The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 931 Netherworld Breath

Seeing the sudden appearance of the old man, Zi Yuan immediately became vigilant. Xiao Chen raised his hand slightly to indicate that there was no need to be nervous.

Ancestor Guiyin's face was cold. Although he had heard of Xiao Chen and knew his identity, when he saw it with his own eyes, his heart was still ups and downs, and he couldn't help but sigh. No wonder Wu Chang died in his hands. It's hard even for oneself to see through a person's cultivation... How can he blame others?

After a while, I heard him say coldly, "Young people are terrible. I think the Lord of Wuyu Heaven already knows who I am."

Xiao Chen said lightly, "Who knows the master of Guiyin Mountain?"

Hearing this, Zi Yuan was stunned at first, but then she thought that this person was the ancestor Gui Yin. When the ancestor Gui Yin went to Wu Yu Tian that day, she and Bai Luan had already left Wu Yu Tian, ​​and they were later picked up in Wu Yu Tian. News about other Yeying sisters in Wuyutian.

At this time, the ancestor of Guiyin looked gloomy. In fact, when Yin Wuchang came to him in a panic that night, he knew that things would not be that simple. Yin Wuchang must have hidden something from him, but he did not expect that Yin Wuchang would hide it so much. Otherwise, he would not have let Yin Wuchang return to the Taiyin Palace alone.

All of this, in the final analysis, was Yin Wuchang's own trap, and it was also a calamity for himself. Even if he could not survive it, he could not blame others. Fortunately, he died in the hands of the person in front of him. If he had died in the hands of those in Wutian Palace, Most likely they don't even have to keep their souls.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Guiyin couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart. This was Yin Wuchang's fate. If he wanted to blame, he couldn't blame the man in front of him. He said, "In the past, it was my disciple who brought the blame on himself, but now he He has died in your hands. I hope you can return his soul and let me cast a spell for him to die..."


Xiao Chen looked at him, and his eyes became cold. "Senior, do you know how many people he killed in Wuyutian that day..."

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Guiyin frowned deeper and said, "When a person dies, his past sins must also be wiped out. With the way you killed him that night, no matter how capable I am, I can't kill him." Resurrection, if this is the case, do you still have any resentment in your heart..."

"That's fine..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. There was something abnormal about Taiyin Si's soul. Even though he was imprisoned by his soul-forbidden technique that night, he couldn't refine it like Yun Tianzi and Lu Yan. It was useless to keep him by his side. In the final analysis, This person was just used by others in Wutian Palace.

After a while, I heard him say, "It's not difficult for you to get this person's soul back. You have to leave Huangquan Valley first."

Hearing this, Patriarch Guiyin's eyes narrowed. With his sophistication, he couldn't hear what Xiao Chen was saying at this time. He only nodded, "Okay, I just hope that you will keep your word."

Zi Yuan, who was next to him, noticed it. His Majesty said before that he could use this person to get out. He thought that someone from Wutian Temple must have set up an ambush outside. Ancestor Guiyin had a very high level of cultivation. In order to get his disciple's soul back. , he would not hesitate to offend Wutian Palace.

It was a plan to cause Guiyin Mountain and Wutian Palace to fight without spending a single soldier. Even if Guiyin Patriarch knew about it, there was nothing he could do to get his disciple's soul back.

"The time until the tide ends is six to seven days, or three or four days. Senior Guiyin, please come."

Xiao Chen said lightly and raised his hand. Ancestor Guiyin no longer hesitated, and the three of them immediately went outside.

Three days later, the three of them were still in the depths of the Underworld Valley and had not yet been able to get out. The tide this time seemed to be a few days shorter than before, and the aura of the underworld had begun to envelope the earth again.

Countless people came to Huangquan Valley this time. As early as a few days ago, many people had already started to leave outside. Most of the people who stayed inside were greedy for the treasures here, so they still stayed in the depths of Huangquan Valley to look for them. , when the atmosphere of the underworld enveloped me today, it was already too late to escape.

The aura of the underworld surged up quickly like a tide. It was very fast. Even if you flew with a sword, you might not be able to escape. Once you are involved, your internal organs will soon be eroded. In the end, the spirit may be able to escape, but The odds aren't great.


Ancestor Guiyin used the "Art of Controlling Ghosts", and saw several "ghost shadows" surrounding him, which made his speed reach the limit.

And Xiao Chen has also used the Lingxian Step to the limit, but the restrictions here are very heavy, and even the ancestor Guiyin's magical escape technique cannot be used, and his Shunbu Qiankun is probably useless.

Although the speed of the three of them was extremely fast at this time, they could still feel the aura of the underworld coming closer and closer behind them.

"Your Majesty!"

At this moment, Zi Yuan's face suddenly turned pale, and her expression seemed to become quite anxious. Xiao Chen looked at her, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zi Yuan said in a trembling voice, "I just received a spiritual message from my sister... They came in and are now trapped in a valley in the northeast."

