The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 897 Poisonous Scorpion

At this moment, everyone in Luoxue Villa was on alert, and the defensive formations everywhere were faintly emitting spiritual light. In the northwest direction, clouds suddenly surged, followed closely by a compelling aura. Approaching!


Qin Yue's expression also changed, and she hurriedly shouted to Qin Yao outside, "Little sister! Come back quickly!"

"oh oh……"

Qin Yao didn't know how serious the matter was. She didn't know how scary the people who came back were. They were still on the island outside. It wasn't until she heard her elder brother's call that she deployed her body skills and flew back to the village.

"Little sister, go back quickly."

Qin Lian hurriedly protected Qin Yao behind him. Although she was not much older than Qin Yao, she was well versed in the world and knew that Xia Houjie was the most protective. If anyone dared to hurt his precious disciple, the sky would probably fall.

"What's the matter……"

Qin Yao still looked confused. Mrs. Qin held up her cane, glanced in the direction of the surging clouds, and coldly snorted, "Yao'er! Come to me, I want to see who can hurt you today!"

"oh oh……"

Qin Yao hid behind her grandmother as she was told, and only stuck her head out to look to the northwest. Even though her cultivation level was not as good as most people here, she could still feel the terrifying aura at this time, thinking that it was really the legendary ability that could An old monster from the snowy land who can compete with Poison Saint Zang Fengyun...

At this time, outside, the expressions of several people from Qinling's forces became extremely solemn. Although Qinling is the boundary between the two domains and cuts off the communication between the two domains, it is still the boundary of Yuding after all.

Normally, people from the Snowy Region should not come to the Yu Realm, but the opponent was Xiahou Jie, and they did not dare to say anything. In terms of cultivation, even if they were all put together, they could not defeat Xiahou Jie alone.

"It's Master, Master is here..."

Xia Houyu's face was pale, and blood was still flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He looked in the direction of the surging clouds. Finally, a black spot appeared in the clouds. The black spot got closer and closer, and finally turned into a human figure.

When he got closer, he saw that the man was wearing a purple-black robe with poisonous scorpion marks on the skirt and sleeves. He also wore a robe and hat on his head, but it did not completely cover his face. You can see that cold and pale face.

In his hand, he held a purple-black poisonous scorpion staff, with purple-black poisonous gas faintly emerging from the staff. This person was none other than Xia Houyu's master, Xia Houjie, the Qi who was frightened by everyone inside and outside the snowy region. The master of Xia Tang Poison Scorpion Hall is known as "Poisonous Scorpion".

"Teacher...Master...Disciple, pay homage to Master..."

Xia Houyu looked pale and was about to bow down to Xia Houjie. In an instant, Xiahou Jie was in front of him, held him up, fed him a pill into his mouth, and then touched several places on his body. The last ray of true energy was injected into the acupuncture points to restore his injuries.

After everything was done, Xia Houjie stood up slowly and looked towards Luoxue Villa. At this moment, everyone shuddered. Even though they were far apart, they could still see the frost-covered face under his robe. On his face, you can also feel the cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"Where is the person who hurt my disciple..."

A cold voice came out from under the robe, as if it was even colder than the everlasting ice and snow in the Qinling Mountains. Everyone couldn't help but shudder. As expected, the old monster Xiahou Jie was the most protective. As his disciple, he doesn't care whether his disciple is wrong or not.

The wind blew coldly through the villa, making people feel an incomparable chill. No one spoke, but at this time it was obvious that Qin Guan's face was much more nervous than before, and Mrs. Qin also protected Qin Yao behind her. , not letting her come out.

"I ask again, where is the person who hurt my disciple?"

Xiahou Jie struck the ground with his poisonous scorpion staff, causing a storm of snow all over the sky. At this moment, the chill that seeped from his body became even stronger, making everyone shiver, but no one dared to stand up. Qin Yao was used to making noises when talking, but at this time she was hiding behind her grandmother, not daring to say anything.

"During a competition, injuries are inevitable. Why is Senior Xiahou so angry..."

Just when everyone was silent, Xiao Chen stepped forward, his white hair flying in the wind, just like the snow in the sky. At this moment, everyone's body could not help but tremble slightly. one time.

"Oh? I don't know what to call this little friend..."

At this moment, the coldness on Xia Houjie's body became even stronger, and two scorpion-like eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Even those who were not near Xiao Chen felt their hearts tremble.

But at this time, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and everyone looked at him nervously, especially the people of the Qin family, wondering what he was going to say.

Qin Guan's face also became more nervous. Although he knew that Xiao Chen was the successor to Xiao Zhufeng and was very capable, but this Xia Houjie was even more powerful. Even he had less than a 30% chance of winning. …

At this time, several people from the Qinling forces outside also felt suffocated. They recalled what Xiahou Jie said just now. There are masters here today. Could it be that the master he was referring to was actually this white-haired young man? Where did this young man come from? Even when faced with a terrifying person like Xia Houjie, he remained so calm...

