The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 667: The Man in the Dark


This sentence was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, shocking everyone present from all sects. No one dared to believe his words. An old man in green said coldly, "Xiao Cangtian, you were full of evil back then. He killed countless people indiscriminately and is still talking nonsense here? "

"Talk nonsense? Haha!"

Xiao Cangtian raised his head and smiled, and said, "I Xiao Cangtian, I never have to explain anything. I have indeed killed many people, but those people were either my enemies, my enemies, or they had ulterior motives. Otherwise, how could they die?" In my hands? If it’s someone who has no grievances against me, I won’t even bother to kill him..." ✱

Even after hearing what he said, most of the people present still didn't believe it. Some people began to think carefully. What happened back then was indeed confusing, especially the fact that he hid under Xuanqing Mountain in the end. This thing was really weird. .

At this time, the Qing Yuzi from before stood up from the crowd, looked coldly at Xiao Cangtian, unable to hide the hatred in his eyes, and said, "Xiao Cangtian, you said that the people you killed were all people who had enmity with you. , but my junior brother had no enmity with you, why did he die at your hands?"

Xiao Cangtian looked at him, "Who is your junior brother?"

Qing Yuzi said coldly, "You have killed countless people. I am a small figure in a small sect. Of course you don't even know his last name..."

Xiao Cangtian raised his hand and said sternly, "No, the people I have killed are all named people. Please tell me, what is your junior brother's name?"


Qing Yuzi looked at him coldly, nodded, and said coldly, "My junior brother is Qingtong Shan, Qing Chengzi."

"Qingtong Mountain, Qing Chengzi..."

Xiao Cangtian narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head, "There is no such name among the people I killed. You are mistaken."

"I made a mistake...hehe."

Qing Yuzi sneered, "I checked my junior brother's body repeatedly that day. What was in his heart was the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Palm. There is still a trace of the power of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang in his body. Could it be that there was another person in this world back then?" Do you know the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques?”

"That's right! The palm power of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques was also applied to my junior and senior brothers. Xiao Cang Tian, ​​do you still want to quibble?"

Many people nearby immediately joined in, the voices became louder and louder, and the crowd gradually became passionate.

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Cang Tian laughed loudly, overwhelming everyone, and immediately silenced everyone around him. He only heard him say, "Sophistication? Even if I Xiao Cang Tian kills someone, it will be done in an upright manner. If I kill, I will kill. If I don't kill, I will not kill." When do you need to quibble?"

After hearing what he said, everyone was still confused. An old man in purple looked at him and said, "You kept saying that you were not the one who killed those people back then, but those people died because of your Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques. You What’s the explanation?”

"Is it?"

Xiao Cangtian snorted coldly, raised his palm, and a palm force immediately hit the people below. Seeing the surging power of the palm, everyone was shocked and quickly used Xuan Gong to resist. However, under this wave of Nine Yins and Nine Yangs Under the shroud of power, everyone felt as if they had fallen into an abyss of ice, and sometimes they felt like they were trapped in a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, which was extremely uncomfortable.

After a moment, Xiao Cangtian withdrew the power of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang palms and said coldly, "This is the power of my Nine Yin and Nine Yangs. Is it the same as the residual aura you felt from the corpse back then?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area immediately fell silent. The people who were still noisy were now silent, and many people began to think carefully.

The residual power of Nine Yin and Nine Yang that they detected from those corpses back then seems to be vaguely different from the power of Nine Yin and Nine Yang that they felt just now, but this alone cannot explain anything. The law is constantly changing, not to mention so many years have passed, so it is normal for there to be some differences in the depth of one's skills.

In the distance, Master Feng Yin stood motionless in mid-air. The piano player next to him came closer and asked in a low voice, "Master, what should we do now?"

Master Feng Yin stared at Xiao Cangtian and whispered to the four people, "Xiao Cangtian is not the only one who came today... It is not appropriate to move lightly now."


After listening, the chess-listening envoy stepped back and looked at the other three envoys. Seeing something strange on the chess-watching envoy's face, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

At this time, the chess watcher came back to his senses. He had been uneasy since just now and shook his head, "No, it's nothing..."

On the other side of the valley entrance, another white-haired old man stood up, looked coldly at Xiao Cangtian in mid-air, and said coldly, "Xiao Cangtian, you said you didn't kill those people back then, then you should tell me, those people are again By whose hands he died!"

Xiao Cangtian glanced at the crowd again, "I told you! That man is not a member of the Demon Sect, he is a member of your righteous path. He is also here today, and he is among you right now!"

Hearing this, many people in the crowd were shocked. It was hard to believe what he said at this moment. Xiao Cangtian snorted coldly and continued, "That person has a skill, which is that he can imitate other people's skills. If you are discerning, Of course, you can see the difference at a glance, but who among you really understands the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, so it’s normal that you can’t tell whether it’s true or not?”

"What nonsense! Absolute nonsense!"

At this time, someone stood up and pointed at him and said, "Xiao Cangtian, you are just trying to make excuses by saying so much. Then tell me, why did that person put the blame on you?"


Xiao Cangtian flicked his sleeves and said, "When I got the fragment of the Heavenly Book, that person has been coveting it, but he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so he could only peek in the dark, hoping to wait until I and the leaders of the four major demon sects were both injured. Another fisherman got a profit, but he didn't expect that even the leaders of the four major demon sects couldn't kill me. But in the end, my mysterious power backfired, and I could only find a place to recover. By the middle of the night, that person finally After showing up, I fought with him several times that night. From the number of his skills, I dare to conclude that he must be a member of the Xuanmen. However, I think that among the major Xuanmen at that time, except for Qingxuan Zhenren, , who has such ability!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was even more shocked. The faces of everyone in Xuanqingmen changed suddenly, including Jiangnan Liu and his brows, which were always calm in situations. He turned pale and said quickly, "Don't talk nonsense!"

But at this moment, the expression on Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged. He knew that things would not be so simple.


Xiao Cangtian coldly flicked his sleeves and continued, "I haven't finished speaking yet! At that time, I also suspected that that person was Master Qingxuan, but after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. Many years ago, I fought against Master Qingxuan. , At that time, he had a lot of skills, and he did not hide any evil. It was completely authentic Xuanmen skills. I also admired him very much. But the person that night, although he hid the skills he used very deeply, But I can't hide the sinister intention, so I can conclude that that person is not Master Qingxuan!"

After hearing this, the people of Xuan Qing Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the people of other sects all looked suspicious. If what he said at this moment was true, then who could that person be? If you are really a person on the righteous path, how terrible it would be...

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