The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 906: A Dream Transformed into a Dream

That night, the cold night seemed to be endless, and the sky was still dark, and in a daze, Xiao Chen also had a dream. 【】

"You want to become immortals and become saints...but I want you to be demons forever!"

"It's this dream again..."

The three fairylands of Wutian Palace are located, one is called "Taihua Palace", the second is called "Chongjiu Valley", and the third is called "Cuihan Mountain". These three places are where the three supreme immortals of Wutian Palace are located. The place where I live is ordinary.

At this time, in three different secret realms, I saw that every real person in each secret realm was covered in cold sweat and his face was pale. Under the dim light, the appearance of the three of them could not be seen clearly, only their appearance could be seen. His face gradually became pale and bloodless.

And these three people are none other than the three Supreme Masters of Wutian Palace, Master Taihua, Master Chongjiu, and Master Cuihan. All three of them have become saints.

The saints on earth may not be inferior to the immortals in heaven, but the three of them wanted to become immortals, hoping that one day they would be able to ascend to heaven and become true immortals in heaven. However, a dream not long ago caused the three of them to fail to become immortals at the same time. Wei also regressed from the second realm to the first realm.

It is said that saints have twelve realms in total. Each realm is like a chasm, and the magical powers of heaven and earth they master are also different. Only by breaking through the twelfth realm can one truly understand the way of heaven, solve the mystery of immortality, and shatter the void. Transform into an immortal, until you are no longer bound by heaven and earth.

However, the three supreme masters, who have practiced for many years and understood the destiny of heaven, finally only reached the second level of cultivation. It was difficult for them to transform into the third level. Moreover, due to a dream not long ago, their cultivation level fell back to the first level. .

At this time, in the three secret realms, there was cold sweat on the foreheads of the three people. Due to the trouble in the dream, the cultivation of the three people was not only difficult to reach the third realm, but was now at the peak of the first realm, and even returned to the second realm. It is difficult to achieve even this situation. If the mind is troubled again, I am afraid that the cultivation level will continue to retreat...

Thinking of the cultivation that they had practiced for hundreds of years, they were actually deteriorating day by day. Even if they were in seclusion, it would be of no use now. The three of them were in their own secret realms, and their expressions were getting more and more ugly.

Who could have imagined that in the eyes of everyone outside, the three saints, who were as unreachable as immortals, would now be disturbed by nightmares, making it difficult for them to move forward in cultivation, but would instead continue to retreat...

What worried the three of them the most was not their retreat in cultivation, but the dream. The scenes they saw in the dream were exactly the same, as if they were real. Otherwise, the three of them would not be so confused.

"You want to become immortals, but I want you to be demons forever..."

Such a terrifying voice still echoes in their minds. Who is that person...? In the dream, who was the person who made them become demons...

During the journey of cultivation, demons and temptations are everywhere, especially when their cultivation reaches their level, they seem to have transcended the world and become saints, and are no longer disturbed by external objects and mortal world. However, once their thoughts arise, the inner demons cannot be suppressed, and they will eventually fall into In the devil's way, if you practice hard for a lifetime, all your good fortune will be wasted. In the sea of ​​demons, you will never be able to turn back.

No wonder the three of them were so nervous. If they had just entered Taoism, it would have been nothing more than building foundations and refining Qi. Disciples were new to Taoism and had weak willpower. It would be natural for them to see demons and temptations, but when they have reached their level of cultivation, To the extent that he saw such a magical nightmare, and even his cultivation level regressed because of it, that was absolutely extraordinary.

At this moment, the three of them were sitting quietly on the lotus platform in their respective secret realms, with radiant lights surrounding their bodies. The Taoist lotus platform can often make people feel calm and refreshed.

The faces of the three people slowly returned to calm. Everything in the world has cause and effect. When they were comprehending the way of heaven, they saw such a terrible dream. There must be a cause. But where is the cause and effect? ​​Where is it? I'm afraid the three of them still have to go to the human world.

The long night gradually went away, and the land that had been shrouded in darkness all night became clear again. Xiao Chen slowly walked out of the house, recalling the dream he had last night, which was still between reality and reality. Did he dream of the person in the dream, or did the person in the dream dream of himself?

And who is that person...

"Forget it, today is the last day.

With a flick of his sleeves, Xiao Chen walked out of the courtyard. The poison on Qin Lian's body was almost gone. He only needed to remove the remaining poison today.

"Master Xiao, you are here."

As soon as Xiao Chen walked into the courtyard, he saw Qin Lian wearing a thin dress, standing among the plum blossoms in the courtyard, and there were seven or eight colorful butterflies flying around her. She seemed to be looking good today. A lot.

"It's so heavy in the morning, why don't you rest in the house? What are you doing outside?"

Xiao Chen looked at her and saw her beautiful long black hair hanging behind her shoulders, still stained with dew. It seemed that she had just woken up and came outside the yard.

Qin Lian smiled softly and said, "When I was sleeping last night, the wind suddenly blew up in the middle of the night and blew open the window. Two butterflies flew in. After I followed the two butterflies to the yard, I turned into a butterfly myself. But when I waited, When I woke up in the morning, I found that everything last night was a dream. Then I came out this morning and saw a group of butterflies flying in the yard. Sir, tell me, did I dream of butterflies last night, or did the butterflies dream? Me?"

