The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 821: The Power of Ancestral Lineage

When the wild sand in the sky cleared, they saw Xiao Chen appearing on another hilltop. Everyone was surprised and wondered how could this man be so fast?

In fact, at this moment, Xiao Chen was secretly sighing that he was in such danger just now. If he hadn't practiced Lingxian Step to the Transformation Realm, he wouldn't have been able to escape that palm just now. Even if his cultivation level has greatly increased now, he can still get that wisp of Hongmeng. The purple energy has been integrated into the body, but if you have to resist such a terrifying palm, even if you are not seriously injured, you will lose nearly 30% of your true energy.

"Boy, you are very fast, take another move from me!"

Lu Yan's face was as pale as frost, his eyes had turned faintly blood-red, and the blood mist on his body was getting heavier and heavier. He seemed to have suddenly gone crazy. The Lu family disciples below all turned pale with fear. .

Suddenly, several rays of blood flew up from Lu Yan's body, and then, his whole body was enveloped in these layers of blood, and suddenly attacked Xiao Chen.

Knowing that this battle was dangerous, Xiao Chen looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he did not dare to be careless at all. Faced with the fierce murderous intention, he had no choice but to use Ling Xian Step to the limit. His body was as erratic as a god, avoiding Lu Yan's attack time and time again. A terrible offensive.

Soon, several nearby mountains collapsed. Xiao Chen forced his breath to calm down. Looking at Lu Yan again, the blood mist on his body had become extremely heavy, and two streams of blood slowly flowed out of his nose.

When the disciples below saw this, they all remained silent. Lu Yongyuan and several elders even secretly thought that something was not right. If the elder continued to reverse the Tianwai Tian Xuan Gong, he would definitely go crazy and fall into the devil's way!


Suddenly, Lu Yan seemed to have gone crazy. Instead of immediately stopping the reversal of the mysterious power, he poured all his life's profound energy into the eight extraordinary meridians, making the reversal of the mysterious power even crazier. A terrifying force suddenly appeared. Covering a radius of ten miles.

At this moment, Lu Yan's skill increased several times. He was already approaching the level of a cultivator in the Dongzhen stage. His eyes were blood red and he was attacking Xiao Chen in an instant. This time, Xiao Chen's front, back, left and right were sealed by the force of his palms. After being stopped, it was extremely difficult to dodge, so he had no choice but to push his own profound strength to the limit, and used the "Thirty-Three Levels of Resentment Palm" at once.

The moment the palm was released, the heaven and earth screamed, and the wind rustled, "There are three thousand joys and sorrows, nothing more than separation and hatred, and four hundred and four illnesses, nothing more than lovesickness..."

At this moment, for some reason, everyone seemed to be falling into endless sadness at the same time. They suddenly felt indescribable misery in their hearts. Even the sound of the wind in their ears sounded like the sound of mourning, and they were confused for a moment.

Even Lu Yan couldn't avoid it. He was enveloped in a sense of misery. Recalling the sad past, he suddenly became confused. The originally powerful offensive palm actually lost 50% of its power at this moment.


The palms of the two faced each other, causing the nearby ground to shake. If the best rhythm emphasizes sadness but not hurt, then the meaning of the thirty-three layers of separation and hatred in the palms is more miserable than the last, extremely easy. It's confusing.

Obviously at this moment, Lu Yan was in a state of confusion, but he didn't know what he recalled in his heart at this moment, which made him so painful. Maybe it was his deceased wife, maybe it was his deceased child...

Seeing that he was confused, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Without hesitation, he instantly mobilized his true energy, condensed 50% of it on Emperor Gu, and stabbed Lu Yan with a sword. At this moment, the sword energy came out, and suddenly The situation suddenly changed, and the sky and the earth turned pale. It was just like the "Earth Sword" among the three sword techniques taught to him by the old beggar!

When this sword technique is used, one's own true energy must be burned, so it is extremely fierce. Every time the sword is used, it is bound to shake the world!

"Great Elder!"

Seeing that the great elder was still in confusion, all the disciples below were frightened to death. At this moment, Lu Yan finally woke up, suddenly activated the Lu family's Xuan Gong, and struck at Xiao Chen's sword with one palm. go!

However, let alone the fact that this sword was the Earth Sword in the Sancai Sword, it instantly burned 50% of Xiao Chen's true energy. At the same time, it was also launched by Emperor Gu, the peerless Xuanbing Emperor in ancient times. Without the cultivation level of the Dongzhen period, who could resist it? Can you live there?


There was a sharp sound, and blood suddenly splashed in the air. This sword broke through the layers of Lu Yan's protective energy, and pierced him through the chest.


Lu Yan was severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately. Lu Zhang and Lu Li were stunned. This sword was so terrifying that it could make the world pale. If they had been stabbed by this sword, wouldn't they have become gods already? The fate of both being destroyed!


Although Lu Yan was seriously injured, his strength was still undiminished. When his profound strength was shaken, Xiao Chen felt an incomparable force coming and immediately flew back. Taking advantage of Lu Yan's serious injury, he planned to give him another blow. A fatal blow, unexpectedly, there was a sharp pain in the Dantian, but he ignored that he had just lost 50% of his true energy, and if he still forced himself to increase his power at this time, he would inevitably suffer the backlash.

