The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 664 Laughing at the Sky

"Who is coming?"

At this moment, many people became uneasy. They saw that the dark clouds in front of the mountain were getting closer and closer, rolling towards the Shura Valley. It was not until less than ten miles away that everyone could see clearly that the dark clouds were Above, there was actually a figure walking through the air.

I saw that the man's shawl was spread out, and the demon was surging into the sky, just like the unparalleled demon god, causing the dark clouds within a ten-mile radius to billow.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Another burst of laughter came, and this time the internal energy was even deeper. Those with lower cultivation levels could not bear it, but even those with relatively high cultivation levels felt dizzy and dizzy at this time. If you can't hold on to this sound skill, you can see that the person who came here has a high level of cultivation and a deep skill that is far superior to countless people here.

Jiangnan Liu stretched out his hand and immediately pressed it against Fu Ling's shoulder, pouring a mellow true energy into her body to help her resist this burst of sound skills. Qian Yu Nishang was so advanced that she didn't need it, but Fu Ling couldn't.

"That person is..."

Jiang Nanliu's eyes narrowed, as if he recognized the person who came stepping on the dark clouds. At this moment, his face immediately changed color.

Over at Shura Valley, the color on Mei Jianyi's face had already changed. She recognized this laughter, which was exactly the same as the laughter back then...

"It's the smiling sky..."

His face turned pale, and he was even more sure that the person was Xiao Cangtian. He recalled the scene in his mind. Why did this person appear now and come to Tianmen after disappearing for so many years...

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds were approaching, shrouding the Shura Valley in layers, a breath of power threatening the world!

Many people with lower cultivation levels were unable to breathe at this time, but under the dark clouds, they could not see the appearance of that person clearly.

Master Feng Yin's face gradually became serious. He formed a seal with his hands, and a ray of cyan mysterious light immediately shot towards the dark cloud. However, there was also a force shot out from the dark cloud. With a "boom", the two forces collided. Shocking everyone.

Many disciples with lower cultivation levels in each sect were shocked to the point where their energy and blood surged. If it had not been for the elders in the sect to condense the true energy shield, I am afraid that many people would have been seriously injured by this shock.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter, and then the layers of dark clouds dispersed, and the man finally appeared, but his shawl was scattered, there was a blood mark between his eyebrows, and his whole body was filled with demons, and he looked very scary.

"Laugh at the sky!"

"It's the Laughing Heaven!"

The crowd suddenly burst into excitement. They never expected that this demon who had disappeared for many years would suddenly break into Tianmen today. Everyone present had a look of horror on their faces, and the elders and heads of various sects were even more shocked. In an instant, he used his kung fu to gather his weapons and magic weapons and put himself on guard.

At this moment, Xiao Chen also stared closely at the person in the air. Because the distance was too far and the person's shawl was loose, he couldn't tell for a moment whether it was the strange senior who taught him Xuan Kung in the cave when he was young. .

"Ha ha!"

I saw that man raising his head and smiling, his devilish breath shaking the world, scorning everyone present, "You can't find me, but you are making things difficult for a little baby and a little girl over and over again... Is this the right way of a famous family? It's just a bunch of rats! I laugh at the sky today. If you want revenge here, just come!" At the end of his words, his breath shook, making countless people suffocate deeply.

The people who were still clamoring about what they wanted to do now felt a deep fear when they looked at the black clouds, especially those who had not yet transformed into gods, and could hardly even breathe. This is the intimidation of the strong. A breath is enough to make them lose their fighting spirit.

"Xiao Cangtian, this is not the place for you to act wild!"

Suddenly, Master Feng Yin's face turned cold, and with a single swipe of his finger, a 100-foot-long golden sword light flew away, causing the sky to surge with wind and clouds.

Xiao Cangtian responded with a cold look, raised his palm, and the Nine Yin Nine Yang Mysterious Skills instantly came out. With a "boom", the two people's mysterious powers collided, causing the nearby area to tremble violently again.

People from various sects did not dare to stay near the entrance of the valley any longer, and immediately retreated to a distance, causing a small chaos for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Chen pulled Hua Weiyang and jumped up, arriving in front of Xiao Cangtian in an instant. Looking at the familiar face, even though he was no longer so old compared to when he was under the Xuanqing Back Mountain, Haggard, but Xiao Chen still recognized it.

After nearly twenty years apart, Xiao Chen could still clearly recall that on the last night, he taught him mystical skills and sorted out his meridians. But now that they saw each other, there were mixed feelings in his heart for a while, and he couldn't say anything. , every word I said back then is still clear in my ears today...

"Didn't you say that we would never meet again? Why do you and I meet again today..."

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar person in front of him, Xiao Chen spoke slowly. At this moment, his face was unusually calm, as if he had returned to that year, the night they last met.

Xiao Cangtian also looked at him, and the scenes from that year were still in his mind. When he was dying, he had to be with this young man for a month, but he did not die in the end.

That time, he was determined to die and tried to reverse the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, which he had never dared to try before. However, in the end, he never expected that by reversing the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, he would not only suffer a narrow escape from death, but he would also die. The injuries were completely healed, and all the skills were restored, and the young and ignorant boy he once was has now grown so big.

"Ha ha!"

He suddenly raised his head and smiled, looked at Xiao Chen, and kept nodding, "Yes, I said back then that good and evil only lie in your heart. How you want to go in the future depends entirely on yourself. No matter what others say, it doesn't matter." Pay attention.”

Although he did want to take revenge on Ling Yin at first, but later, when he thought he was going to die, he naturally developed feelings for this young man. Now that they meet again, he feels emotional in his heart.

Xiao Chen's face was still as calm as water. He looked at Hua Weiyang beside him and said softly, "This is the senior who taught me the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques back then."

Hua Weiyang's face regained some color at this time, and she smiled at Xiao Cangtian, "Junior Hua Weiyang, I have heard the name of Senior Xiao Cangtian for a long time."


Xiao Cangtian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her, stroked his beard and said, "I have also heard of you. Back then, you were alone in Xuan Qing. You are a girl with great abilities and extraordinary courage. You are as good as this kid! You are better than the ones below. People are many times stronger.”

When he said this, he seemed to have thought of something again. He pointed to the people in the sect below and continued, "But those people can't tolerate you being together, because this kid is from the righteous Taoist sect, but you are from the demon sect." In their opinion, good and evil have always been at odds with each other since ancient times, but I don’t think so!”

After saying this, Xiao Cangtian looked at the people below again. At this moment, he didn't take these people from famous families into consideration at all, and continued, "These people don't allow you to be together, but I want you to be together. Today It’s up to me to make the decision, and you two will get married in this Tianmen Patriarch’s Hall. I want to see what these righteous people can do today!”

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