Xiao Chen's brows narrowed, thinking that it must be because he and Zi Yuan fell into the Little Netherworld before, so Bai Luan brought people in to search for them, and now they are probably trapped by the aura of the underworld.


Thinking of this, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and immediately looked at Ancestor Guiyin. It was obvious that he had to save people.

Ancestor Guiyin frowned and said, "The aura of the underworld will soon come over. No one can stop the aura of the underworld after the tide. By then, neither you nor I can resist it."

"I have to save people."

Xiao Chen was categorical and there seemed to be no room for negotiation.

Ancestor Guiyin shook his head and sighed, "That's all..." At the end of his words, he held up a black ghost talisman and asked Zi Yuan, "The approximate location."

Zi Yuan hurriedly said, "To the northeast, about three thousand miles."

Hearing this, Patriarch Guiyin no longer hesitated, bit his finger, and drew a few talismans on the ghost talisman. Then he saw a flash of blood, covering the three of them, and disappeared in an instant.

When the scene in front of him became clear again, it was the valley that Zi Yuan just mentioned. Xiao Chen sensed the breath of Bai Luan and others here, but at the same time, he also deeply felt the breath of the underworld.

"over there!"

Zi Yuan suddenly exclaimed and pointed to a valley in the distance. She saw that the outside of the valley was shrouded in layers of black air. It was obviously a very heavy breath of the underworld, and no mortal could get close to it.

"Zi Yuan, you and Senior Guiyin stay here."

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed, and as soon as he finished speaking, he started walking towards the valley with Lingxian steps. Zi Yuan came back to her senses and was about to call him out, but she saw that his figure had already submerged into the layers of underworld aura. , disappeared.

This time, even Ancestor Guiyin was startled. Is this person really so capable that he is not even afraid of the aura of the underworld...

Deep in the valley, the aura of the underworld was not yet enveloped. Xiao Chen entered and saw Bai Luan and others, and Bai Luan and others naturally saw him.

"Your Majesty!"

There were only five people outside the cave, including Bai Luan. This time Yeying came out with a total of 12 people, and the remaining six were outside Huangquan Valley.


Xiao Chen didn't have time to say anything, so he immediately asked a few people to follow him, leading them out of the layers of underworld aura.

Outside, Zi Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he, Bai Luan and others came out without incident. At this time, the ground suddenly trembled, and the terrifying aura of the underworld was coming like a tide from the direction they had just come. In addition to the direction they had just come from, there were also auras of the underworld coming from the other two directions, like mountains. Generally high, vowing to engulf this place.

"Let's go!"

Ancestor Guiyin shouted, but he could no longer use the "Ghost Escape" technique for the second time. The direction they came from was also locked by the breath of the underworld. They could not return the same way and could only go to the other side, but that Who knows where the other side leads? After all, even Ancestor Guiyin has never been to Huangquan Valley a few times.

One day has passed, and by this afternoon, the aura of the underworld has almost enveloped the entire Huangquan Valley. Those who should come out have already come out, and those who cannot come out will probably never come out.

No one expected that the aura of the underworld would be so heavy this time. Fortunately, they came out a few days early, otherwise they would probably die in it.

At this time, at the entrance of the valley, there were thousands of people, and there were still a lot of people gathered, densely packed and distributed everywhere.

Everyone looked into the valley. A few hours ago, people were coming out of it one after another, but most of them had been eroded by the aura of the underworld. By now, it should be impossible for anyone to come out of it.

Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie had naturally come out before. They knew the dangers inside better than anyone else, so they were almost the first to come out.

At this time, on a mountain peak, I saw the graceful Red Butterfly Fairy, gazing silently at the valley shrouded in the underworld's aura. She couldn't sense Xiao Chen's aura. Could it be that he couldn't come out from inside...

Although they met by chance and the two parties only cooperated temporarily, after all, she and Xiao Chen came in together before. If the other party died inside, she would feel a little desolate.

On the other side of the mountain peak, there was also a person staring into the valley without saying a word. The person's clothes were fluttering, and he was calmly coming out of the dust with an immortal aura. It was Xiao Meng'er.

Next to her, there was an old man in green clothes with deep frown and seemingly unfathomable cultivation. He was Xiao Qinghe, the fifth elder of the Xiao family.

At this time, Xiao Meng'er seemed to be calm, but in fact, the thoughts in her heart were a bit complicated and unspeakable. On the one hand, she was thinking that maybe Xiao Chen died inside, and if he died, he would die. On the other hand, she thought After all, it was the other party who blocked those people for her that day.

It was such a complex and unspeakable emotion that made her eyebrows gradually furrow. At this time, she had probably guessed the origin of Xiao Chen's identity.

More than an hour passed, and dusk was slowly approaching. There was still no one coming out of the valley. Everyone was finally sure that no one would come out again.

Just as some people turned around to leave, suddenly, the breath of the underworld surged in the valley, and then, a powerful and suffocating breath quickly came outside.

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