Xiao Chen said, "What the girl said is the story of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie."

Qin Lian smiled coquettishly, "Young master, you will know it as soon as you hear it."

"Reality and illusion, dreams of life and death, often cannot be explained clearly in just a few words. There is still a day of poison left in the girl's body. Please follow me into the house."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he walked into the room. Qin Lian followed him into the room, then walked back behind the screen, took off his clothes, lay back on the bed, and whispered, "Master, I...I'm ready."


Xiao Chen carefully took out the silver needle. Today was the last day. He could not be distracted. He then used his spiritual consciousness to control the formation and accurately applied the needle to Qin Lian to induce the poison.

It wasn't until the afternoon that he suddenly felt something strange. He immediately took out a jade note from his sleeve and saw that the spiritual power inside the jade note kept flickering. The spiritual power in the jade note came from the layer of prohibition outside Wuyu Tian. When the spiritual power keeps flashing, it means that someone with extremely high cultivation has gone to Wuyu Heaven. Could something happen again?

"Master Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

Behind the screen, Qin Lian seemed to notice something strange about him. After a while, Xiao Chen put away the jade note in his hand and said, "It's okay, girl, just don't worry, the remaining poison will be drawn out soon, don't move." ”

Although there were some fluctuations in the spiritual power in the jade note, he was not very worried. There were restrictions outside Wuyu Tian, ​​and Xiao Cangtian was sitting inside. He didn't have to worry too much, but he couldn't help but wonder who was there again. Desireless heaven?

At this time, the clouds were surging outside the Wuyu sky, and the ancient forbidden power condensed into terrifying thunderclouds. Anyone who came close would be attacked by the forbidden thunder.

Outside Wuyu Tian, ​​there was only an island, and a figure stood there. The man was wearing a black robe, and his aura was very strong, which caused all the restraining power outside Wuyu Tian to condense.

He is none other than the ancestor of Guiyin who set out from Guiyin Mountain last night. Today he came to Wuyutian with only one purpose. He wanted to get his disciple's soul back, not to invade Wuyutian. But he might not have it. After all, Xiao Chen did not return to Wuyutian immediately after killing Taiyin Division, but went to Qinling Mountains.

At this moment, Wuyutian's disciples naturally felt the extremely strong aura outside. Even compared to the previous time, the aura today was much stronger, far more powerful than the two people who attacked that day.

Soon, everyone had arrived at Zhaotian Cliff. When they saw the figure standing with hands behind his hands outside, everyone felt their breath suffocated. This person's aura was so strong, but looking at it like this, there was no one else behind him. He didn't mean to break through the restrictions. It seemed that this person was not coming to invade Wuyu Tian.

"I dare to ask you, senior, what is the purpose of coming to Wuyutian today?" Yang Xiaoran came to Zhaotian Cliff and asked loudly outside.

Ancestor Guiyin's face was gloomy and cold, and he said coldly, "I have something to do. I want to meet the Lord of Wuyu Tian."


Yang Xiaoran looked outside. He could naturally feel that this person's cultivation level was extremely high. He didn't know his origin yet, so it was better not to offend him. He said, "Senior, it's an unlucky time for you to come. Your Majesty went out not long ago, and today I'm still here." If you haven't returned yet, senior, if you want to find your Majesty, you should come back another day. If you have anything else, you might as well just tell me and I will convey it to you after your Majesty comes back."

Hearing this, Patriarch Guiyin's face became even colder, and he said coldly, "Then when will he come back?"


Yang Xiaoran touched his chin and said, "It may be possible to come back in two or three days, or it may be months. Of course, eight years is not ruled out..."

"I think you are teasing me!"

Ancestor Guiyin looked gloomy, and with a flick of his sleeves, the clouds suddenly surged, and a majestic force surged towards Wuyu Tian. Yang Xiaoran and the others suddenly felt suffocated. Yang Xiaoran hurriedly said, "How dare I To tease senior, if Your Majesty goes to look for spiritual veins elsewhere, it might take two or three years to come back..."

Ancestor Guiyin's face became more and more gloomy, and he said coldly, "I don't care what method you use. I must see him today. You listen to me. I will not violate the Wuyu Heaven today, but it does not mean that I am afraid of the Wuyu Heaven... Did you hear that clearly?"

The sound shook the sky and made many disciples feel dizzy. Even Yang Xiaoran could hardly stand unsteadily. For a moment, he only felt that his blood was surging. If the other party exerted more force, he would have to give it to him. The shock will not cause internal injuries.

"Oh? Then if you don't see him today, will the entire Wuyutian disappear?"

At this moment, a sonorous and powerful voice suddenly sounded from behind. The disciples turned around and saw a red-haired man walking out. That man was Xiao Cangtian.

"Senior Laughing Cangtian!"

Yang Xiaoran immediately led the people to pay homage. Xiao Cangtian raised his hand and motioned for everyone to get up, staring at the Guiyin ancestor outside. The Guiyin ancestor also looked at him at this moment, and he was determined for a long time. Then he said, "Are you... the Nine Yin Blood Demon?"

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