The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 645 The End of the Demon Palace

Seeing that Shenquezi was seriously injured, this time, even if Feng Wuyin was calm, he could not calm down. He stepped forward in an instant and supported Shenquezi. After a closer look, he found that his heart pulse had been seriously injured. Damage, I am afraid that Tao Xing will be damaged for at least two to three hundred years.

This time, Feng Wuyin no longer had the same confidence as before. Just as he was about to lead Shenquezi to use the Earth Escape Technique to escape, Meng Xianer's face turned pale and she said quickly, "Kill him."

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that killing a Shenquezi would only cause the opponent to lose a master who was about to reach the Ruins Heaven Realm. However, if Feng Wuyin was not removed today, he would definitely be in trouble in the future.

At this moment, he did not hesitate. He stretched out his right hand, and a thick death aura roared out, and he instantly used the control of life and death towards Feng Wuyin.

The thick death aura was suffocating. Feng Wuyin immediately sensed the real life and death crisis at this moment. He opened his eyes and muttered a formula quickly, and then saw a golden light flying out of his sleeves and turning into a mysterious The talisman made a "bang" sound, resisting Xiao Chen's power to control life and death.

"As expected of Ling Yin's disciple, you are very capable, but I advise you to go back and take a look early, hahahaha..." ❋★

Amid a burst of laughter, Feng Wuyin had instantly escaped with Shenquezi using the Earth Escape Technique. This was the Five Elements Escape Technique of Taishi Taoist Sect. It was very powerful. It was basically impossible for Xiao Chen to pursue him. of.

In mid-air, the golden talisman and seal also turned into ashes. Meng Xianer's face was still a little pale, and she shook her head, "That's all, if what I expected is correct, this is a talisman and seal refined by a master in the Hehe period..."

Xiao Chen now understands clearly what the Hehe period means. No wonder he can resist his manipulation of life and death, but Feng Wuyin's words before leaving... Oh no!

At this moment, Xiao Chen immediately thought of something, Weiyang and the others were in danger!

Seeing his sudden change of expression, Meng Xian'er thought of Feng Wuyin's words just now, and guessed about it, and said, "This person wants to mess with your mind. You just succeeded in transforming into a god. Don't mess with him at this time." If you lose your mind, it will easily affect your future practice... Don't be anxious, go up first and talk later.

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down, walked up to her, condensed the real energy in his palm, and poured a layer of real energy into her body to help her regain some of her skills. After a while, when her face gradually changed, After recovering, he stopped and asked, "Are you feeling better?"


Meng Xian'er nodded slightly, thinking that he had just succeeded in transforming into a god and had such profound skills. His achievements in the future would be limitless. But just now, he seriously injured Shenquezi, and just now, Shenquezi seemed to have a trace of demon in his body. Qi, this demonic Qi is not trivial, it has the potential to become a demon. I just failed to kill this person, but I am afraid that if this person becomes a demon soon, there will be changes.

But she won't say this now, so as not to make Xiao Chen more confused, and said, "I'm fine, let's find a way to get out of here first."

Now that the magic scripture has been found, although it is somewhat incomplete, it is an extraordinary fate to be able to understand one of the volumes. And now, it is really not suitable to stay here for any longer. The formation above should not last long. Once the formation is After their spiritual power is exhausted, the magic mountain's restrictions are once again shrouded, and they may not be able to get out.

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and immediately left the cave with her and returned to the top of the cliff. The two of them had not gone far when several familiar scents came quickly from the front.

It was obviously the Patriarch of Demon Sky and the three of them who had come. The four of them had dispersed before. It must have been the mysterious light and the fight just now that attracted the three of them here.

As the breath came closer, three figures slowly appeared. Meng Xian'er stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Have you found any clues to the magic scripture?"

Obviously, the shock a few days ago caused the three of them to scatter in various places. The reason why they were gathered together now was because they were attracted by the vision produced by Xiao Chen's transformation into a god. Even these days, the three of them found themselves under the magic mountain. She had found something, and she would definitely not say it at this time. Like Meng Xian'er, it was impossible for her to say that she had found a magic scripture in the ancient cave.

