The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 835 Fengyun Wushuang

The cultivators in the city seemed particularly excited just now, but at this moment, their expressions changed. What does this sentence... mean?

Beigong Changfeng's face changed even more. It seems that this matter has been known to the family. It's no wonder that no matter how far away they are, the people below Wushuang City belong to the Beigong family's ancestry after all, so they caused such a big fuss. How could the elders in the clan not know about the movement? What should we do now...

At this time, inside the cave, the sound came directly into Xiao Chen's ears, immediately suffocating him and almost losing his breath.

"Master Xiao!"

Qian Luo noticed something strange about him outside, and her expression tightened. The sound just now was so terrifying. It could penetrate layers of restrictions and go straight into the depths of the ground. Could it be that a master from the Beigong family came?

"I say it again, stop exercising immediately, otherwise even if you enter the Dongzhen stage, within three days, I will definitely destroy your entire body!"

The terrifying voice came again, and Xiao Chen immediately let out a muffled groan, and his face suddenly turned extremely pale. Apparently, this voice contained a very strong internal force that drove the ancestral veins of Wushuang City to vibrate. But Qian Luo outside was fine.

"Master Xiao!"

Qianluo's expression changed. She had greatly increased her internal power yesterday. She could sense it now. The man used his internal power to enter his voice, and then oscillated his unparalleled ancestral veins accurately, causing Xiao Chen to be shocked. He didn't know how far away he was from here, but he could By doing this, how far has that person's cultivation reached? Could it be that he is... a quasi-sage?

Seeing the internal energy coming into the cave again, Qianluo mobilized all his internal energy and struck the ground with a palm, trying to block the impact of this internal energy for Xiao Chen.

"court death!"

The voice was cold, and the internal energy was even stronger. Qianluo's whole body was shocked, and a mouthful of blood immediately gushed out. He flew back and hit the stone wall at the entrance of the cave heavily.

"Luodie, get out of the way! You are no match for him!"

Xiao Chen's voice came from inside the cave. Qianluo covered his chest with his hands and said with a pale face, "But Young Master is about to make a breakthrough. If you suffer at this time..."

"I can still protect my heart with the power of nine yin and nine yang, so you don't have to worry about me."

In the cave, Xiao Chen's face turned pale. As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and there was a Yao Qin in front of him. The body of the Qin was simple, and the strings were shining brightly. It was Fuxi's Divine Qin.

When the inner force came again, he plucked the strings, and a burst of divine power went straight into the ground. With a "boom", the inner force was offset, but as a result, he could no longer concentrate on his breakthrough. .

Outside the cave, Qianluo sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly calming down her inner breath. However, at this moment, she sensed the auras of two people approaching here. Judging from the auras, it was two people combined. A seasoned master!


Qian Luo's face changed slightly, and he immediately stood up and fired a burst of magic power towards the illusory array in front. The entire cave disappeared at once, but this was just a blinding technique. Once the illusory array was broken by the two people, they would You can find the cave immediately.

The people who came were none other than the two elders Fengyun Wushuang. They originally found their way here by following their spiritual power and aura, but now that they arrived, they could not see anything, and they inevitably became suspicious.


Elder Feng had a solemn expression on his face and whispered to the junior brother next to him: "The aura from before is not wrong. Those two people must be nearby. We may have fallen into some kind of illusion formation. We need to find a way to break the formation..." "

In front of the cave, Qianluo held her breath and her heart was beating fast. Judging from the difference in breath, these two people were at least masters in the middle stage of the Hehe period. Even if she had 30% of the internal power related to the shock transmission, if it was hard, Against these two people, the chances of winning are not good.

"Master Xiao..."

Qian Luo turned around and took a look into the cave behind. Xiao Chen was in a critical period of cultivation at this time. She couldn't disturb him and could only find a way to deal with those two people.

Seeing that the two people are getting closer and closer, if they find the location of the phantom formation, with their cultivation, even if they have to forcefully break the formation, it will only take a short moment.

Qianluo frowned, unable to let those two people get closer. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and made a slight seal with his hands, and a wisp of faint red mist immediately floated into the illusory array.

The red mist entered the formation and immediately turned into ghosts and monsters, appearing next to the two of them. Elder Feng was suddenly startled, "Junior careful!" Before he could finish his words, he swept the dust with a whisk and immediately dispersed the ghosts and ghosts around his junior brother.

"Senior brother... get out of the way!"

At this time, a ghost also appeared around Elder Feng. Elder Yun's profound energy shook and dispersed the ghost. However, at the moment when the ghost dispersed, the sound of a woman's charming laughter suddenly sounded in their ears.

