The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 862: Cut off the spiritual veins!

"Such a strong spiritual power..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang also felt that the terrifying power coming from the bottom of the mountain was an extremely strong spiritual power. Such a strong spiritual power was probably due to the displacement of spiritual veins passing through here!

“Let’s go and have a look.

Xiao Chen's face was still calm. After saying that, he shook away the few old men standing in front of him with a palm, took Hua Weiyang and flew towards the mountains in the southeast. With his current strength, in fact, Liu Xuanyin and the others just now, he No fear at all.

Behind him, Patriarch Motian focused his eyes and looked at the strange sign that suddenly rose in the southeast. After thinking for a moment, he immediately led people over, followed by Xiaoyao Tower and Baiyun Pavilion.

The three major demon sects went over there, and the demon sects who came today naturally followed them immediately. On the righteous path, everyone hesitated for a moment, leaving only some people on the top of Zhongyue Mountain, and the rest also went to the southeast. The mountains in the direction flew away.

"Senior sister, senior sister, let's go and have a look too!"

Seeing such sudden visions, Ruoshui seemed particularly excited, unlike those adults who all frowned in silence for fear of something strange happening.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Xuanqingmen also immediately flew to the mountains in the southeast direction. Fu Ling glanced at the Fengyun Pavilion and saw Guisi still drinking inside, as if he didn't see any strange signs over there. What did he want to say? , but in the end, without saying a word, he followed Mei Jianyi and others to the southeast.

Ruoshui turned around and stuck out a smile towards the pavilion, "Little bird, little bird, come quickly!"


However, Gui Si shook his head and smiled, still drinking the last glass of wine in his hand, and then slowly stood up, looked towards the strange sign in the southeast, and said to himself, "The displacement of the spiritual veins is really interesting, could it be true in the book?" According to records, this peak of the Five Mountains is a great formation left by the Qing Emperor in the human world?"

Soon, the tens of thousands of people who were originally on the top of Zhongyue all moved towards the mountain range in the southeast. However, they saw the mysterious light in the mountain rising straight into the sky, and the peaks were shaking endlessly, with the power of the void. It was raging below. At this moment, no one dared to get close, and no one dared to go to the mountain range with a sword.


At this moment, many people were dumbfounded and stared blankly into the mountains. Apparently, they could feel it at this moment. Under the mountains, there seemed to be a very strong spiritual vein shifting, and the spiritual veins wherever it passed were moved. All the power was gathered together, causing such a vision of trembling heaven and earth.

"It's a shift in spiritual veins..."

Far away from the Xuanqing Gate, she said with a dazed look on her eyebrows. To this day, she still remembers that during the Tianmen martial arts competition more than 20 years ago, there was a displacement of spiritual veins on the Dongjie Mountains. It was still a small one, but it almost came to an end. They were killed on the spot, and in the end, Yichen even got separated from them.

Now that I see such a terrifying scene of spiritual vein displacement again, I can't help but feel a little anxious in my eyebrows. Over the years, the entire Immortal Ancient Land has become increasingly unstable...

"The spiritual veins have shifted... it's terrible."

At this moment, looking at the direction of the spiritual vein's displacement, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly changed. Apparently Hua Weiyang next to him also realized something. This spiritual vein... was heading towards Wuyutian!

Not far away, Yang Xiaoran seemed to have discovered something, his face turned slightly white, Xiao Chen looked over to him, "Send a message back immediately and ask how the situation is!"


Yang Xiaoran hurriedly took out the spiritual power jade note from his sleeve and inserted a stream of spiritual power into the jade note. After a while, he said to Xiao Chen, "Wuyu Tian has already... sensed it. "

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's heart sank even more. In this way, this powerful spiritual vein really went to Wuyutian.

This spiritual vein is too strong, and it keeps gathering nearby spiritual power when it is displaced. By the time it reaches Wuyutian, it will be unstoppable. It will definitely break through the power of Wuyutian's entire spiritual vein, and even destroy the entire Wuyu Tian, ​​even if there are ancient restrictions left by Fairy Wuyu outside...

Once the power of such a strong spiritual vein collides with it, not to mention that he can't stop it, even two quasi-sages may not be able to stop it, unless the power of this spiritual vein is divided into countless branches and goes out everywhere. Go, if they gather at one point, they will definitely break through all the spiritual veins under Wuyu Tian. If this is true, even if Wuyu Tian is finally saved, his vitality will be severely damaged, and his efforts over the years will be in vain. …

At this moment, Wuyu Tian saw the sea of ​​clouds surging, and the entire Wuyu Tian seemed to be trembling faintly. Yang Xiaoran had just sent back the spiritual message. At this time, Zi Yuan and Bai Luan were standing on a peak, staring at the north. The clouds were constantly billowing in the direction, and even though they were far apart, they could faintly feel the terrifying spiritual energy coming towards Wuyutian.

During the process of shifting, the spiritual veins will continue to gather the surrounding spiritual energy. By the time they reach the Desireless Heaven, they will be extremely strong and no one can stop them.

The disciples below gradually became a little panicked. They didn't know what was happening, but they could feel that there was a force that could destroy the heaven and the earth and was coming towards Wuyu Heaven!

"Sister, what should I do?"

