
Dao Wuwei's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his canthus was about to burst, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. He tried desperately to open the three acupoints of "Yutang", "Mingmen" and "Qihai". However, before the time came, how could he still do it? Rush away?

"Stop... Luodie, stop, stop..."

At this moment, fear finally showed in Dao Wuwei's eyes, and he said incoherently, "You have been thinking about being a teacher, and you have been thinking about being a teacher for many years..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Luo Die raised his head and smiled. At this moment, his blood-red eyes became even more frightening. "Remember you? Do you remember that you used me as a weapon to kill people in these years? Or do you think of those years when you killed my parents and slaughtered my whole family, and then My conscience found out and spared my life..."


Dao Wuwei kept screaming. Finally, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside, followed by a man's exclamation, "Master!"

I saw the door of the secret room opened somehow, and there was a man in green standing beside the door. When he saw the scene in the secret room, the man in green was shocked and couldn't believe the bloody scene he saw in front of him.

"Go...tell the leader!" ✥❊

Dao Wuwei shouted with all his strength, and the man reacted immediately. Without thinking, he turned around and walked away. Luo Die's eyes turned cold, and a streak of blood hit the man on the back, but failed to hit him. Kill him. The man let out a scream and immediately used his escape technique to escape.

Dao Wuwei's face was full of horror, "Luo... Luodie, listen to me, you can't kill me. If you kill me, you won't survive. No matter where you run, you can't escape the pursuit of the Immortal Alliance. Your The end will be thousands of times more miserable than mine...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, another scream came out. Luodie stared at him fiercely, "So? Do you want to beg me to let you go? But did you let my family go back then..."


Dao Wuwei's screams kept echoing in the secret room. Luo Die's eyes turned cold, and he crushed his Nascent Soul with force, and took out the book "Tai Shang Forgetting Love" from his bloody chest.

"Uh... you... you..."

Dao Wuwei's eyes widened and he could not utter a word. Luo Die's eyes were cold and he slapped his head with a hard palm. Blood immediately splashed all over the stone platform.

After killing Dao Wuwei, Luodie knew that he had to leave as soon as possible. Even if there was no Wuwei Peak disciple to report, the alliance leader would definitely know about Dao Wuwei's death.

The moonlight was bright tonight. Luodie went outside and attracted a lot of people. Now that she had been exposed, she didn't care. She pushed Taishang Wangqing to the limit and simply cut a bloody path and broke out outside. , finally escaped from Wuwei Peak.

However, the Immortal League is not as simple as she imagined. There are many masters in it. Soon, she is caught up by the people sent by the Immortal League. Once she is captured, she will be punished no matter what.

If she's lucky, there may be someone with high status who will covet her beauty and try every possible means to keep her. But the result of this is that she will always become that person's dual cultivation furnace and will never be seen again. Every day.

If she is unlucky, she will be captured and immediately sentenced to death. Either her soul will be imprisoned in that dark prison forever, or she will be exiled to the Tomb of Gods and Demons. However, a woman like her will have to be abolished and exiled. As for the Tomb of Gods and Demons, it would be fine if he died, but if he didn't die, the end would be a hundred times more miserable.


There was a thunderstorm outside, and Luo Die was hiding in the cave, afraid to go out. It had been half a month since she escaped, but in just half a month, she had experienced countless lives and deaths. The entire Eastern Continent was ruled by the Immortal Alliance. There are people from the Immortal Alliance everywhere, where can she escape?

There is no place in the heaven-level domain, earth-level domain, or mortal-level domain that has a place for her. If the only place that has a place for her is the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

But more than ten years ago, she and Xiao Chen finally escaped from the Tomb of Gods and Demons. She would rather die than return to that terrible place. Xiao Chen was there to protect her that time, but not this time. Xiao Chen, if she ran in as a woman, even if her appearance was ruined, she would not be able to escape some miserable end.

What's more, now that she was seriously injured, she might have been captured by the masters of the Immortal Alliance before she could reach the Tomb of Gods and Demons.


Suddenly, a soft sound sounded near his feet, which startled Luo Die. He lowered his head and saw that something in his arms had fallen to the ground. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a small puppet.

Her nervous expression gradually relaxed, and she gently leaned over to pick up the puppet. At this moment, when she looked at the puppet, her eyes gradually became gentle.

She gently wiped off the dirt on the puppet with her sleeves, and saw that the puppet was lifelike and lifelike, and it looked like none other than Xiao Chen.

Luo Die is proficient in illusion. This is the clone puppet she made in the Tomb of Gods and Demons because she was afraid that Xiao Chen would be in danger. As long as she injects mana and true energy into it, she can use it as a clone in critical moments. It can resist A fatal blow to the enemy.

When Xiao Chen left that year, he gave her this clone doll that was infused with magic power. At that time, Xiao Chen had not yet truly transformed into a god, so this clone doll was not very powerful, and now she has no use for it. However, she kept this little puppet with her. When she escaped from Wuwei Peak that night, she took nothing with her but this puppet.

At this moment, looking at the shallow lines on the puppet's body, scenes from the past came to mind again. At first, Xiao Chen held her hostage to avoid the pursuit of the Life and Death Alliance, and later, he took her to find Yanggu to seize the Fusang Flower. Then he escaped from the pursuit of the Eastern Immortal Alliance, went to the Tomb of Gods and Demons, and was surrounded and killed by tens of thousands of people...

The cold rain outside drifted in along with the cold wind at some point, soaking her whole body and making her cold to the bone. Suddenly, she hugged the puppet in her hand and sobbed softly, even though her crying would attract nearby killers. She couldn't help it, tears fell one drop at a time.

In fact, her name is not Luo Die, her name is... Qian Luo.

After crying for a while, Qianluo raised his head. The rain outside had stopped at some point, but the rain in his heart was still falling bit by bit.

She didn't know when it started, maybe it started when she was practicing Taishang Wangqing Xuan Gong. Originally, more than ten years had passed, and she should have gradually forgotten Xiao Chen, but instead, since she practiced Taishang Wangqing , the more time goes by, the more clearly she remembers every bit of the past, every appearance, every detail, she remembers more and more clearly.

Even many times, every time she fell asleep at night, she would always dream of some beautiful strange dreams. In the dream, she and Xiao Chen returned to the Tomb of Gods and Demons. In the endless wilderness, the two of them were tenderly entangled... Every time after waking up, , her body was always wet, covered in cold sweat.

She didn't understand. She was clearly practicing to be supremely forgetful of emotion. As her practice increased, she should become more and more ruthless and desireless. But why was the result the opposite as she practiced more? Is it because there is only half of it...

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