The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 913: God’s Restriction

Looking at the withered underworld flower in his hand, Xiao Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Even the underworld flower would wither and wither in his hands...

"Where does this kid come from..."

The leader of the Changsheng Sect suddenly had doubts in his heart. Before, Xiao Chen was not afraid of the ghost king's sinister aura. He was already a little puzzled. Now, if he said he was not afraid of the death aura of the Underworld Flower, why did he even get the Underworld Flower? Are they so easy to wither?

"This person is indeed a bit unusual..."

The Yin Ghost King also had doubts in his heart, and among the people here, he was obviously the most doubtful about Xiao Chen. Even people like Master Baimei would never dare to ignore the Yin Sha Kung he practiced, but that day The boy clearly had no fear of his sinister aura.

"It seems that the Xuan Gong practiced by Mr. Xiao is indeed unique. He is not even afraid of the death aura of this underworld flower."

Fairy Hongdie smiled lightly and walked up. Xiao Chen threw away the withered underworld flower in his hand and said lightly, "Let's go."

The aura of the underworld in front was getting heavier and heavier. Except for the Yin Ghost King, the other three people felt a bit suffocated. The leader of the Changsheng Sect said, "I originally thought that the aura of the underworld here should have almost dissipated, but I didn't expect it to be so heavy..."

Although Xiao Chen was a little uncomfortable, he was still able to bear it. With a flick of his sleeves, a layer of zhenqi immediately gathered in front of him. Fairy Hongdie came to his side with a sway and said with a smile, "I can't bear it." If you don’t want this aura from the underworld, I’d like you to block it for me..."

"The aura of the underworld in front is too strong, I'm sorry for bothering the Ghost King."

The leader of the Changsheng Sect also stopped and stopped walking forward. The Yin Ghost King didn't say anything. His power was shaken, and the blood mist suddenly enveloped him, completely blocking the atmosphere of the underworld.

In this way, after everyone walked for about an hour, a black pile of rubble suddenly appeared in front of them. As they entered, the rubble began to float, like meteorite, ranging in size, as small as a fist, and as large as Houses and palaces were all suspended in the air, and soon they covered the sky and the sun, making the surrounding area dim.

There is no aura of the underworld here, but there is an extremely strong power of restriction. It is obvious that they have reached the first level of restriction.

"Be careful...don't be touched by these rocks."

Master Baimei swept the dust with his whisk, and immediately gathered a layer of true energy around his body. The first time, that is, that time more than three hundred years ago, they actually had a lot of people come that time, but their cultivation was not enough, and in the end they only had Half of the people evacuated alive.

And a few decades ago, they came again. Although they passed the first level of restrictions that time, when it comes to the second level of restrictions, the more people who go and the higher their cultivation level, the heavier the restrictions. , and eventually they still had to quit.

"Master Xiao, be careful and avoid these rocks. Don't be touched."

Fairy Hongdie's face suddenly became serious. Even though they passed this level of restriction last time, they still dare not be careless now. After all, it was the restriction left by the god. Even now, the power of this restriction Less than 10% is left, but in the final analysis, no matter how high their cultivation level is, they are still just mortals, and some forces cannot resist them.

"These stones will not only petrify you, but once you are sucked into the forbidden whirlpool in the sky, you will be torn to pieces in an instant. If you are lucky, maybe the soul can escape. Have you seen the black whirlpool in the sky? ?”

This time, even the leader of the Changsheng Sect was kindly reminding him. Xiao Chen raised his head and looked up at the sky. His scalp suddenly felt numb. There was a bottomless whirlpool in the sky. If he was sucked into it, , I am afraid that not even the soul can escape.

"Little friend careful!"

Suddenly, Master Baimei issued a warning, and then he swept the dust with his whisk, and a ray of true energy condensed together. With a "bang", a stone that hit Xiao Chen was shaken away.

Xiao Chen slowly lowered his head, as if he hadn't realized how terrifying these stones were, because he had never been here before, and he had never seen the people who died tragically under these stones. When touched by these stones, his whole body immediately became petrified, and finally broke into pieces. , also turned into these stones and began to attack others.

Fairy Hongdie turned around and saw that he had no sense of vigilance at all. She frowned and said, "Master Xiao, I am not joking with you this time. If you are touched by this stone, it will immediately turn into these stones. Look at these stones around you." , maybe which piece is..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Chen suddenly reached out to her, and his free hand instantly came out, pulling her to his side. Then there was only a "whoosh" sound, and a stone the size of a millstone instantly moved from where she was just now. The location flew by.

Fairy Hongdie immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Stop talking, watch these stones carefully..."

Among the people here, he obviously has the sharpest consciousness. At that moment, whether it was an illusion or something, he actually sensed that some of these stones had the consciousness to actively attack people. Could the stones also have consciousness? strangeness……

Along the way, everyone was cautious and did not dare to take it lightly. It was not until one day and one night that they finally passed through this layer of restriction.

The stones gradually disappeared behind them, and several people finally breathed a sigh of relief. They recalled that the last time they passed here, several people died. They thought they had passed the restriction just like this, but later they discovered that the second level of restriction was even more terrifying.