At this moment, Lu Yan suddenly hit him with a palm. Xiao Chen couldn't bear it back, and he had no time to dodge in a hurry. He had to forcefully raise his true energy, and with a "bang", he was hit by Lu Yan's palm. He had to step back, his throat suddenly felt sweet, and just as a mouthful of blood was about to well up, he forcefully swallowed it.

However, Lu Yan staggered back a few steps because of this palm strike. His face became even paler, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. It was obvious that the desperate blow he had just made made his injuries more serious.

" will definitely die today!"

Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes became extremely scary, and the blood mist on his body became heavier and heavier, and there was even a trace of black energy mixed in it. Lu Yongyuan was suddenly shocked, "Oh no! Mysterious power eats the heart, and the elder goes crazy." Already..."

Upon hearing the words "Xuan Gong devours the heart and becomes possessed by evil spirits", the other elders instantly turned pale and stared blankly at the sky, where the clouds were getting denser and denser.

At this moment, Lu Yan's hands shook, and the mountains within a hundred miles near Lujia Villa suddenly began to shake violently. The entire Lujia Villa shook violently, and some buildings that had been in disrepair collapsed. And underground, there is an extremely strong spiritual power that is constantly gathering towards Lu Yan!

"What...what's going on!"

All the disciples turned pale one after another and looked at each other, completely at a loss. At this moment, not only the spiritual power under the Lu family was attracted by Lu Yan, but even the disciples could clearly feel that their own spiritual power was also being forcibly attracted. Everyone's spiritual power was constantly being lost at this moment, and they all gathered towards the Great Elder!


Lu Yongyuan realized in an instant that the great elder was actually touching the ancestral lineage of the Lu family! He is currently gathering the energy of the entire Lu family!

The so-called ancestral veins are like a big tree. You can take the leaves and cut down the trees, but you can never dig out the roots. The vitality of a family is condensed from generation to generation over countless years. It is the destiny of a family. , when luck declines, his clan will decline, so it must not be used rashly.

However, at this moment, Lu Yan forcibly reversed the Tianwai Zhi Tian Xuan Kung, and was severely injured by Xiao Chen's sword. His mind was gradually lost. At this time, he had obviously gone crazy, and he was constantly gathering the Lu family's ancestral energy.

"Great... Great Elder, stop... stop!"

The disciples were all panicking. They could feel that the skills they had cultivated for many years were constantly being lost at this moment, and they were constantly being attracted by the great elder!

At this moment, countless people in the Lu family had a feeling of impending disaster. If they rashly use their ancestral veins, something big will happen!

"Great Elder... stop it!"

Lu Yongyuan's expression had also changed a long time ago, but at this time, Lu Yan was already possessed and turned a blind eye to everything below.


With a loud shout, Lu Yan gathered the energy from all directions, and his skill surged countless times in an instant. A terrifying force surged out, shaking the mountains.

And at this moment, Xiao Chen really felt that this person's power had exceeded the limit in an instant, and it would be impossible for cultivators who were not at the Dongzhen stage to withstand his blow! What's more, just now, he had consumed half of his true energy...

"The Forbidden Void - Shattered Against the Heavens!"

I saw Lu Yan with a terrifying expression. He raised his palm, and a terrifying force immediately came towards Xiao Chen. The shadow of his palm instantly transformed into a thousand feet. It was the combination of his Void Forbidden and Lu Zhang's Void Shatter. The power was extraordinary. Xiao Chen just wanted to move, but was stopped by the power of the Forbidden Void, unable to move.

In an instant, the thousand-foot-long palm shadow was photographed, and with a "bang", the mountain peak immediately shattered and turned into smoke and dust. The thick smoke billowed, blocking everyone's sight.

Everyone was trembling with fear, looking at the sky filled with smoke and dust. This time, they saw clearly that it was impossible for the man to escape instantly. With such terrifying power, coupled with the Heaven-defying Shatter that was even more terrifying than the Void Shatter, Nothing can withstand it and will be turned into powder under the overwhelming force!

Lu Yan was breathing heavily, and the blood mist on his body gradually dissipated. He stared motionlessly at the place where the smoke was billowing. This time, he didn't believe that Xiao Chen could escape. This kid was too powerful, so today , even if he does not care about all the consequences, he must kill this child here, otherwise once he is allowed to escape, the Lu family will never have peace from now on.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and watched the smoke and dust in the sky gradually dissipating. At this moment, a dark shadow appeared faintly in the smoke and dust.

The black shadow disappeared in a flash, as if it appeared for a short while and then disappeared. Everyone was shocked and wondered if they were blinded. When the smoke and dust completely dispersed, they saw Xiao Chen standing in the air. The emperor's sword was lying across his chest, but he was not injured at all, and the faint black shadow just now was right behind him...

"How can it be……"

Lu Yan had a look of shock on his face. It was impossible. He had gathered the power of the Lu family's ancestral line and with his cultivation level, there was no way he could withstand the blow he just dealt. If he couldn't bear it, he would have reached the cave. A cultivator at this stage may not be able to escape from the attack he just made, but this boy was actually unscathed, how could it be possible!

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