At this moment, everyone was motionless and focused on the scene at the bottom of the mountain. The dozen or so people from Wutian Temple outside also held their breaths. At this moment, they looked at the pile of rocks shrouded in smoke and dust, like Even the heartbeat almost stopped.

Finally, a strong wind blew, causing the smoke and dust in the sky to gradually dissipate. When they saw the scene inside, everyone was shocked and felt as if they had fallen into the ice abyss.

"Being an enemy of Wutian Palace? Why don't you two tell me what it means to be an enemy of Wutian Palace..."

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. He seemed to be a completely different person at this moment. With only his hands, he was able to withstand the swords of the two old men, Zi Qing. Such a terrifying power was particularly suffocating.


The old man in purple and the old man in green had both changed their colors. They never expected that the swords of the two brothers could be blocked so easily by the other party. Even at this moment, the purple and green swords no longer obeyed their orders. It kept shaking in mid-air and couldn't move.

"How is it possible? How could this boy's skill increase so much in a moment..."

The faces of the two people gradually became filled with horror. Before they could continue to use their skills, a terrifying force surged towards them.

At this moment, the two of them felt that their muscles and bones were about to break, and they could not even control the fairy sword in their hands. They both flew backwards, and a mouthful of blood gushed out when they landed on the ground. It was obvious that both of them suffered a heavy blow. of internal injuries.


The dozen or so people from Wutian Hall outside were even more shocked. They never expected that with the cultivation level of the two masters, they would be so seriously injured by that man. At this moment, they could only see that their faces were pale and their mouths were white. Blood kept pouring out of his body, and his eyes were full of horror.

"What's going on? His skill..."

On the mountain peak in the distance, people from various sects were already stunned. They couldn't imagine what they just saw. How could this person's skill increase so much in such a short period of time?

On the other side of Xuan Qingmen, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were also stunned, thinking that even if Yichen possessed the Three-Yuan Burning Heart Art, it would not be like this. What had happened to him? Why did he look like this at this time? ...some pain?


Xiao Chen's eyes were gradually turning blood red. His right hand was holding his left wrist tightly, but the wisp of black energy never dispersed. The three corpse demons awakened in his body and instantly transformed into thousands of strands. , directed towards his eight extraordinary meridians and hundreds of acupuncture points throughout his body, condensing an extremely powerful force.

Although his skill increased countless times in an instant, his mind gradually became confused, and the pain he endured was even more unbearable than a human could bear. His internal organs, limbs, and bones seemed to be crushed over and over again, and then again and again. Reshaping it all over again...

"Arou! Arou... no, no!"

"Brother Feng, protect our child, see you in the next life..."

"Arou, no!"


Xiao Chen raised his head and let out a long roar, and a black energy gradually rose from his body. His whole person seemed to be about to be transformed into a demon. His thoughts in his mind gradually became confused. Sometimes he saw the scenes repeated over and over again in the dream, and sometimes he saw the scene repeated over and over again in the dream. The scene during the Xuan Qingmen trial when everyone wanted to kill him and Wei Yang, and the terrifying scene when Master Feng Yin wanted to kill him during the Tianmen incident more than ten years ago.

"Kill...kill! Kill!"

His eyes turned blood red, and the murderous aura in his body suddenly increased countless times, turning into streaks of blood mist, wrapping around him. At this moment, he seemed to see the scene of corpses strewn all over the ancient village, as if he saw the river of blood in Ning Village. In the picture, he seemed to see A Niang covered in blood. The hatred and murderous spirit in his heart became more and more intense.


Wei Young was so frightened by the scene in front of her that her face turned pale. Just as she was about to go over, Shen Jing held her tightly, "Don't go over! The three corpse demons are controlling his mind, and today, it is his inner demons that have an attack. If If he cannot break through this layer of inner demons, he will inevitably become a demon and will eventually be controlled by the three corpse demons..."


Hua Weiyang stared blankly at the scene in the distance, her eyes gradually turning red from the wind. Only she understood, only she knew in her heart that at this moment, Xiao Chen was suffering more than anyone else.

The incidents one after another at that time greatly increased his anger, coupled with the gradual awakening of the Three Corpse Demons over the years, and the evil energy in the Emperor's Sword, they were eroding his character all the time.

But even so, he still doesn't want to be controlled by the inner demon, still doesn't want to sink into the sea of ​​demons, still doesn't want to fall into the devil's way, because in his heart, he always has his obsession...

I would rather endure all kinds of pain than let go of this obsession...


On Zixiao Peak, in the blue clouds, there was a faint sigh.


Xiao Chen let out a long roar again, and the clouds scattered for ten miles. At this moment, everyone in the distance was even more frightened. They could feel the terrifying power in Xiao Chen that was constantly increasing...

The old man in purple and green in Wutian Temple had already turned pale as paper. They had never thought that such a strange incident would suddenly occur today. The two looked at each other and seemed to have made up their mind at this moment. Taking advantage of this child's consciousness, Fuzzy, take him down!

Regardless of their injuries, the two of them moved and used the most powerful moves to attack Xiao Chen. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his blood-red eyes and struck out with a palm. His five fingers actually pierced the old man in purple. chest.


