The hall slowly became quiet. Xiao Chen listened to what Qin Guan said just now, such as the natural phenomena, the cold night and day, these seemed to only exist in legends...

After a long time, he asked again, "Then... where is my father? Where are those people outside?"

Qin Guan took a deep breath, and the shock in his eyes gradually calmed down, but it was replaced by a kind of doubt. He only heard him say, "When that white light appears in the sky, no one can I don’t know what happened outside. Finally, Daxia Xiao came back. He was seriously injured. As for the few people outside, when I went to see them the next day, they were all dead. They died very bizarrely, like In an instant, his life was taken away, but there were no fatal injuries on his body..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression condensed, "My life was taken away in an instant, and there were no fatal injuries on my body..."


Qin Dian nodded, and let out a long sigh. His eyes gradually shifted from him to the table and chairs next to him. He shook his head and said, "In the end, I didn't ask how those people died, but thinking about it... they didn't die from Daxia Xiao." It looked more like they died under that white light, because there was no fatal injury found on their bodies..."

At this moment, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became more solemn. These sounded like the stories of ghosts and gods. Those people did not die at the hands of their father, and there was no one else outside Luoxue Villa who died under the vision. , this seems to sound the most reasonable, but many things often appear to be reasonable, but they are layered with weirdness.


Guan Qin let out a long sigh and continued, "The next day, after disposing of the corpses, Master Xiao will leave. But at that time, Mrs. Xiao had just given birth to you, and she was weak at that time. How could she continue to be bumpy, but Master Xiao I insisted on leaving, probably because I was afraid of implicating Luoxue Villa. Not long after Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao took you away, I received news that something happened to Mr. Xiao at the Hill of Fantasy Ruins... From then on, There is no more news about Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao in this world..."

"I see……"

After listening, Xiao Chen closed his eyes deeply, and the scene in his mind was still in the dream, two figures who were trying their best to protect themselves... and trying their best to protect themselves.

Suddenly, a burst of sadness surged into my heart. We have never met each other, so we are already separated by yin and yang?

Seeing his painful expression at this time, Mrs. Qin walked to his side with crutches and gently pulled his arm, "My child, don't feel bad. Maybe, maybe it's not like the rumors, maybe Daxia Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, they They just found a place to hide. After all, at that time, Wutian Palace and several aristocratic families could not accommodate them..."

"There is no room for them..."

Xiao Chen sneered and opened his eyes. At this moment, a terrifying cold light flashed in his eyes.

When he saw this hidden anger, Qin Guan's face couldn't help but change slightly. Now that his moral practice was not shallow, he naturally noticed the fleeting hatred and anger in Xiao Chen's eyes. He couldn't help but feel startled. Unexpectedly, This child has actually planted such a heavy inner demon. No wonder he felt a chill from the moment he came in. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will inevitably be a disaster one day...

This is the only thing that is completely different from Xiao Zhufeng back then. Although Xiao Zhufeng was young back then, he was already an upright and bloody man with a free spirit. He was definitely not like what the outside world said, like falling into the devil's way and fighting with monsters. Be in company...

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and asked, "I just heard Master Qin say that my father is qualified to go to the Ancient Immortal World. What does this mean?"

After hearing him ask about the "Ancient Immortal World", Qin Guan slowly looked outside. At this moment, the longing of his youth seemed to flash through his eyes.

Just listen to him saying slowly, "In the past, there was a catastrophe of annihilation in this world. Today's 'Ancient Immortal Realm' is actually the broken fragments of a certain fairyland in ancient times, left to the human world, even though they are just fragments of the fairyland. But it is also vast inside, and the aura of the fairy world in it is even more extraordinary than that of ordinary places on earth. However, it is not easy to open this ancient fairy world, so not many people can enter the ancient fairy world every time..."

When he said this, he paused and continued, "Back then, Daxia Xiao was a once-in-a-thousand-year-old prodigy of the Xiao family. At such a young age, he had discovered the cultivation level of a quasi-sage and was one of the ten saints. You must know that the ten saints Although he has not yet become a saint, he is the strongest being among quasi-sages. If he becomes a saint in the future, it will be even more extraordinary..."


