The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 890 Qinling Mountains

"Oh? Tell me..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, as if staring from the abyss of death. From his eyes, Taiyin Si couldn't see any chance of survival. His face was pale and he said, "It was Lian Zhensi who came to tell me that night. He said that the three Supreme Masters were here." When they were enlightened, they saw a terrible dream at the same time, which caused the three real people to be confused on the spot, and even their cultivation level regressed a level. This nightmare is related to you, and it is precisely because of this that I came to Wuyu Tian..."

"That's why you came to Wuyutian and wanted to kill me. As long as you kill me, everything those three people saw in their dreams will not come true, right..."

Xiao Chen spoke expressionlessly, as if even his voice came from the abyss without any emotion. Taiyin Si trembled all over and said with a pale face, "Yes, yes, that's it..."

"Three people saw the same dream at the same time, interesting..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. At this moment, he gradually fell into deep thought. When he was very young, he often dreamed of the same dream. In the dream, he saw rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. The whole world seemed to be destroyed, and He became another person, the one who has now grown up, with his hands stained with blood...

Seeing that he was distracted at this time, Taiyin Division seized this fleeting opportunity, jumped up, and slapped his head with a palm.

The wind in this palm was fierce, and the heavy Yin Qi suddenly turned into thousands of sharp blades, attacking Xiao Chen directly. But at this moment, Xiao Chen immediately came back to his senses, raised his palms, and made a "boom" , withstood the palm of Taiyin Division.

"I gave you a chance to live, but you... don't know how to cherish it. A person who doesn't know how to cherish life will often not even be favored by God..." ✧

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. The moment he finished speaking, the entire ruined Taiyin Palace shook. The rubble on the ground began to tremble, the stone bricks on the wall began to fall off, and cracks gradually appeared on the ground. A terrifying force, They spread out with him as the center...


When he saw the cyan ancient sword that suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, at this moment, Taiyin Division finally gave up, turned around and flew towards the sky without thinking.

"Can you escape..."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold. Just when the Taiyin Division turned around and fled, the Emperor's Sword had already slashed out with one strike. The Baizhang Sword Qi suddenly turned into a dazzling green light. In the green light, there was a little blood red, like tearing. Like cracking the void, it slashed straight at the back of Taiyin Division!

Over the years, he has not easily used the power of Emperor Gu, because every time he uses the power of Emperor Gu, his soul will be hurt once, and if he uses the power of Emperor Gu, then he will definitely not let the other party escape.


There was a sharp sound in the air, and Taiyin Si finally failed to escape. His body was shattered by Emperor Gu's sword energy in an instant and turned into a blood mist. However, it was obvious that this was just his golden cicada's escape technique, and his real soul was still there. At this moment, he separated from his body and flew towards Guiyin Mountain.

Cultivators will inevitably encounter danger. Giving up the physical body and using the soul to escape is also a way to save life. Unfortunately, if you meet someone who is proficient in the art of confining the soul, you may not even be able to escape. There is no escape.


Xiao Chen had already expected that Taiyin Division would give up his body. At the moment when his body was shattered, he had already used the Soul Confinement Technique passed down to him by Ku Lingzi. Eight black chains suddenly appeared behind him, and in an instant, they shot towards Taiyin Division's soul. Got entangled.


Taiyin Si let out a scream, still unable to escape the confinement of the Soul Confinement Technique. At this moment, he threw out the last ghost talisman, "Master! Save me——"

Before he finished speaking, the eight chains that had imprisoned his soul were annihilated from the void, leaving only the ghost talisman that turned into ashes in mid-air.

The entire Taiyin Mountain gradually returned to calm. Only the night wind blew by, sending out bursts of chill. Some disciples of the Taiyin Palace were hiding in the dark, shivering and not daring to make a sound, even if they just watched the Taiyin Division helplessly. Their souls were imprisoned by Xiao Chen, and they didn't even dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty."

At this time, Bai Luan, Zi Yuan and others came over. Bai Luan asked, "This person from the Taiyin Division has been captured. What is your next plan?"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly. Just now he did not hesitate to use Emperor Gu and the Reincarnation Ban to deal with Taiyin Division, because he knew in his heart that this person was always a variable.

If it was just below the quasi-sage, he didn't need to be afraid, but if it was a quasi-sage, it would be different. He had to be afraid of someone who might become a powerful person in the holy realm in the future.

What's more, Taiyin Si has always had plans for him. If he doesn't take advantage of the opponent's injury this time and wants to take his life again in the future, it will probably be much more difficult.

At this moment, Xiao Chen took a few steps forward and observed the layout of the mountain attentively. Taiyin Mountain is located in the land of Xuanyin. Although the Yin energy in the whole mountain is heavy, there is a spiritual power under the mountain. It was just suppressed by a formation.

"There is a spiritual power under this mountain. Break the formation here, draw out the spiritual power, and then bring it back."