The ancestor of Motian looked at the two people, and finally his eyes slowly fell on Xiao Chen. At this time, he could not see any changes in Xiao Chen, but his previous induction must not have been wrong. Someone was transforming into a god nearby. Could it be that Is it this guy?

Pavilion Master Baiyun also had doubts in his eyes, and asked, "What clues did Fairy Chuchen find?"

Meng Xian'er said, "The two of us met some remnant souls of ancient gods and demons before. Fortunately, we were not in danger in the end. We just want to go to the lower level, but I am afraid it will be a bit difficult now."

The Master of Baiyun Pavilion heard the intention of leaving from her words at this time, but he thought to himself that she had always wanted to come down here before. If she found nothing now, how could she leave willingly? She must have found something, but she just won't say it at the moment.


At this moment, another violent shock suddenly came from above. Meng Xianer's expression condensed, knowing that the formation above could no longer support it, and said, "The formation above is about to collapse... hurry up!"

The other three people also know that the collapse of the formation is not a trivial matter. In fact, they have found something down here these days. As for the second layer underground, with their current cultivation level, they cannot go down. They no longer hesitate at this time and immediately Flying upward.

"Go quickly."

Meng Xian'er glanced at Xiao Chen, lifted her feet slightly, and flew upwards. Xiao Chen glanced deep into the ground and thought of the wisp of mysterious demonic consciousness before, what on earth was it?

But with his current cultivation level, it is impossible to go to the depths of the ground to explore these things, so he must leave as soon as possible.

There were constant vibrations all the way, and I don't know how long it took before the five people finally returned to the ground from the bottom of the mountain. At this time, it was already dark outside. They saw their sect leader coming out from under the mountain, Yusha Xuanji and Xie Tianluo. Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.


The entire magic mountain has begun to shake. It is obvious that the formation is about to collapse. Once the formation collapses and the power of the restriction is suppressed, it will be like a flood out of control, which will definitely hurt people nearby.

Ancestor Motian made a quick decision and said loudly, "Leave this place quickly!"

After hearing this, the disciples from all over the place did not hesitate. Under the leadership of their respective sect masters, they quickly went out. After they were hundreds of miles away, the shock they felt gradually lessened.

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, reflecting the mountain range perfectly. Four people from the Demon Sect came to an empty valley. The master of Baiyun Pavilion looked at the other three people and said slowly, "Since the matter here is over, I will wait for you." Why don't we separate here, three of you, see you later." After that, he left with his followers.

Seeing that he was leaving in such a hurry, Motian Ancestor calmed down slightly and looked at Meng Xian'er and Xuanming Youjun, "I'm leaving first, you two, see you later."

In the end, only Xuanming Youjun was left. At this time, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. After saying goodbye to Meng Xianer, he also left with others.

Xiao Chen looked at the man's leaving figure and suddenly remembered one thing. Ku Lingzi seemed to have said that one of his enemies was Xuanming Youjun, who had been to the ancient realm of Xianbei. , and also met the True Lord Xuanxiao. The relationship between the people in the Demon Sect and the people in the Dao Sect is so close, it is strange to know who this person is...

After everyone left, the valley suddenly became very quiet. Meng Xianer saw that Xiao Chen was still looking at the direction Xuanming Youjun left in a daze, and asked, "Master Xiao, what are your plans next?"

Xiao Chen came back to his senses and looked at the direction where the moon was gradually setting in the sky. He saw three bright stars lined up there.

"Greedy Wolf, Breaking the Army, Seven Kills..."

Meng Xian'er also looked up at the three stars in the sky and said lightly, "It is said that when the three stars gather together, the world will change irreversibly..."

Xiao Chen was silent and concentrated. He had to go back as soon as possible. For some reason, it was clear that he had successfully transformed into a god, but he suddenly felt a palpitating feeling in his heart, as if it was an omen. Soon... something would happen. Something huge is about to happen, and the entire ancient land of Immortal Yuan may encounter the biggest change in these thousands of years.

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