One night passed, Xiao Chen also sat by the window sill all night. When it dawned the next day, the morning breeze brought the fragrance of plum blossoms in the courtyard. At this moment, a figure suddenly hurried in from outside. The person is none other than Qin Yue.

"Master Qin came here in a hurry early in the morning, but why do you want to see Xiao?" Xiao Chen looked at the nervous look on his face and said calmly.

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao!"

Originally, it was just dawn, and Qin Yue was afraid of disturbing his rest. Now seeing that he was not asleep, her face relaxed a little and said, "It's Lian'er, Lian'er..."

"I see."

Xiao Chen slowly stood up. When he saw Qin Lian during the day yesterday, he could tell at a glance that Qin Lian's poison had invaded his heart. He would have at most seven days. If he didn't save him, he would definitely die from the poison in seven days.

Qin Yue said nervously, "I was fine yesterday, but this morning, the poison in my second sister's body suddenly broke out. Please, please, Mr. Xiao..."

"Let's go..."

Xiao Chen said no more and walked out of the courtyard with him.

At this time, in Qin Lian's courtyard, the rocks were ancient, the plum blossoms were in full bloom, and there was a faint fragrance. Everyone gathered outside a room and did not dare to go in. There was a faint coughing sound from inside the room. .

"Oh, sister, sister..."

Qin Yao's face was full of tears, but she was pulled by Qin Guan. It was all because the poison in Qin Lian's body was too powerful. It would be fine if it had not yet attacked, but once the attack occurred, others must not approach it. The poison was very strange. Once infected, After sleeping with another person, the original toxins will be aggravated, which will make Qin Lian's situation worse.

"Master Xiao...Master Xiao is here!"

When they saw Xiao Chen and Qin Yue walking in, everyone immediately retreated to both sides. But when they saw him coming in, Qin Guan finally let go of his heart temporarily: "Young Master Xiao, you are here..."

"Ugh... Who is that, you, please save my sister..." Qin Yao was already crying. She has always been the best with her sister since she was a child.

Xiao Chen glanced at everyone and said, "Don't block the door and block the flow of spiritual energy. Everyone go outside the courtyard. From now on, no one is allowed to step into the courtyard without my permission."

After what happened yesterday, no one in the Qin family would question what he said anymore. Qin looked at him and said, "Young Master Lao Xiao has taken care of all that..." As he said that, he immediately led people outside the courtyard. .

After everyone left, Xiao Chen opened the door. The moment he opened the door, he immediately smelled a faint fragrance. This was the fragrance emanating from Qin Lian's body. Thinking of her Hanyin physique, Different from ordinary people, even though she is not a Xuanyin body like Weiyang, she can still resist the erosion of toxins independently. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't be able to survive for three years.

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao."

Hearing the sound of pushing the door open, Qin Lian seemed a little embarrassed, and was afraid that the toxins on his body would contaminate the other party, so he leaned closer to the bed.

Xiao Chen said, "Girl, there is no need to worry. Not even Xia Houjie's poison could hurt me yesterday."

After hearing this, Qin Lian felt a little relieved. He saw a curtain of gauze behind the screen. Through the gauze, she could be faintly seen lying on the bed, her face slightly pale, and on her originally flawless skin, this A trace of poisonous traces has also appeared faintly.

Xiao Chen walked over slowly. When the veil was lifted, Qin Lian leaned in subconsciously, "Master, don't come over. I, I must be very ugly now..."

"Beauty and ugliness are nothing more than a skin. I think the girl should put her life first, so give me your hand."

Xiao Chen had already walked to the bed, and through the thin bed curtain, he could clearly see the shallow purple poison lines on Qin Lian's neck.

Hearing this, after a while, Qin Lian slowly stretched out her hand, and saw that her wrist was already covered with shallow poison lines. The poison had already penetrated into her heart. It is no wonder that if it had been earlier Treatment may not have been difficult at the time, but now that it has been delayed for three years, it is extremely difficult for her to save her life.

Xiao Chen gently pressed her wrist. The meridians in the human body are intricate. If you want to quickly know the distribution of toxins in her body, the most direct way is to untie her clothes and observe them carefully. However, there are differences between men and women. Jing Zai could use this method, but he could only explore it slowly with his spiritual consciousness.

However, he has learned a lot of skills from Shen Jing over the years, and it is not difficult to find out the distribution of toxins in Qin Lian's body.

About half an hour later, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, withdrew his consciousness and said, "I will suppress the toxin for the girl first. As for removing the toxin, it is not an easy task. In the past few days, the girl needs to cooperate carefully.

"Yes, Mr. Lao Xiao is here..."

It was not until dusk that the poison in Qin Lian's body was slowly suppressed, and the shallow poison lines on her skin had disappeared. At this time, she only looked slightly pale, but otherwise she was no different from ordinary people. different.

Xiao Chen said, "Starting from tomorrow, I will give the girl an acupuncture every six hours, so that the toxins can be drawn out of the body. The girl has a good rest tonight. I'll say goodbye first." After that, he went outside.


Upon hearing the word acupuncture, Qin Lian's pale face suddenly turned red. Could he be...

Outside the courtyard, everyone was waiting nervously. Seeing him finally coming out, Qin Guan asked, "How is Xiaoxiao? Lian'er..."

Xiao Chen said, "I have temporarily suppressed the poison for her, but this poison has been attached to her body for three years. It has already penetrated into her heart. It is not easy to completely remove it. If you are not careful... you will..." Putting her into a permanent coma."

