The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 813: Spiritual Ruins Realm

"Your Majesty!"

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were afraid that there was a scam, so they immediately walked up, but Xiao Chen raised his hand to signal the two of them to step back. There was no need to be nervous. There was nothing wrong here. He could feel the spiritual power. .

The two of them followed him cautiously and came to the white mist. Xiao Chen said, "This is the right place. Although they don't know where they came from outside, they can definitely enter the Spiritual Ruins Realm from here..." …”

After saying this, Xiao Chen turned around, looked at the two of them and said, "You guys can take someone back with you. This time, it's enough for me to go alone."

The two of them were slightly startled after hearing this, and then they raised their hands and said, "Palace Master Weiyang has specifically ordered us to follow your Majesty. Please also ask your Majesty to let your subordinates and others follow you..."


Xiao Chen looked at the two of them and said calmly, "Then do you listen to Weiyang or listen to me."


Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were stunned for a moment. Xiao Chen shook his hand and said, "Go back. There are still many things that need your cooperation over Wuyutian. Besides, when we enter the Lingxu Realm this time, I am just investigating first, not If I go there in a big way and you follow me, it will be easy for me to scare others away."

"Yes, I obey." The two people cupped their hands, looked at each other, said no more, and disappeared into the woods in an instant.

It wasn't until the two of them were gone that Xiao Chen slowly turned around, looked at the woods shrouded in white mist, no longer hesitated, and walked slowly in.

This place is not like some void cracks, nor is it a void crack. Xiao Chen does not feel any discomfort when walking in it, but the surroundings are completely shrouded in fog, and nothing can be seen clearly in the vast white area.

I don’t know how long we walked, but the white mist in front gradually dissipated, and the scene finally became clear. I saw majestic and tall peaks, cliffs, towering ancient trees, and countless rare birds and animals running among them. It really felt like a world away. wonderland.

The surrounding spiritual energy was rich and abundant. Xiao Chen slowly came to a cliff and looked at the cloudy and fairyland-like mountain peak in front of him. Is this the Spiritual Ruins Realm? Compared with the outside, it wasn't much different, but at this moment, he didn't know why, but he seemed to have a vague, inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

Could it be that I had been here before? Or should I say that I was born here, otherwise, why would I have such an inexplicable feeling at this moment...

After a brief period of unconsciousness, Xiao Chen immediately woke up. This was no longer the five realms of the Immortal Realm outside, and there was no Wuyu Tian. He should not let his guard down so much.

However, it was already too late. He was careless just now and did not take away all the breath from his body. Even if he completely took away the breath at this moment, the breath must have been noticed the moment he stepped in.

After leaving a mark of spiritual consciousness on the spot, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, stepped into the air, and immediately went to the distance. He should know that this Lingxu Realm is not smaller than the outside, and should even be called "vast and boundless". To describe it, there is absolutely no way that there is only one Beigong clan in this place, there are even many hidden masters in the world.

By dusk the next day, he no longer knew where he had arrived. In front of him was a deep valley with peaks connected one by one. However, at this time yesterday, he passed a densely populated area, which was exactly what he had guessed when he came. Similarly, this Lingxu Realm is actually very different from the outside world, but there is no mortal world as big as Qingzhou City and Suzhou City.

Most of those in the Lingxu Realm are ancient cultivating families, or mysterious sects hidden in the world. There are even many people who are said to have taken refuge after the collapse of the Eastern Cultivation World. They multiplied and multiplied, eventually forming the current Lingxu Realm.

But no matter what, Xiao Chen kept one thing in mind. No matter his cultivation or power, there is no one who can compete with him among his peers. But compared to those old monsters who have been practicing for countless years. , he is still slightly inferior, just like the Ten Saints mentioned by Ku Lingzi before, that is almost a legendary figure, and now he will not be the opponent of any of them.

This was the reason why he didn't let Yeying's twenty-four people follow him. Naturally, it was to avoid attracting the attention of some people in the Lingxu Realm.

This time he came to the Lingxu Realm, second only to dealing with Beigong Changfeng. He must get back the power of the spiritual veins that he had lost in the past three years. Now, although Weiyang has taken the thousand-year red fruit, it can only increase it by a few. Nianshouyuan, he must gather enough spiritual power as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to activate the ancient heaven-defying formation to change her fate.

After walking forward for a while, Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, turned his head slightly, and said behind, "I've been following you all the way, why don't you show up?"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just as he finished speaking, a dozen figures suddenly appeared behind him, thinking that the first two old men had the highest cultivation level, but looking at the nervous expressions on these people's faces at the moment, it was obvious that their purpose was just to follow Xiao Chen and make sure he was there. His whereabouts were not planned to show up, but now that he has been discovered, he has to come out.


Xiao Chen turned around, looked at these dozen people, and said calmly, "I haven't come to you yet, but you came to me first..."

