The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 669: The Hidden Master

"He is not Feng Xuanzhi..."

Unknowingly, Master Youlan had arrived at Shura Valley, and the voice coming from under the purple robe was ethereal and trance-like.

"If it's not Feng Xuanzhi, then who is it..."

Everyone was shocked and surprised, and looked at the mysterious man in green robe again, but they still couldn't see clearly the appearance under the robe.

"Junior brother."

Here, Master Feng Yin nodded slightly when he saw Master Youlan coming. Master Youlan also nodded slightly and said calmly, "Senior Brother Yushan, you will be out soon. Senior Brother Feng Yin doesn't have to worry..."


Master Feng Yin nodded again, not knowing whether he was thinking too much or what. Recently, he always felt that the junior brother Youlan in front of him was becoming more and more gloomy.

On the other side of the valley, Xiao Cangtian withdrew his palm, stared at the mysterious man in green robe, and asked, "You are not Feng Xuanzhi, then who are you?"

"I live deep in the mountains, and my name and surname are not worth mentioning..."

The man in green robe had a calm voice. After he finished speaking, he looked into the distance again, his tone still very indifferent, "Fellow Taoist Feng Xuan, it's time to show up."

When everyone heard this, they were shocked again. Could it be that the Xuanzu of Zangfeng Valley was really here?

At this moment, the people in Zangfeng Valley couldn't believe it. Why was Xuanzu here today? If Ancestor Xuan is really here, then what Xiao Cangtian said just now cannot be true, right? This is absolutely impossible...

Everyone looked over there with bated breath, not even daring to breathe a word or blink. Finally, under everyone's gaze, a figure appeared. That person was also wearing a robe, with his hair on his head. Wearing a robe and hat, his appearance is invisible.

Xiao Chen's heart condensed, and he realized that this aura was correct. The aura faintly emanating from this person was the aura he first felt, that is, the mysterious man outside the Sword Tomb.


At this moment, Hua Weiyang suddenly called him softly. Xiao Chen turned around and was about to ask her what was going on when he saw her quickly making a silent gesture and whispering: "This person is Feng Xuanzhi." That's right, but the Master Youlan behind you is no longer Master Youlan..."

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Chen frowned and was about to look towards Master Youlan when Hua Weiyang blocked his sight: "Don't look. In short, that person's purpose today is not between you and me, so no matter what, we will just You must take the opportunity to leave. Youchang and Youqin were imprisoned by him before, but they must have escaped now..."


Xiao Chen's eyebrows were still furrowed, something must have happened in Tianmen today, but Xiao Cangtian came here for himself, and he was carrying the Book of Heaven, so he would definitely attract killing, not to mention that he was framed back then, and Ningcun was destroyed six years ago. The matter has not yet been clarified. If he leaves at this time, I am afraid he will never know the truth.

But now, one of the problems he has to face is that the backlash of the Three-Yuan Heart-Burning Technique is coming. He just pushed the Three-Yuan Heart-Burning Technique to the limit, almost damaging his heart veins. Once it backfires, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Feng Xuanzhi, are you finally willing to come out..."

Here, Xiao Cangtian stared at the black-robed man who slowly appeared in the distance, and said coldly, "It has been more than thirty years, Feng Xuanzhi, why don't you tell me, you have been doing it secretly for more than thirty years." What..."

At this moment, everyone held their breath. Could it be that what the devil just said was completely true? How can this be?

Everyone held their breath and watched as the man in black robe slowly took off his hat. Under the robe, there was an old man with white hair. His eyes were as deep as the cold night without stars and moon, which made people fearful.

"Sure enough, it's him..."

Someone in the crowd suddenly screamed. Feng Xuanzhi had disappeared from the world more than six hundred years ago. There are countless people here today. The younger generation has never seen him, but there are also a few who are very senior. The tall man had seen him before, so he recognized him immediately.

" are Xuan...Xuanzu?"

Not to mention that most people from other sects have never seen Feng Xuanzhi, even among the dozens of people from Zangfeng Valley present today, who has seen Feng Xuanzhi? Therefore, at this time, there was a look of surprise and suspicion on their faces.

At this time, facing everyone's questioning eyes, Feng Xuanzhi's expression remained unchanged. He walked forward slowly, and slowly looked at the mysterious man in green robes in the distance. He said calmly, "Feng is a demon today." I came here first, I don’t know why this fellow Taoist from Xuanqing Sect came..."


Hearing these three words, the people present were even more shocked, and their eyes fell back on the man in green robe. This time, the look of surprise and suspicion in their eyes was even stronger than when they saw Feng Xuan just now. many!

Just now they saw this person fighting with Xiao Cangtian with natural Taoism. Very few people in the world can do this. This person must be an expert of the Xuanmen. And in the five realms of Xianyuan today, except for Qingxuan Zhenren, there is no one with such profound Taoism. , who can surpass him? Could it be that this person is really Qingxuan Zhenren...

On the Xuanqingmen side, except for Qianyu Nishang whose expression remained unchanged, several others, including Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jianyi, had already changed their expressions.

Could that person really be the master...

There was a look of shock on the eyebrows, it was impossible, the master was still at Xuan Qingmen at the moment, how could he suddenly appear here? But the Taoist magic that this person performed just now is indeed very similar to the Taoist methods of Xuanqingmen. Who is he...

"May I ask who this senior is? Why does he know the Taoism of my Xuan Qing Sect?"

Before she could slowly think about it, Jiang Nanliu had already asked the mysterious man in green robe such a question.

Jiangnan Liu has never had a city, but as everyone knows, he asked this question at the wrong time. Now no one is sure that the person used Xuanqing Taoism, but he said this, doesn't he make it clear that even if this person is not People from the Xuan Qing Sect must have something to do with the Xuan Qing Sect?

The thought between his brows was much more delicate and agile than his, and he flew over at once to prevent him from making another mistake. At this time, the man in green robe looked at the two of them, nodded slowly and said, "Well... Xuanqing Taoism is profound and profound. , but I only have a brief understanding.”

Hearing what he said, the eyebrows were slightly relieved. No matter who he was, at least this sentence showed that he was only closely related to the Xuan Qing Sect, rather than any of the seven current Xuan Qing sects.

The others had doubts on their faces. If this person was not Master Qingxuan, who could he be? Besides Zhenren Qingxuan, who else has such a profound Taoist teaching?

In the distance, Feng Xuanzhi slowly walked up, looking a little gloomy, and said lukewarmly, "I met you in Shigu that day. No matter who you are, Feng just wants to know, today Your purpose..."


The man in green robe also slowly walked up and said, "For three thousand years, this heavenly book has brought endless disasters. I am here today to prevent this heavenly book from spreading out from here and attracting constant strife in the world..."

After hearing this, many people felt suffocated. After all, could it be that this person also came here today for this book? Who is he? The Taoism he just taught was Xuanqing Taoism. Could it be that he has a deep connection with Xuanqing Sect?

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