"Taiyin Division..."

The people in the Taiyin Palace in the distance were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Before they could react, Hua Weiyang rushed to the Taiyin Division again, and struck out fiercely and mercilessly. After a few "bang bang bang" sounds, the Taiyin Division was shocked to the point of vomiting blood. Not only that, the whole person flew out towards Zhaotian Cliff.

"So strong..."

Over at the Taiyin Palace, several old men were shocked. They did not expect that the Taiyin Division, which had improved its skills, could not resist this woman. It was too scary...

"Suffer death!"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, and rays of light flew up from his body. He concentrated all his strength on his fingertips and pointed a finger at the center of the Taiyin Division's eyebrows. If this finger hit, even if it still couldn't kill a quasi-sage, it would still be able to severely damage his vitality. god!

Seeing the fierceness of the other party's attack this time, Taiyin Division's expression suddenly changed. In a hurry, he only gathered 30% of his true energy and formed a true essence shield in front of him. With a "bang", the true essence shield was instantly broken. Hua Weiyang That finger was still fierce.

In a panic, Taiyin Si hurriedly raised his palms to resist, only to feel the strong wind coming, making it difficult to breathe!

There was a "bang", and although the finger failed to touch the center of his eyebrows, it did touch his chest. He saw a "poof" of blood spurting out, and his whole body was even more powerless towards Zhaotian Cliff. It flew outside.

"Lord Taiyin Secretary!"

Hundreds of people from Taiyin Temple rushed up from behind. This time they saw Taiyin Division covered in blood. Everyone turned pale with fear. This time Taiyin Division and his soul were also damaged. Could it be that today... he could not escape death!

Everyone was shocked to see Hua Weiyang, who was cold and ruthless, with eyes as cold as frost, and was about to attack again. Taiyin Division was seriously injured, and it was impossible to withstand the opponent's attack this time no matter what!

At this critical moment, his thoughts changed, a cold look appeared in his eyes, and he shouted, "Go against heaven - take your life!"

At this moment, countless rays of blood were seen flying from his body and wrapping around the people behind him. In an instant, only screams could be heard.


"Taiyin Division...don't do it!"


"No...Taiyin Division...spare my life! Ah——"

In just a short moment, those hundreds of people were turned into withered bones. Whether it was blood, soul, or cultivation, they were all absorbed by the Taiyin Division using weird magic.

Outside Zhaotian Cliff, those who survived the Taiyin Palace were stunned. Even a few old men were so frightened that their faces turned pale. At this time, the Taiyin Division was covered in blood mist, and even his eyes became blood red. Not only were they injured just now, They have all recovered, and even their skills have improved a lot.


I saw that Taiyin Division's eyes were blood red. At this moment, he was like a demon, and his body was covered in blood mist. In the blood mist, it seemed that he could still see the twisted faces of those who had just died tragically. It was really terrifying.

"You are worthy of being the master of a palace."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold and stern, and he attacked again in an instant. The Taiyin Division smiled coldly, "You ants, how do you know the path of the strong? Those people just resisted the punishment of heaven for you, but I just used the people behind me to recover from their injuries. In the final analysis, we all gain strength through their death. If so, what difference does it make between us? It’s useless to say more... Those who oppose me will be destroyed!”

Just as the shouts ended, Taiyin Si transformed into a streak of blood. This time, instead of avoiding Hua Weiyang's attack, he straightened up his front. With a "boom", the two of them collided with each other, and it was as if a huge wave was stirred up from the ground. The violent waves caused the heaven and earth to tremble immediately!

The fierce battle resumed. Hua Weiyang's steps were nimble and her body was like a dragon. Between the virtual and the real, the offensive was coming like rain. The jade pity flower beside her also bloomed with light, and she could control it as she pleased.

Looking at the Taiyin Division again, there is murderous intent hidden in the blood mist, and there is no sympathy or sympathy in the eyes. Every move and every move is directed towards Hua Weiyang's life gate.

In an instant, the two of them were fighting extremely hard, the wind was howling, and no one dared to get close to the attack range of the two, otherwise they would be destroyed physically and mentally in an instant. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

At this time, in the distance, Madam Xianshu, the Master of Four Valleys, and others were all injured. Under the punishment just now, many disciples had their bodies destroyed, and their souls were floating in the void, unknown. Wherever they were going, some dispersed in all directions, and some drifted unconsciously towards the forbidden land of Hidden Cloud Sea...

After half a stick of incense, the fighting spirit was still undiminished. On the other side of Wuyu Peak, the wind and clouds suddenly turned, and then the clouds opened and the mist dispersed, followed by the sudden appearance of immortal lights.

The colorful rays of light seemed to come from the ethereal world, which was surprising and awe-inspiring at the same time.


The Taiyin Division secretly thought that something was not right. At this moment, he seemed to have felt the aura of a strong man coming from the Wuyu Palace. If the boy in the palace succeeded in breaking through, plus the foreign woman in front of him, he would have to die here today. no……

At this time, he had already thought of something, and immediately sent a spiritual message behind him, "Everyone, attack that mountain peak immediately!"

That peak was the Wuyu Peak. Everyone in the Taiyin Palace looked over there and shuddered. At this time, the restrictions on the mountain were so heavy. They didn't have the cultivation level of a quasi-sage. Plus, there was the strange The dragon is guarding the mountain. If he rushes over like this, is it any different from dying?