Hearing this, the dozen or so people trembled in their hearts. The two old men at the head had cold eyes. The old man in green on the left said coldly, "Xiao Yichen! This sentence should be spoken by us. We haven't gone to find you yet. You Instead, they came to the Lingxu Realm to find us..."

"It doesn't matter who says it..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent as he looked at the two people not far away, "Anyway, it saves me the trouble of looking for you again..."

As soon as he finished speaking, like a gust of wind, he disappeared from the place in an instant. Both old men were shocked. It was so fast!

Before they could react at all, and even their consciousness couldn't keep up with each other's speed, Xiao Chen had arrived in front of them in an instant, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the throat of the old man in green.


The old man in purple clothes next to him was suddenly startled and immediately offered his magic weapon. The other dozen disciples also reacted and immediately raised their own fairy sword and magic weapon. The originally dark woods suddenly became dazzling.

Xiao Chen grabbed the old man in green and said calmly, "If you don't want him to die, just lead the way..."

Hearing the cold voice, more than a dozen people suddenly felt as if they were falling into a cold pool. At this moment, they did not dare to disobey each other at all. They were members of the Taishi Taoist sect and were ordered to come out and follow Xiao Chen's whereabouts. However, with their little Taoism, even if With the help of spiritual talismans, how could Xiao Chen not notice it with his spiritual awareness?

"Junior brother... don't take him back to the mountain gate..."

The old man in green clothes had his throat strangled, and it was very difficult for him to speak. Obviously he could imagine that if such a ruthless murderer went to the mountain gate, wouldn't blood flow like a river in a day?

However, the old man in purple shuddered. His life was at stake at the moment and he had to obey the other party's instructions. Moreover, he also knew that even if he did not lead the way, it would be easy for the other party to find the location of Taishi Daomen. Instead of doing this, it would be better to go back and use the mountain gate's Sword array, come and deal with this person!

At the same time, in a small town on the edge of the East China Sea, the folk customs in the town are simple, and most of the residents make a living by fishing. This afternoon, Liu Ershu's son Daniu went out to fish but failed. Instead, he fished back a drowning woman. This time But it attracted a lot of people from the town.

"Girl, wake up! Girl, wake up..."

"Tell me, whose girl is this? She was so beautiful and as beautiful as a fairy. How could she be in trouble at sea..."

"Let me tell you, since more than ten years ago, there have been fish monsters in this sea. Do you still remember the young man who went to sea more than ten years ago? Three years later, he came back intact. I think I probably met an immortal on the sea, but this girl is not so lucky, alas..."

"Look at the way this girl is dressed, she doesn't seem to be from here, right? Where did she come from... Hey, girl, wake up quickly, can you hear me? Girl..."

"Cough...cough...hey, where is this...I, I..."

"Look, look, this girl is awake! She's okay..."

"What a beautiful girl. I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my life..."

"Girl! You finally woke up! My name is Daniel. I went fishing today and saw you floating in the water. I thought you were dead...ah, bah, bah, bah! Look at my mouth, it's all nonsense! Girl, you can't Do you remember what happened? Is there anyone else with you? What does the fish demon look like..."

"Fish demon...what fish demon..."

This woman was Qian Luo. She rubbed her forehead, her consciousness still a little blurry. At this moment, she slowly recalled that in the past few months, she had been just like Xiao Chen back then. This sea was too big to fly in one breath. , even gods may not be able to cross. During the day, she flies with her sword, and at night, she releases the ship. This alternation is repeated before she can cross this vast sea.

In the past few months, she had only encountered strong winds and waves at sea a few times, and she almost capsized the boat. Fortunately, she was fine. But last night, she encountered two masters from the Immortal Alliance who chased her.

The fight last night was very fierce, and both sides were injured. In the end, for some unknown reason, a strong force suddenly surged up from the bottom of the sea, smashing the ship to pieces. Qianluo was also swept into the bottom of the sea by this force, and finally lost his life completely. Consciousness floated up again somehow.

And here, where is this? Looking at these unfamiliar faces around him, Qianluo suddenly fell into confusion. Has he already crossed that sea? Is this the hometown of Young Master Xiao...


Suddenly, Qian Luo woke up with a start. Since she had escaped death, and the two people from the Immortal Alliance were still above her in cultivation, they must be fine. At this time, they might have tracked her aura and caught up... …

Just when she was worried, she saw on the sea level in the distance, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the sea surface suddenly turned up huge waves, rolling straight towards this side, the scene was extremely terrifying.

"The fish demon... the fish demon is here!"

The people in the town had never seen such a high wave. Wouldn’t the town be flooded immediately? Everyone was so frightened that they ran upwards.

"Girl... the fish demon is here, run away!"

The young man next to her turned pale with fright. Qianluo immediately stood up from the ground and stared at the direction of the huge wave. It was not a fish monster. At this moment, she sensed that it was the two cultivators from the Immortal Alliance. breath!

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