The old man in purple immediately let out a heartbreaking scream, and the old man in green changed his face and said, "Junior brother!" He wanted to come to the rescue, but before he could take action, Xiao Chen had already hit him with a palm, and with a "bang", he was immediately killed His internal organs were beaten to pieces, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became very scary. Looking at the old man in purple in front of him, his voice became low and cold, "Being an enemy of Wutian Palace? What does it mean to be an enemy of Wutian Palace? More than forty years ago, When Wutian Palace was chasing Xiao Zhufeng and the two of them, did they also say the same thing, don’t make enemies of Wutian Palace..."

"you you……"

At this moment, when he heard the words "Xiao Zhufeng", the old man in purple seemed to have thought of something, his face was even more frightened, blood kept flowing out of his mouth, and he said in a trembling voice, "Your surname is Xiao, but you are not, you are not from the Xiao family." ...Who are you..."

"You don't even know who I am, so you go out to die. You are even more stupid than the Beigong family..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were horrified. At the end of his words, he struck out with his palm. The old man in purple spurted out another mouthful of blood and flew backwards. The bloody wound on his chest was even more shocking!

"Junior brother..."

The old man in green's face turned pale. He didn't care about the pain on his body. He stretched out his hand to catch the old man in purple. He saw blood pouring out of the old man's mouth. At this moment, he even spoke intermittently, and it was very difficult. "Let's go, go quickly, he..." ...He is the bloodline left by Xiao Zhufeng back then. You and I were deceived by the Taiyin Division. That baby back then was not dead at all. Let’s go quickly..."

"Xiao Zhufeng..."

Hearing these three words, at this moment, the old man in green clothes seemed to have fallen into the abyss of endless cold. He only felt a chill covering his whole body. Without thinking, he rolled up his sleeves and took everyone to escape. Even if he today I will use all my blood energy to bring this matter back to Wutian Palace!

"Want to leave?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he raised his palm. At this moment, it seemed that even the void was imprisoned, and the leaves all over the sky were frozen in the air. The old man in green and the old man in purple were severely injured again, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. At the same time, he fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

On the mountain in the distance, everyone was stunned. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, who would have believed it?

On the side of Motian Sect, the eyes of the Motian Patriarch were slightly focused, not knowing what to think at this time, while Chu Yunshen stood beside him, his face still unchanged, while gently shaking the folding fan in his hand, he said calmly, "Look It seems that Ling Yin's apprentice is really not simple. Ling Yin should have known about it for a long time, right? But he still let him stay in Xuan Qing and accepted him as his apprentice. Ling Yin, I am really curious... What do you want to do? Or, what are you planning..."

"Senior brother..."

Far away at the Xuanqing Gate, Ruoshui stood motionless, staring blankly at the scene at the bottom of the mountain. The conversation between the old man in green and the old man in purple could not be heard from above.

The wind blew coldly, and suddenly, Xiao Chen let out a muffled groan in his throat, and saw the black air on his left wrist flickering. At this moment, he seemed to have regained some consciousness, and no longer hesitated. With his fingers together, he swiped hard on his left wrist, and the wisp of black energy was immediately suppressed.

The three corpse demons were suppressed by him, but what followed was a wave of weakness. His face turned pale and his feet were shaky. At this time, a figure suddenly appeared, but it was Hua Weiyang flying from above. He came down and supported him.


Xiao Chen's face was still a little pale. He looked at the people in Wutian Palace not far away and said, "These two people were severely injured by me just now. They won't be able to recover for a while. Let people take them back immediately. They are very important and must be taken with them." Go back without any mistakes..."


Hua Weiyang didn't say much, and immediately sent spiritual thoughts to Mingyue Valley Master and others, but just when Wuyutian and others were about to take action, suddenly, a mysterious and powerful aura came from nowhere. This made the people from all the sects present feel even more trembling.


At this moment, everyone seemed to be suffocated. Even the three demon leaders from the Demonic Sect, Xiaoyao Tower, and Baiyun Pavilion had serious expressions on their faces at this moment.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really interesting..."

Just when everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, suddenly, a gloomy man's voice sounded from nowhere. Everyone was shocked, and saw that the void seemed to be suddenly torn apart, and then something came out from inside. A figure!


Everyone's minds were shaken and the void was torn apart! Could it be that he is a quasi-saint level expert! How can this be……


I saw the man slowly stepping out of the void, wearing a black robe and a robe on his head, but his appearance was invisible.

"Tai...Lord Taiyinsi!"

On the ground, the old man in green and the old man in purple were both shocked. It was Taiyin Si who came out in person. No, the one in front of him was just a clone. Taiyin Si himself could not come outside at this time.

"You two are really useless. I just asked you to come out to catch someone. I didn't expect that in the end, I would have to take action myself..."

The man in black robes said slowly as he floated down here. The two of them immediately felt their breaths suffocate. The old man in green robes trembled and said, "Master Taiyin Division, that, that person, he... he is... "

"Shh... It's good to know. There are so many people here, so there's no need to say it..."

The man in black robe smiled sinisterly and walked closer and closer. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "So, are you going to go with me personally, or do you want me to kill everyone here?" Then take their souls away together..."

At this moment, Xue Yizi, Jiu Ming Ancestor and others behind felt suffocated. This man... had such a strong aura!

The atmosphere suddenly became very cold, but at this tense moment, a drunken old man's voice suddenly sounded from somewhere, "People from the Lingxu Realm, it seems... you shouldn't come outside at this time."

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