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and they heard him say lightly, "I'm not talented, my surname is Xiao..."

"The surname is Xiao..."

As soon as these two words came out, both the people in Luoxue Villa and the people from the outside forces were startled at this moment. Especially the people from the outside forces had a look of surprise on their faces. Could it be that he is from the Xiao family...

The six major clans in the Lingxu Realm are already mysterious and unpredictable. Xiao Zhufeng's incident that year cast a veil of mystery over the Xiao family. In addition, there has been no news related to the Xiao family in recent years. The outside world has no confidence in the Xiao family. He kept making speculations, and could it be that this young man today is actually a member of the Xiao family...

At this moment, two strange eyes appeared under Xia Houjie's battle robe. For a moment, the atmosphere became more solid. He could only hear him saying gloomily, "A member of the Xiao family, are you..."

Qin Lian, Qin Yue and others also held their breath at this time. This man is from the Xiao family. It is said that more than forty years ago, could it be...

"No...don't get me wrong."

While everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, Xiao Chen said calmly, "The word Xiao was chosen by the master back then and has nothing to do with the Xiao family..."

Hearing what he said, the tense atmosphere relaxed. Everyone's face looked uncertain. Could it be that he was not from the Xiao family?

Although the surname is Xiao, there are so many people surnamed Xiao in the world, and not all of them may be from the Xiao family. This is not surprising. Besides, he said that his name is his master. Taken, then he should have nothing to do with the Xiao family?

Xia Houjie's eyes were still cold and sharp, and his voice was still gloomy. "I don't care who you are or who is behind you, but I would like to advise you to take care of everything..." …”

Xiao Chen stopped talking, and the atmosphere that had just relaxed became solidified at this moment with Xia Houjie's cold and gloomy eyes.

He looked towards Qin Guan and said coldly, "Three years ago, in the border area, your Qin family had an agreement with me at the Poisonous Scorpion Hall. Could it be that today... is the Qin family leader planning to break the agreement?" "

Hearing this, Qin Guan suddenly felt a heavy presence in his body, and even his breathing became heavy. He knew Xia Houjie's temper very well. He was the most protective of his disciples. When Xia Houyu was injured just now, this person had already I won’t pursue it anymore, but it seems that the competition appointment three years ago cannot be escaped no matter what today...

At this moment, Qin Lian took two steps forward and said coldly, "Xia Houyu has already lost the competition just now. Didn't Senior Poisonous Scorpion see it..."

Just after she said this, the young disciples of the Qin family felt that it was very reasonable, but Qin Guan and other older generations all changed their expressions. In the competition just now, who among the people present could not see that there was something wrong? It's okay to bully Xia Houyu, but now that the old monster Xia Houjie is here, doesn't saying this just add fuel to the fire?

Sure enough, just as she finished speaking, Xia Houjie shot two poisonous scorpion-like eyes at her, causing her whole body to tremble, as if she had fallen into an icy abyss, and her breathing almost stopped.

"Xiahou are you doing?"

At this moment, Qin Guan moved over in a blink of an eye, standing in front of Qin Lian, blocking Xiahou Jie's gaze. With Xiahou Jie's cultivation level, even just two glances were enough to confuse people's minds. It's devastating.

Xia Houjie slowly withdrew his venomous scorpion-like eyes, looked at him coldly and said, "I can't count the competition just now. I've heard that the master of the Qin family has made breakthroughs in the past few years. It's not as good as today, between you and me." , how about we compete outside Luoxue Villa..."

As soon as these words came out, many people held their breath, and Qin Guan even had cold sweat dripping down his back, as if a big mountain was pressing on him, making him unable to breathe.

Although Luoxue Villa has been blessed by heaven and earth, and now he has become a quasi-sage here, but he only has the early stage of quasi-sage cultivation. How can he be Xiahou Jie's opponent? If the other party uses poisonous skills, I'm afraid he will lose even the 30% chance of winning...

He knew in his heart that he could not be Xia Houjie's opponent. Do he really want to watch Lian'er being taken away by them today...

"I, Xiahou Jie, have made it clear that if today, the head of the Qin family wins, from now on, I, the people of Poisonous Scorpion Hall, will never offend your Qin family!"

Xia Houjie's voice became more gloomy. At this moment, no one in the Luoxue Villa spoke. Some people looked at Qin, and some people looked at Qin Lian. After all, the Qin family was helpless here. Worry, it’s only because of Qin Lian’s competition appointment in the border area three years ago that now...

At this moment, Qin Lian seemed to finally realize that Xia Houjie was here today, and even grandpa was no match for him. If she didn't go out, I'm afraid... the entire Qin family would be implicated.

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