The laughter sounded seductive to the bone, with some melancholy sounds. The two elders were immediately shocked. It was the boy's illusion. It was such a powerful illusion. They didn't expect that a man could master such a feminine and seductive technique. It was really hard to believe. imagine……

Just when the two of them were shocked, many women suddenly appeared around them, but they were all charming and enchanting, with not even a hair on their bodies. How could the two elders who had been cultivating for many years see such a scene of violent blood? Immediately, his face turned red, his heartbeat was beating violently, and his blood was surging.

"Hehehe... Elder, come on...ah...hehehe..."

Waves of lustful sounds came, and the two elders were even more stunned. Seeing Elder Yun's eyes a little confused, he actually walked towards those seductive women. Elder Feng next to him looked shocked, and reached out his hand and pressed heavily on his shoulders: "Junior Brother !”

Elder Yun woke up with a start and was covered in cold sweat. Elder Feng immediately retracted his palms, closed his eyes, sealed his ears, and continued to form seals with his hands, muttering something like "Five colors blind, five tones deafen..." before his eyes. All you see are skeletons and ghosts... broken!"

The last word "break" came out, and a Taoist mysterious seal flew out of his hands, "Swiss, swiss, swish!" The illusion of the beautiful woman in front of him was immediately broken.

"so close……"

Elder Yun was still covered in cold sweat, and his face was slightly pale. "I didn't expect that boy to practice such evil skills. I'm afraid he has done so many evil things..."

In front of the cave, Qian Luo's face paled slightly and he stepped back. He didn't expect that the old man in green clothes was of such high moral character, and her charm skills had no effect on him.

She saw her hands forming seals again, and a strange mist flew into the illusory formation. The illusory mist immediately turned into a cave, and the scene in the cave was exactly the same as the cave where Xiao Chen was at this time.

"over there!"

Elder Yun immediately saw the scene in the cave and was about to go over. Elder Feng reached out and pressed him, "Junior brother, wait a minute!"

Because they had just fallen into an illusion, the two of them became very cautious this time and slowly approached the cave. When they got close, they suddenly saw Xiao Chen inside saying coldly, "If you take one more step forward, you will be killed without mercy!"

"It's him……"

The expressions of the two elders were condensed. Elder Feng flew over first, swept the whisk quickly, and wrapped it around Xiao Chen. Unexpectedly, when the whisk wrapped around him, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared instantly and turned into a blood-red sharp palm, "Bang" With a sound, he hit Elder Feng hard on the chest. The internal force of this palm was so deep that if he had not been protected by a body of profound energy and true energy, his heart would have been broken.


Elder Yun's expression changed from behind, and he immediately flew up to support his senior brother. Unexpectedly, what he saw in front of him was an illusion again. There was such a powerful illusion that even their Taoism could not tell the truth from the false.

"It's okay, be careful..."

Elder Feng had just received a palm force, and his face was slightly pale. At this time, he slowly stabilized his inner breath and said in a secret voice, "In the illusion, if there is a void, there must be a reality. The reason why it is difficult to distinguish between the void and the reality , it’s you and I who are too attached to what we see in front of us.”

After hearing this, Elder Yun seemed to understand something at once. The two looked at each other, nodded, and closed their eyes at the same time, observing things with their hearts, observing the movement quietly, and then the emotions of all things were revealed in front of them.


Qian Luo immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. These two people were so powerful that they might break her illusion formation. Just like this moment when her mind moved slightly, like a faint ripple on the surface of a calm lake, the two of them, Feng Yun, I found this "real thing" at once.

"It turns out to be here!"

The two of them opened their eyes at the same time and struck the cave with a palm. The illusion was instantly broken. Qianluo was shocked and flew backwards.

"It turns out it's you, a witch!"

Elder Yun took a closer look and saw a very beautiful woman. He thought she was a fox demon who was causing trouble everywhere. He threw the fly whisk into the air and a red gourd flew out of his sleeves. Accept you monster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the gourd was enlarged more than three times, and a red light was emitted, and Qianluo was about to be taken in. At this time, a piano string sounded in the cave, and then a piano sound flew out, "Bang" The sound of the sound shook away the red light shining in the gourd.

"I think it's not easy for you two to practice cultivation, so retreat quickly, otherwise... your souls will be scattered!"

A cold voice came from the cave, which made people feel like falling into an ice cellar. Both Feng and Yun were startled. At this moment, they only saw two ice-like gazes coming from the dark cave.

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