance of the cave cracked, and there was a sudden smoke. Roll.

It's a pity that with Meng Xian'er's previous skills, she could only set up this forbidden formation. Otherwise, if she arranged a few more places inside, she could resist for a while longer.

As soon as the formation collapsed, Shenquezi did not hesitate and flew into the cave in an instant. Feng Wuyin behind him narrowed his eyes slightly, then closed his folding fan and followed in.

Deep in the ancient cave, Meng Xian'er's face was extremely pale. In order to help Xiao Chen transform into a god, she did not even save her remaining power. Twenty-four entrances were about to be broken through, and the most tense moment had finally arrived.


At this moment, Meng Xianer's face suddenly became even paler, and even the last trace of blood was gone. At this moment, she seemed to have heard Shenquezi's footsteps and felt the burning and compelling breath.

But at this moment, a violent vibration suddenly came from the ground. Then, twenty-four rays of mysterious light rushed straight up. In an instant, they broke through the restriction of the magic mountain and rushed straight into the sky. They gathered the spiritual energy from thousands of miles away and rushed towards it. They gathered under the magic mountain.

"What...what's going on!"

Seeing such a shocking vision of heaven and earth, the faces of the four demon sect disciples outside were filled with horror at this moment.

Only the deputy sect leaders Yusha Xuanji and Xie Tianluo immediately realized that someone nearby had turned into a god and affected the veins of the earth! But this vision of heaven and earth is too shocking, no... no! There seems to be another strange force coming from deep underground...

"Who am I?"

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