Zi Yuan looked at Bai Luan beside her, her eyebrows furrowed. Now that Your Majesty and the others are not here, how can these people left behind by Wuyu Tian resist the power of spiritual veins coming from Zhongyue Peak? ?

And even if Your Majesty rushes back at this time, it will be too late. No matter how fast he is, he can't move faster than the spiritual veins...

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds that was surging more and more violently, Bai Luan also frowned. After thinking for a while, he said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty... there must be a way. Don't panic now, give the order immediately." People strengthen the defensive formations everywhere and don’t mess up.”

On the other side of the Secret Demon Cliff, Rui seemed to have sensed something. Thinking that a powerful enemy was approaching, he suddenly jumped out of the black pool. His eyes were filled with blood, and his whole body was filled with the aura of gods and demons. He looked extremely terrifying.

On the other side of Zhongyue Peak, the mysterious light was still soaring into the sky. The spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger. The expression on Xiao Chen's face was changing. What should I do now? How to make this spiritual vein change direction?

At present, this spiritual vein is not too strong, and it is not completely unstoppable, but if he wants to take it down, unless he has the power of the Holy Realm, it is almost impossible during the process of shifting the spiritual vein.

In the distance, Liu Xuanyin saw the uncertain expressions on the faces of him, Hua Weiyang and others at this moment, and immediately guessed something, he laughed loudly and said, "Your Majesty Wuyu, it seems that God has not blessed you today Wuyu, God, you have been wanton in these years. Seizing the power of spiritual veins, disregarding the world for one's own selfish desires, and destroying the spiritual power of mountains and rivers, what is this called now? This is called self-destruction, haha..."

Hearing what he said, the people nearby more or less immediately understood that this terrifying spiritual vein was probably going straight to Wuyu Tian.

"Oops, this spiritual pulse is heading towards senior brother's place..."

Far away from the Xuanqing Gate, Ruoshui finally showed a nervous look on his face, no longer as excited as when he came down just now, while Mei Jianyi and the others all had their eyebrows furrowed and remained silent.

On Wuyutian's side, Xiao Chen ignored Liu Xuanyin and still stared at the mysterious light rising into the sky from the mountain. He thought that the spiritual veins were not too strong here. Even if they could not change their direction, they might not be able to cut them off. Here, as long as the spiritual veins are cut off here, all problems will be solved.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and immediately looked at Yang Xiaoran and Mingyue Valley Master, with a solemn look on his face and said, "Mingyue, Yang Xiaoran, you take the palace master up immediately and order everyone to retreat ten miles away!"

"Your Majesty..."

Mingyue Valley Master's face was stunned, but Hua Weiyang guessed what he wanted to do at this moment, and his expression suddenly changed, "No, just in case..."

Yang Xiaoran also walked up, with a lot of cold sweat slowly oozing out on his face, and said in a daze, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, have you thought clearly? There are ancient restrictions outside Wuyu Tian. Even if this spiritual pulse passes, at most it will only be Breaking through the power of the spiritual veins gathered over the years, Wuyu Tian is high in the sky, there will not be much damage, but if you go to cut the spiritual veins now, just in case..."

"I've made up my mind, no need to say any more! Let's go!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed and he said no more. At this moment, he was determined to be alone. With a flick of his sleeves, he sent the three of them up there with a soft force.

"What does this kid want to do? Could it be..."

Seeing Xiao Chen's strange behavior at this moment, Liu Xuanyin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could it be... that he wanted to force the spiritual vein here to change its direction?

The next moment, before everyone could think about it carefully, a majestic sword energy suddenly enveloped the world. The sword on everyone's body, whether it was the sword hanging on the waist, the sword in the hand, or the sword under the feet. Stepping on the flying sword, at this moment, I couldn't help but tremble. This was... the sword energy of the Emperor in the world!

"It's... Di Gu!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and their eyes all fell on the sword that suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen's hand. They saw bursts of green light on the sword body, but there was a little blood red in the middle, and there was an aura that made Wan Jian surrender. Sword Qi, it turned out to be the Ancient Sword Emperor Gu! One of the six legendary ancient mysterious weapons!

"That kid...he wants to cut off the spiritual veins here!"

In the distance, Liu Xuanyin's expression changed, and he finally figured it out. This kid didn't want to force the spiritual veins to change direction, but wanted to cut off the spiritual veins here!

At this moment, he deliberately wanted to gather everyone to stop him, but time was short, the spiritual power in the mountain was too terrifying, and the boy's own strength was so terrifying. Even if more people were removed, how could he stop him?

At this moment, he could only watch helplessly, watching Xiao Chen fly up, his whole body covered with sword energy, like a human sword uniting into one, falling from the sky and slashing towards the mountain range.

He just hoped that it would be best for this kid to die down there. Even Xuanzu probably wouldn't dare to go down directly. What's more, this kid wants to cut off his spiritual veins. Even if he cuts off his spiritual veins, he will most likely die!


In the distance, Mei Jianyi's face had already changed color. She never expected that Xiao Chen would do such a terrible thing. Even if he cut off his spiritual veins, the power underneath was so terrifying that he would definitely die. hurt!

What's more, even if this earth spiritual vein is just a branch, no matter how small it is, it is just like the meridians and blood vessels in the human body. Once it is cut off, there is no guarantee that it will not cause more serious consequences!

But at this time, he actually ignored everything, regardless of the safety of the world, regardless of his own life. Why...why?

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