"Today's life and death are on the line, so hurry up and go!"

Seeing that everyone was doing nothing, the Taiyin Division sent another spiritual thought. This time, everyone ignored it, picked up their magic weapons and rushed towards Wuyu Peak.

The disciples of Wuyu Tian were seriously injured today. When they saw those people from Taiyin Palace rushing towards them, they could only sacrifice their magic weapons to resist. But just now, many people were injured under the punishment that day. How could they resist now? Those masters who can live in the Taiyin Palace?

Soon, the whole Wuyu Peak was filled with the sound of killing, and the blood mist filled the air. Many disciples of Wuyu Tian fell in the blood, but they still held the fairy sword tightly in their hands, but in the end they lost it. Awareness.

This battle was fought in darkness, and the entire Wuyu Heaven was filled with blood mist. There were countless casualties... but no one noticed that the blood mist finally gathered towards the Hidden Cloud Sea.

"Hey, if you keep fighting, all your people will be dead..."

Taiyin Division sneered again and again. Just now he asked the people behind to attack Wuyu Peak, not really intending to break the restrictions of Wuyu Peak with those people, but to stain Wuyu Heaven with blood and disturb Hua Weiyang's mind.

With Hua Weiyang's mind, she couldn't understand what he was thinking. She didn't say anything at this time. The snow in her hands was as clear as lightning, and layers of frost and cold air enveloped it in an instant.

The two fought for a while, but there was still no winner. No matter how fierce Hua Weiyang's attack was, Taiyin Division always responded calmly.


There was another sharp sound, and Hua Weiyang came with a sharp sword. However, he saw Taiyin Si kicking his feet and flying into the sky. Instead of using his sharp edge, he focused on a line of mysterious force, which turned into a hundred feet of blood and headed towards Wuyu Palace. Beaten inside.


Hua Weiyang immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. Those in the Taiyin Palace could not break through the many restrictions on Wuyu Peak, but with this person's behavior, the power of this finger would definitely be able to penetrate the restrictions. If it hit Xiao Chen, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, a soul power came from afar, and with a "bang" sound, it blocked the Taiyin Division's finger power. There was no doubt that the person who took action was Ku Lingzi.

"Old guy, if you can't protect yourself, do you still have the mind to care about others? What? You are protecting this kid like this today, are you hoping that he can come to save you? Haha... naive."

Zhenjun Xuanxiao sneered again and again on his face, and his attacks became more fierce, and he also knew very well that the Taiyin Division would probably not be able to capture that boy today. Once the boy breaks through the cultivation level, it would be difficult to capture this old thief. It's not an easy task anymore, so no matter what, he has to hurry up before that kid breaks through in cultivation...

The two sides fought for another moment, and Taiyin Division's short-term improvement in skill finally gradually faded away, while Hua Weiyang's strength also weakened layer by layer.

Looking at the whole situation, it seems that only on the Zhaotian Cliff side, True Lord Xuanxiao and Ku Lingzi are still fighting in the dark, with neither side deciding the outcome. From this point of view, it is True Lord Xuanxiao who seems to have become today's leader. The big winner in the end.

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed and she stared coldly at True Lord Xuanxiao in the distance. She knew what this person wanted to do, but she could never let him succeed. With a thought in her mind, she quickly activated the power of the You clan in her body, and her finger power instantly transformed into A flash of dim light and a "whoosh" sound struck towards True Lord Xuanxiao.

Zhenjun Xuanxiao was plotting against Ku Lingzi at this time. Unexpectedly, a finger force would suddenly hit him from a distance. By the time he reacted, it was too late to dodge. With a "bang" sound, the finger force hit him. The force actually pierced his chest directly, bringing out a long string of blood flowers that splashed in the air.


Zhenjun Xuanxiao's face suddenly turned pale. Even though what came today was just one of his clones, the weight of this finger was enough to damage his original soul, which was a hundred thousand miles away.

"What a powerful woman from the You tribe..." Zhenjun Xuanxiao immediately stabilized his breath, quickly took out two black pills from his sleeves, and put them into his mouth.

Taking this opportunity, Ku Lingzi's soul power was shaken, and he used the "Reincarnation Forbidden" at once. The sky was suddenly shrouded in black mist, as if there was a dark force from ancient times, and it instantly attacked Zhenjun Xuanxiao. It enveloped everyone, and everyone felt suffocated. This time, he couldn't even think of escaping!


However, a sly smile suddenly flashed across True Lord Xuanxiao's face. The next moment, he quickly pulled out a magic weapon shrouded in blood mist from his sleeves. However, he saw the magic weapon growing in the wind and making a hunting sound. It was actually a soul flag wrapped in blood mist.

As the soul flag was sacrificed, mist suddenly filled the air in all directions, and bursts of painful and shrill sounds continued to be heard from the soul flag. Then, countless human faces appeared in the blood mist. Those people The face may be one of fear, anger, or a shrill scream...

But without exception, these are not the souls of cultivators, but the souls of mortals!

Ku Lingzi's expression suddenly changed. With his reincarnation ban, those mortal souls, no matter how they could withstand it, most of them were wiped out in an instant. Even those who were left were crying and howling sadly. It was shocking to hear. While my scalp was numb, I also felt pity.

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