The front gradually became brighter, but the aura of the underworld also appeared again. This time, Xiao Chen and the Yin Ghost King were also walking in front, followed by the other three.

After walking for about two hours this time, the surrounding aura of the underworld gradually disappeared. The disappearance of the aura of the underworld meant that the second level of forbidden land had arrived.

"Can you pass this time?"

The Master of the Immortality Sect turned around and looked at the two people behind him, while Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie both frowned. What they were worried about was not that they still could not pass the second level, but that when the restrictions on this level were passed, they were worried. After that, there is a layer of more terrifying restrictions behind it.

"In these thousands of years, no one has entered inside. Let's give it a try..."

Master Baimei took a few steps forward, looked at Xiao Chen again, and asked, "Little friend Xiao, can you still hold on?"

"It doesn't matter..."

Xiao Chen looked at the towering boulders in front of him, and saw black clouds shrouding the boulders, lightning and thunder, which seemed a bit scary indeed.

"Then let's go."

The Yin Ghost King stepped forward and was the first to walk into the restricted area. The few people behind him looked at each other and immediately followed.

When all five people entered, the black clouds suddenly surged, and streaks of lightning began to pierce the sky. Master Baimei said, "Don't separate this time. We need to work together to resist this forbidden thunder..."


Just as he finished speaking, a bolt of thunder struck down. Wherever the lightning struck, even the void seemed to be torn apart. Thick smoke emerged. Everyone did not dare to hesitate and immediately used their skills. Work together to resist this divine thunder attack.

After a long time like this, the further forward, the more terrifying the forbidden thunder in the sky became. Fairy Hongdie felt a little strenuous, and two magic weapons flew around her to help her resist the restriction.

Master Baimei and the leader of the Changsheng Sect also sacrificed their own magic weapons. Firstly, they can withstand the thunder from the sky, and secondly, they can also use the magic weapons to restore their true energy.

"Little friend Xiao, the restrictions in front are very heavy. Do you have any magic weapon to protect you?"

Master Baimei frowned. Facing the increasingly terrifying restrictions, everyone could only protect themselves and could not care about others.

What Xiao Chen was thinking about at this time was naturally Fu Xi Qin and Di Gu Sword. If these two treasures were sacrificed, it would be easy to resist the power of the restriction. He just thought that when he left Qinling that day, Qin Guan reminded him not to be so easy. Reveal the magic weapon.

"no need to worry."

The next moment, he flicked his sleeves, and a cyan light flew out of his sleeves, gradually turning into an ancient cyan lamp.

This is the soul-stirring green lantern. It was originally from the ancient realm of Xianbei. Ancestor Guituo found it from an ancient cave many years ago and later passed it on to his disciple Feng Zhuyun. However, in that battle, this magic weapon was stolen by Weiyang. The Feihua Lianyou umbrella was taken away.

At this time, under Xiao Chen's incantation and sealing, he could only see dim light dots around the lamp, and the green mist filled the air, which could barely help him resist the forbidden divine thunder in the sky.

Now the five people are holding magic weapons and going deep inside. Even though the five people have extraordinary cultivation and have magic weapons to protect themselves, it is gradually becoming difficult under the restraining divine thunder.

Seeing that the restrictions in front of him are getting heavier and heavier, the master of the Changsheng Sect has gradually begun to think about retreating, but when he thinks about it, there are not only the fairy magic weapons left by the god back then, but also many buried ancient treasures. If he can find them, There are one or two volumes of ancient mental teachings, so isn’t the time to become a saint just around the corner?


The thunder became louder and louder, and several people could no longer hold on. The leader of the Changsheng Sect looked at the other two people, "Do you want to continue moving forward?"

"This level of restriction should be almost at its end. Do we need to turn back now?"

Fairy Hongdie looked forward, gritted her teeth and continued to move forward, but at this moment, a murderous intent flashed through the eyes of the leader of the Changsheng Sect. The more people there were, the heavier the restriction. At this moment, there were five people. , but five people couldn't resist this restriction. What if there was one less person...

At this moment, Xiao Chen was also keenly aware of the murderous intention coming from behind, and his palms had secretly accumulated strength. If the master of the Changsheng Sect took action against him at this time, he would never show mercy in controlling life and death, even though his current cultivation Because they are not as good as the opponent, but it is still unclear who will win in the end.


At this moment, Master Baimei suddenly stopped and swept the dust with his whisk, quickly condensing a layer of Qi all over his body. Seeing that his expression suddenly became so nervous, Fairy Hongdie frowned and asked, "Master, what's wrong?" "

"Something's wrong..."

At this moment, Master Baimei's face turned a little pale, as if he had seen something terrible. The leader of the Changsheng Sect also turned away the murderous intent in his eyes, looked at him and said, "What's going on?"

Master Baimei murmured, "Someone has been here and touched some kind of restriction..."

After hearing this, Fairy Hongdie and the leader of the Changsheng Sect both changed their expressions. How could it be possible? No one has entered this place for thousands of years. Even they could not go this far last time...

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