"Why, how could this happen..."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yao's face suddenly turned extremely pale. She was about to say something, but Qin Guan next to her stopped her and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I'll leave it all to Young Master Xiao. If Young Master Xiao needs anything, just ask." That’s it.”


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "The medicinal materials I want will be written down later. Mr. Qin can ask someone to come to my room to get them." After that, he went outside.

Qin Yao looked at his retreating figure, then looked into the courtyard, and was stunned for a moment.

When it was about to get dark, Qin Yue came to his courtyard again. Xiao Chen handed him the written prescription and said, "There are seven days in total, and the medicine is different every day. Don't make a mistake. The time for decoction is You must follow what I wrote, otherwise it will kill your sister."

Qin Yue looked at the prescription in her hand and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao!"

The next day, Xiao Chen went to Qin Lian, already bringing a set of silver needles with him. When Qin Lian saw the silver needles in his hand, his voice couldn't help but tremble slightly: "Xiao, Mr. Xiao, you are here..."

Xiao Chen nodded, and while taking her pulse, he said, "It won't hurt to apply the acupuncture. It's just that during the process of introducing the poison, there will be a slight stinging and burning sensation. The girl must bear it and cannot resist it by using Qigong."

"I, I know..."

Qin Lian's voice became a bit soft. She was not afraid of pain, but during the acupuncture process, if any acupuncture point was wrong, her life would be in danger, so she had to take off all her clothes and leave no trace on her body. .

However, it was already extremely embarrassing for her to be naked in front of a man, not to mention having him stare at her body with all his attention...

Thinking of this, her originally pale face gradually seemed to be stained with a layer of red clouds, and she actually felt a little hot.

Realizing that her pulse was speeding up at this time, Xiao Chen said, "Don't worry, girl. I'll learn how to apply acupuncture from a distance. I'll go behind the screen later."

"This, this is it..."

Hearing what he said, Qin Lian finally let go of his hanging heart, but then he thought that he tried his best to save himself, but she still embarrassed him so coquettishly, she felt really guilty and whispered. "Hug... I'm sorry, Master, I just..."

"If you're ready, girl, just tell me." Xiao Chen's tone was calm, and when he spoke, he had already gone outside with the silver needle.

"oh oh……"

Qin Lian bit her lip gently. After he went out, she slowly took off her clothes one by one. In the end, she was completely naked. She was covering her chest with her hands, her face was as red as a cloud, and she whispered He said, "Master, I, I'm fine..."

"Put your hands down, lie down and relax, and don't let the toxins spread."

Xiao Chen's voice came from outside. Qin Lian was slightly startled. How did he know that he had not put down his hands? Could it be that he could see it from outside? Thinking of this, his face became even redder, but in the end he slowly put his hands down. He went down, lay flat on the bed, motionless, and whispered, "Sir, I...I'm ready."


Outside, Xiao Chen closed his eyes lightly and said no more. He concentrated his fingers and controlled the needle with his consciousness. "Whoosh!" The silver needle in his hand flew inside.

Over the years, he had acquired Shen Jing's biography and the Lingshu lineage. He was already good at acupuncture, and his consciousness was much sharper than ordinary people. It was not difficult to perform acupuncture from a distance.

Until dusk, I saw that the silver needles on Qin Lian's body had all turned black, presumably because they had drawn some of the toxins out of her body.

Xiao Chen's consciousness moved and he took back the silver needles one by one, and finally carefully put them into the gauze to isolate the toxins, and said, "Young lady, have a good night's rest. Xiao will come back tomorrow."

Inside the bed curtain, I don't know whether it was due to the acupuncture or something else, but Qin Lian's body was slightly red, but the toxins had obviously been reduced a lot. No wonder the "miracle doctors" who had detoxified her before were unable to do anything. Those people were not as capable as Xiao Chen How can such keen spiritual awareness and precise acupuncture techniques be used to detoxify?

In the next few days, Xiao Chen went to give Qin Lian acupuncture to induce poison every day. By the fifth day, Qin Lian was much better, and she no longer seemed so unfamiliar with Xiao Chen.

"I heard that my little sister trapped the young master in the formation that day. The young sister is used to playing tricks. The young master must not get along with her. In fact, the young sister is very kind-hearted..."

"It can be seen that when the snow beast attacked that day, she had a chance to escape, but she did not abandon her people." Xiao Chen said calmly while applying the needle.

Qin Lian smiled, "That day at the village, I didn't know the young master's intention at first. Don't take the words he said seriously, um..."

When she said this, she paused again, with confusion on her face, and continued, "On that day, I still don't know how my little sister's skills suddenly became so much stronger. I seemed to... I seem to see a vague black shadow attached behind my little sister, Mr. Xiao, what is going on...Actually, my sister and I both have cold physiques, especially me, so since I was a child, I You can see some weird things..."

Xiao Chen said, "If I said that there are many strange things following me, even immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who have been dead for thousands of years, would the girl be scared..."


Qin Lian was stunned for a moment, and the room suddenly fell into a strange silence. After a while, she spoke slowly again, "I believe what the young master said, but...actually, I don't really believe in ghosts and gods." , I believe that after death, everyone should enter the six realms of reincarnation..."

"What's a person who can't enter reincarnation?"

Xiao Chen finished applying the last silver needle, but at this moment, his voice suddenly became a little cold for some unknown reason, which made Qin Lian, who was lying on the bed, tremble slightly.

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