"What about you, Your Majesty?"

Bai Luan walked up. She was actually a little worried about Xiao Chen. After all, this was the Lingxu Realm. Unlike outside, the influence of Wutian Palace was too large, not to mention that there was a Beigong clan peeping here.

"I'm going to a place, you don't have to worry, just bring the power of the spiritual veins back."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he walked to the edge of a cliff, then turned back and said, "If Weiyang asks, just say that I will go back soon so that she doesn't have to worry."

"Your careful with everything." Bai Luan frowned slightly and said in a low voice.


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, said no more, walked a little farther away, and disappeared under the night in the blink of an eye. At this time, in Guiyin Mountain, he saw a figure standing on the edge of a cliff. That person was exactly Taiyin Division’s master, Guiyin Patriarch.

"Impermanence, after all, you still failed to escape this disaster..."

Ancestor Guiyin looked in the direction of Taiyin Palace and sighed. In the end, his eyes gradually became calm again, "But your soul... I will definitely save you as a master."

Three days later, Xiao Chen's destruction of the Taiyin Hall caused an uproar in the Lingxu Realm. After all, the Taiyin Hall was one of the seven halls of the Wutian Hall, and the master of the hall also had a quasi-sage cultivation. How could he not be destroyed overnight? Are all the forces in the Lingxu Realm shocked?

In the past few days, there has been a lot of rumors about Xiao Chen. From the beginning of the riot in Wushuang City, to later in Luofengzhuang, if these two things were seen by some old monsters in the Lingxu Realm at that time, maybe It's just that the young man didn't know the heights of the world and made small fuss. But this time he killed the Taiyin Division and destroyed the entire Taiyin Palace. Even the old monsters in the Lingxu Realm were shocked.

To destroy the Taiyin Palace, you need not only cultivation, but also courage. The Taiyin Palace is one of the seven halls of the Wutian Palace. There are three strong men in the Holy Realm sitting in the Wutian Palace. Who has the guts to attack Wutian Palace? Heavenly Palace?

Even the original forces in the Lingxu Realm are mostly on the same level as Wutian Palace. No one would provoke such a powerful and mysterious force for no reason...

Rumors about Xiao Chen have been flying all over the sky these days. Some people say that he is the bloodline left by Xiao Zhufeng, others say that he is a genius secretly cultivated by the Xiao family, and some even say that he is Xiao Zhufeng. Feng, now after more than forty years, has come back to take revenge...

In short, all kinds of rumors about Xiao Chen have been very popular these days. Many cultivating families and elders of various sects have even strictly warned their disciples that they must not provoke this person under any circumstances.

Regardless of the rumors outside, on this day, Xiao Chen had arrived in the Qinling Mountains, which is an endless stretch of snow-capped mountains. As for where the Qin family is, with his current consciousness, it is not difficult to find it.

The reason why he came to Qinling was to inquire about Xiao Zhufeng, who was chased by Taihuazi. That was what happened later, but what happened before? Besides the so-called Ten Saints, who else...

The wind was biting and the cold was biting. Xiao Chen walked on the snow-capped mountains, leaving a series of long footprints in the snow behind him. But before long, those deep and shallow footprints would be covered by the wind and snow again. buried.

At this moment, looking at the flying snowflakes in the sky, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that there was an indescribable sadness in the world. Did his father and mother in the past also carry him on their backs across the vast snow-capped mountains...

Now he is certain that Xiao Zhufeng and Su Rou are his biological father and mother. One is a person who was expelled by the Xiao family, and the other is the daughter of the Su family...

When he was young, in Ningcun, he always wondered who his biological parents were, and who could be so cruel to abandon him when he was just born. He even hated it, but Now, how can he hate...

His footsteps became heavier and heavier, and he didn't know how long he had been walking. His hair and shoulders were covered with a layer of snowflakes.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just when he was in a trance, several golden feather arrows suddenly shot out from nowhere. The arrows were very fast and the arrows were unusual. Xiao Chen felt the danger at this moment, and suddenly raised his head, and his feet instantly spread out. Ling Xian stepped and avoided the incoming arrows.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

However, just after he dodged the arrows, several more arrows were shot in the wind and snow. The cold light on the arrows was dazzling. They were obviously shot from a peerless divine bow. Xiao Chen leaned back and raised his hand. He stretched out his hand, grabbed two feathered arrows, and shouted coldly, "He Fang Xiaoxiao, you hurt people with hidden arrows, come out!"

After drinking, he flicked his sleeves in the direction of the arrow, and a majestic force surged out, immediately shaking away the ice and snow along the way. In the end, he saw more than a dozen figures flying behind a snow hill. come out.

But look at the leader, she is actually a very beautiful young woman, wearing a red mink coat, like a flame in the snow, but her two cold eyes at this moment are It's even colder than the snow and wind in the sky, making you feel like you've fallen into an ice abyss.

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