The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 652: Demonic Qi is overwhelming

In an instant, the layers of demonic energy were overwhelming, and an extremely suffocating and powerful force penetrated from the black cloud, immediately frightening everyone in place, and they did not dare to move. .

Looking at the billowing black clouds getting closer and closer, Mrs. Xianshu was suddenly startled, "How could it be possible? Yesterday..."

"That person yesterday was not Shenquezi."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were fixed. Now that her memory had recovered, she now looked even more like the unfazed Palace Master of Lianhua Palace from before.

Mrs. Xianshu's expression changed. She finally understood everything at this moment, and immediately said to the people below, "Everyone, all..."

"It's useless, it's too late. If I can't resist this person, I can only try to see if I can seal this person with all my strength."

Looking at the black clouds that were getting closer and closer, Hua Weiyang frowned slightly. As soon as she finished speaking, she flew into the air. Mrs. Xianshu was even more shocked: "Weiyang, you can't..."

However, the overwhelming demonic energy had already swept up. Almost instantly, it broke through the defense of Baihua Valley and enveloped Hua Weiyang inside.

"Palace Master!"

The disciples below saw the surging demonic energy surrounding the palace master. At this moment, they were all frightened to death. Of course, they just didn't know who their palace master was. How could this mere demonic energy corrode her?


A force dispersed, and the surging demonic energy that had enveloped Hua Weiyang immediately dissipated. Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, but she was not hurt at all. "You want to hurt me with just the evil aura?" After finishing his words, As soon as her sleeves were flicked, the overwhelming demonic energy immediately surged back, and it was impossible to hurt her at all.

After the demonic energy dissipated, Shenquezi's eyes were seen to be blood red, his whole body was filled with demonic evil spirits, and he looked extremely terrifying. Even his white hair had turned blood red at this time.

"Xiao Yichen, where are you..." The voice was very low, and it was even more frightening than the devil yesterday and the divine palace in front of him.


Hua Weiyang snorted coldly, but her expression was stern and unafraid, "Shenquezi, if you weren't afraid of him, how could you have planned to lure him away yesterday? Did you think you were so capable of being possessed by a demon? Why, Do you think you are strong if you become a demon? You are just a dirty demon, a low-level demon."

"Let someone lead him away? I don't even bother to do such a thing..."

Shenquezi's voice was low. It was obvious that at this time, he still had some sense, and was not completely mad, insane, and killing everyone on sight, as the rumors outside said.

"However, he killed my junior brother. I swore that as long as I don't die, I will make him live in peace for a day. I will also let him taste the feeling of watching the tragic death of his loved ones and being unable to do anything about it. Although you all Nothing wrong, but this is your life!”

Shenquezi's demonic energy was shaken, and the black-red demonic aura on his body became heavier, and his eyes seemed to be stained with blood. His hatred for Xiao Chen could no longer be erased, even if he killed everyone here People can't eliminate the hatred in their hearts. Once a person is possessed by a demon, this is often the case. The original bit of hatred will only be magnified infinitely.

"It's a pity that you were just taken advantage of."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were still cold, and she said no more. She moved her hands to her chest, and a stream of pure spiritual power immediately spread out with her as the center, dispersing the demonic energy that shrouded the valley bit by bit.

"Even if it is, so what!"

Shenquezi obviously didn't care about anything anymore. As long as it made Xiao Chen suffer, he didn't care about anything. As soon as he finished speaking, he hit Hua Weiyang with a palm.

Not only was this palm full of demonic evil, but its power was also extremely strong. There was a "bang" sound. Although Hua Weiyang blocked the palm forcefully, she was shocked by the power of the palm and a wisp of blood immediately flowed out from the corner of her mouth. .

What kind of cultivation is Shenquezi now? In her current state, how could she be able to block this person?


This time, the demonic flames on Shenquezi were even worse. He raised his hand and the demonic flames shot down towards Hua Weiyang. Everyone in the distance was frightened, but who could resist this demonic energy? ? The Lord of Yotsuya? Mrs. Xianshu? Hua Weiyang is the only one who is not afraid of demonic energy.


With a loud noise, Hua Weiyang made seals with her hands, and a light red light flew out, blocking the layers of demonic flames. However, she sacrificed the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella in an instant, and at the same time, there was a white light surrounding it. Around her body, upon closer inspection, there is a lotus carved from ice and jade. It is the "Jade Pity Flower" found in the secret realm of Kunlun Flower Valley.

These two magic weapons are the most precious treasures in the world. However, even though there are these two powerful magic weapons at this time, the power of Shenquezi is really too strong. Hua Weiyang was forced to retreat continuously, trampling the bluestone bricks along the way to pieces. , and finally retreated to the main hall of Lianhua Palace.

"Palace Master!"

At this moment, the Qingqing Valley Master and the Mingyue Valley Master also flew over, but even with the addition of Madam Xianshu, the four of them could not withstand the torrential power of Shenquezi's demonic energy.


Shenquezi shouted loudly, and the power of ten thousand feet of demonic energy suddenly poured out like a flood. Hua Weiyang finally couldn't resist it anymore, and the four of them, including the two Valley Masters and Mrs. Xianshu, were all blown away. , even the palace behind it was like a castle made of sand. Under the power of the terrifying demonic energy, it collapsed and shattered instantly, turning into a piece of dust.

"You will all die today!"

Shenquezi's demonic flames covered the sky, and his palms shook, gathering all the demonic energy within a hundred miles radius. The defensive formations in the Baihua Valley were like dams under the flood, one after another. One building collapsed, and the entire Lianhua Palace was on the verge of collapse, falling into despair.

"Xian Shu... take them away!"

Blood flowed out from the corner of Hua Weiyang's mouth. She had been suffering from coldness in the past few days, and she was seriously injured by the shock from Shenquezi just now. But she knew in her heart that she was the only one who could stop this devil. Ruolian She also fell. Everyone will die in the hands of this devil today.


Mrs. Xianshu was suddenly startled. She saw Hua Weiyang transforming into a ray of light and rushing towards Shenquezi in mid-air. At the same time, she saw her hands continuously touching several large acupuncture points on her body, and in an instant she untied her secret body. The seal of clan power.

Just like when he was under the sword tomb, his eyes became blood red, his lips were as red as if they were stained with blood, and a purple-black soul mark of the Nether Clan appeared between his eyebrows.

"So... you are also a demon? Hahahaha!"

Shenquezi suddenly laughed, but at this moment, Hua Weiyang's face became very calm. "Demon? The world's understanding is always too narrow..."

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