The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 851 Asking what love is in the world


Qianluo's eyes were blood red, and his murderous aura was still materializing. The area within a dozen feet was almost covered in a layer of blood mist.

In the blink of an eye, she was seen attacking the Lord of Mingyue Valley again. This time, she actually wanted to take the life of the Lord of Mingyue Valley! At this moment, there was a "bang" and a white light flew over from a distance, knocking her back.

Upon closer inspection, the thing that knocked Qianluo away was actually a lotus carved from ice and jade, blooming with white light. It was the ancient rare object "Jade Lianhua" that Hua Weiyang found in the Kunlun Fairy Valley. .


A figure flew over from a distance, it was Hua Weiyang.

Hua Weiyang's face was cold and she looked at Qianluo, "Miss Luodie, what are you doing?"


Qian Luo had already been devastated by the Supreme Being. At this time, he had completely lost his mind. His body was shrouded in murderous aura, and he suddenly attacked Hua Weiyang.

"Palace Master, be careful!"

"Mingyue, get out of the way!"

Seeing Qian Luo's fierce attack, Hua Weiyang instantly used the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella. The umbrella kept spinning in the air and could withstand the attacks of all magic weapons in the world. However, at this moment, it was somewhat unable to withstand Qian Luo's offensive.

"how come……"

Hua Weiyang couldn't help but be startled on her face. She could clearly feel that compared to the last time they fought in the forest, Luo Die's skill at this time had increased several times. He could even resist the two magic weapons of Jade Lianhua and Lianyou Umbrella. She couldn't help it, but her mind seemed to be controlled by something. This was definitely not her intention.

"Miss Luodie, stop!"

Hua Weiyang saw the clues at once, but it was useless to stop. Qianluo still attacked fiercely, like a strong wind sweeping, and a sudden rain falling. In the blink of an eye, the fierce attacks were coming one after another, even though Hua Weiyang had two magic weapons at this time. It is in hand, but it is almost impossible to resist it.

"It will snow soon and it will clear up soon!"

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Hua Weiyang's hand. The sword was about three feet long. It was azure in color from the hilt to the sword body. There was cold air surrounding the sword body, and there was water flowing inside. The whole sword was filled with... A breath of extraordinary energy!

This sword is the ancient sword "Kuaixue Shiqing" left behind by Fairy Wuyu. Three years ago, on the day when Taishi Daomen attacked, Hua Weiyang used this sword to suppress Lingxuzi, who had already cultivated in the Hehe stage. Now it reappears, still as sharp as before!


With a sharp sound, Hua Weiyang activated the sword in an instant, but saw the shadows of the swords overlapping each other, exuding a heavy frosty air, and enveloped Qianluo. However, at this moment, for some reason, , Hua Weiyang suddenly turned pale, and all the energy in his body dissipated in an instant.

The power of the sword disappeared in an instant, but Qianluo's offensive did not slow down. Seeing that Hua Weiyang was about to be seriously injured, Mingyue Valley Master's face was startled, "Palace Master!" Before he could finish his words, he used all his strength to block it. . 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】


This palm hit her back firmly, causing her to spurt out a mouthful of blood. The force was so strong that even if she blocked most of it, the remaining energy rushed towards Hua Weiyang. Ling Hua Weiyang gushes out a mouthful of blood, and both of them fly backwards.

Qian Luo Wuzi's eyes were blood red. He raised his hands and his whole body was covered in blood. He attacked Hua Weiyang and the Lord of Mingyue Valley. At this critical moment, a figure finally appeared in the distance.


The figure arrived in an instant, and with a "bang" sound, Qianluo was pushed back with a palm. That person was Xiao Chen. After Qianluo was pushed back, he caught Hua Weiyang from the air, condensed his two fingers, and quickly clicked He touched several acupuncture points on her body, " are you!"

"I...I'm fine, Mingyue, Mingyue..."

Hua Weiyang's face turned pale, and her injuries were temporarily stopped. On the side, the Mingyue Valley Master was seriously injured. Xiao Chen suddenly became angry and glared at Qianluo, "What are you doing!"

The surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet, and in the distance, many people were attracted by the sound of fighting. At this time, everyone felt their hearts tremble. This was the first time they had seen Xiao Chen angry in so long. , because on weekdays, the lord they saw was always cold, neither smiling nor angry.

"I, I... Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, I..."

At this moment, Qianluo finally regained consciousness. He covered his chest with his hands, a stream of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and two lines of tears also slowly flowed out.

"what happened?"

In the distance, Mrs. Xianshu flew over and saw the scene here. She couldn't help but frown. She helped the Mingyue Valley Master up and poured the true energy into her body to relieve her injuries.

Here, Xiao Chen no longer delayed, picked up Weiyang, jumped up, and flew towards the lonely peak where Shen Jing was, disappearing into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

The cold wind blew slowly through the mountains, bringing with it a biting chill. Qianluo looked at Xiao Chen's disappearing back, recalling his appearance just now, and felt as if there were a thousand knives piercing his heart. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hurt her...

At this moment, Qian Luo seemed to have lost his soul and didn't know where to go. Yang Xiaoran came over from a distance, frowning and said, "Miss Luodie, how are you hurt? I just honored him..."

"No, it's okay..."

Qianluo covered her chest and walked forward in despair. "I know it's my fault. She is the most important person to him, but I hurt her..."

Gufeng, in the medicine garden.

"Shen Jing, how are you?"

Xiao Chen was standing by the couch, his eyebrows deeply furrowed. Shen Jing was taking Hua Weiyang's pulse. At this moment, her eyebrows were furrowed deeper and deeper. Finally, she raised her head, glanced at Xiao Chen, and shook her head gently.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart suddenly trembled, but then, Shen Jing's secret words rang out in his consciousness, "She was not injured in Luo Die's hands, but..."

Xiao Chen immediately understood that it was her Xuanyin body. Although she took the Millennium Vermillion Fruit three years ago, three years have passed and the effectiveness of the Vermilion Fruit has gradually disappeared.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine..."

Hua Weiyang's lips were a little pale and she had difficulty speaking. She looked at him and said, "I'll be fine in two days. Just now, you seemed to have injured Luo Die. Go and see her. She was practicing something just now." The technique has gone crazy..."

"Go ahead..."

Shen Jing also looked at him, frowned and said, "I will take care of her in the next two days. She will be fine."

"Shen Jing, please..."

Xiao Chen's eyebrows were still furrowed, and he glanced at Hua Weiyang for the last time, then stood up and walked out. Fortunately, Shen Jing was there, otherwise, he really didn't know what to do every time.

After returning to the previous place, Mingyue Valley Master and Madam Xianshu were no longer there, and there was no sign of Qianluo. Xiao Chen walked forward and saw Yang Xiaoran here, and asked, "Where has she gone?"

"Miss Luodie...she, she just left." Yang Xiaoran raised his head and whispered.

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