At this point, Qin Guan sighed again and said, "Xiao Daxia has obtained the qualification to enter the ancient immortal world. Coupled with his peerless fortune, his future will be limitless in the future. Becoming an immortal or a saint is just a thought." It was only a matter of time, but not long after that, news came out that the Xiao family had expelled him, and even the Ten Saints had removed him. This incident caused quite a disturbance at the time..."


At this moment, recalling the past events, Qin Guan just shook his head and sighed, "Tell me, this is so good, why did something like this happen..."

Xiao Chen said, "Father is a person who values ​​​​love and justice. If he knew that his mother was pregnant, unless he could take her with him into the Ancient Immortal World, he would not go to the Ancient Immortal World alone no matter what, even if he became a saint. He will also give up..."


Qin Guan kept nodding his head as he listened, and said, "I found out later that it was actually rumored that Daxia Xiao stole a place in the Ancient Immortal World and killed someone for your mother. This incident made a big fuss. In the end, Daxia Xiao's place was revoked by Wutian Palace. The name of the Ten Saints was also crossed out, and in the end, even the Xiao family expelled him from the door..."

"Father was framed."

Xiao Chen said these words with a calm look in his eyes.

Qin Guan nodded solemnly again, "Yes! Others may not know what kind of person Xiao Daxia is, but I, Qin, understand that Daxia Xiao has been upright and upright in his life. Even if he wants a place in the immortal world, he must get it based on his true ability, not He knows how to steal, let alone kill for it..."

"If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother..."

Xiao Chen's voice became a little low, and he suddenly remembered what Guan Zhen said when he was under Wushuang City. At that time, both the Xiao family and the Su family had ancestral traditions, and the two families were not allowed to marry for generations. What was going on? It's really hard to tell.


Guan Qin let out a long sigh. After a while, he raised his head again and looked at him nervously. "By the way, by the way, have you ever been back to the Xiao family in these years?"

"Go back to Xiao's house?"

Xiao Chen smiled coldly, "I was born to my parents, saved by my master, and raised by my mother... Do I have anything to do with the Xiao family?"

Hearing this, Qin Guan and his wife were both stunned. Originally, they were still thinking that no matter what happened to Xiao Zhufeng back then, this child was a bloodline of the Xiao family after all. They hoped that the Xiao family could recognize him and protect him from the lawlessness. The murderous hand of the palace, but I didn't expect that this child would be as stubborn as his father back then...


Qin Guan kept nodding. It was obvious that he had learned a little bit about the outside world these days, and he also knew that Wutian Palace would definitely hunt down this child.

Originally, what he wanted in his heart was to hope that Xiao Chen could return to the Xiao family. In any case, the Xiao family is one of the six aristocratic families, and has now left Wutian Palace. No matter how powerful Wutian Palace is, it is impossible to force him from the Xiao family. He took the person away, but he didn't expect that this child would be so strong-willed, just like Xiao Zhufeng back then. If Zhufengquan knew someone, he would be relieved...

But in this case, he alone will inevitably be hunted down by Wutian Temple again. Isn't what happened back then depressing enough, will it happen again to him now?

Thinking of this, Qin Guan became worried. Back then, Xiao Zhufeng had a favor to save the entire Qin family. Otherwise, the Qin family would have been gone. Now that Xiao Zhufeng has passed away, can't even the only bloodline he left behind be able to protect each other? ? Qin has so much cultivation, but what face does he have in heaven and earth...

"Alas! Alas! Alas!"

At this moment, Qin Guan looked miserable, stamping his feet and sighing three times in succession. Xiao Chen knew that he was miserable in his heart, but it was difficult to express the pain. He said, "Mr. Qin, you don't have to be like this. If it's outside, Wutian Palace wants to deal with it." There is no possibility for me. Even in the Lingxu Realm, it is not easy for them to catch me."

Hearing what he said, Qin Guan finally felt better, but then he thought about what happened back then and was filled with doubts. He sighed, "What happened back then is complicated and confusing. I don't think things are that simple. No matter what, Mr. Xiao, you must be careful." Now, just be afraid, there is someone secretly..."

Just before he finished speaking, there was a sudden shock outside, and then a fierce force rushed in. Qin Guan's face changed slightly, "Someone is breaking the formation outside!" "

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