"As the enemy of Wutian Palace, Ancestor Guiyin, have you really thought about it carefully..."

Just as everyone was concentrating, a cold man's voice finally came from outside. At first, it seemed that the voice was still far away, but in the blink of an eye, the man had arrived at the mouth of the valley.

It was a man in purple clothes, with a stern face, his hands behind his back, and a pair of eyes that were like bottomless abyss, making people retreat after just one glance.

"Ziweisi..." ❊

This time, even Ancestor Guiyin felt slightly suffocated. If he were in Guiyin Mountain, he could still use the formation to deal with these two people, but how can he deal with them now?

Especially for Ziweisi, it now seems that this person's cultivation is even more unfathomable. Could it be that as the rumors say, this person's cultivation has already reached the last level...

At this moment, Patriarch Guiyin felt cold sweat dripping from behind him, and sent his spiritual thought to Xiao Chen, "What are your plans now?"

Xiao Chen stared coldly at the two people at Taniguchi without saying a word. They were both quasi-sages, but there was a huge difference between the first level and the ninth level, and the Ziweisi in front of him was the latter. Just like the quasi-sage, No one can be his opponent...

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan both came up to protect them. Xiao Chen raised his hand and signaled them to step back. It would have been fine if it was just Lian Zhen Si, but now that Zi Wei Si has appeared, even if Ye Ying gets together, No matter how powerful they are, with their current cultivation level, they absolutely cannot withstand the palm of a ninth-level quasi-sage.

With one strike from the ninth-level quasi-sage, all cultivators below the Hehe stage here will be wiped out in an instant.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out in Xiao Chen's palms. When he was under the ancient land of Huangquan, the gods and demons gave him the knowledge of gods and demons, but the greatest use of this knowledge of gods and demons is to deal with a Taoist magic. A very tall and immovable person, but if he wants to deal with the two people in front of him, he can only resist a little bit at most, but cannot hurt these two people.

In fact, when he stepped into Huangquan Valley this time, he had already prepared for the worst. If he met someone like Ziweisi, he would have no choice but to activate the three corpse demons in his body.

With the power of the Three Corpse Demons, he will be able to defeat the enemy, but once he does this, it will inevitably accelerate the growth of the Three Corpse Demons, causing all his previous efforts to be in vain.

The two people in front of them must not be aware of the three corpse demons in their bodies. Otherwise, no matter how high their cultivation level is, they will never come rashly.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became cold. Even the wind blowing through the valley seemed to be full of murderous intent. Zi Weisi's eyes were cold and fell on Xiao Chen motionlessly. Just the look in his eyes at this time made him feel... Others are frightened.

Xiao Chen smiled coldly, "What? Those three people didn't dare to come out, so they asked you two to come out? Why don't you go back this time and tell them for me that everything you saw in the dream that day will definitely happen..."

Upon hearing this, the people around were even more confused. What did this sentence mean? Who were those three people? Couldn’t he be talking about the three Supreme Masters from Wutian Palace who had already become saints, right?

And what does everything you see in the dream mean? Could it be that the two masters of Wutian Palace came here for a dream today...

Ziweisi said calmly, "Your destiny is to return to peace here. It is useless to run away. As for dreams, they are just shadows of illusions reflected in the water. Only the weak can use dreams to interpret reality..."

"Really? Fate... Unfortunately, I never believe in fate."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became extremely cold and stern. As soon as he finished speaking, he put two fingers together and was about to scratch his left wrist when a clear man's voice suddenly sounded outside: "It seems that today's Huangquan Valley is really lively, and it actually attracted the two palace masters of Wutian Palace to come. It seems that they came a step late..."

Hearing this voice, everyone inside the valley was shocked. This voice was so familiar! Could it be...

At this moment, everyone looked outside. Even the Red Butterfly Fairy on the distant mountain peak looked intently outside the valley entrance.

They heard the sound of a "wheel" slowly approaching. Everyone followed the sound and saw a person slowly approaching. However, that person was not walking or wielding a sword. He was actually coming in a wheelchair!

The sound of the wheel was the sound made by the two wheels of his wheelchair when he sat down, and behind him, there were four people. These four people were dressed in the same uniform, and they were from Tianzhu City!

This time, not only everyone in Huangquan Valley was shocked, but the Red Butterfly Fairy and others in the distance were also shocked. How could it be this person...

The man in the wheelchair looked a little pale, as if he was sick. At this moment, another figure suddenly flew from behind and landed next to him, and on this man's face But he wore a Xuanwu mask and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that my eldest brother would be one step ahead of me."

The man in the wheelchair turned his head slightly and said, "Third brother's Qinggong is not as good as a semi-wasted person like me. It's time to go back and let Fifth Sister teach you."

"Ha ha!"

The man wearing the Xuanwu mask raised his head and smiled, and said, "I'm afraid Fifth Sister, no matter how fast her Qinggong is, she won't be as fast as a half-wasted person like you."

The two of them were chatting and laughing happily at this time, seemingly turning a blind eye to everyone in the valley. They only heard the man in the wheelchair say, "That's all, third brother, it's better not to talk or laugh for the time being, but something is going on today."

When he said this, he looked at Lian Zhensi and Ziweisi and said, "I'm sick of Qilin in Tianzhu City. You two are from Wutian Palace. You came to the Hill of Fantasy Ruins today, but you didn't know that I, Tianzhu, would meet you." Cheng Yi, this seems... a bit unreasonable."

"It is indeed a sick unicorn..."

Many people in the distance were shocked. The Hill of Fantasy Ruins was an extremely chaotic place, but inside this chaotic place, there was the most formidable place. That was Tianzhu City. Regardless of the illusion, No matter how vicious and vicious the people in the Xuzhiqiu are, they still tremble when they hear the words "Tian Zhu Cheng".

There are also seven halls in Tianzhu City. These seven halls are also called Tianzhu Hall. The first hall is Canglong Hall. Canglong appears in the world and the situation changes. No one dares to disobey. Canglong is the highest leader of Tianzhu Hall. However, no one has ever seen its true face, and in these years, no one has ever seen it appear.

The second hall is the Qilin Hall. Because Qilin is sick and his legs are inconvenient, he is called the "Sick Qilin". However, despite this, his strength is the highest among the six after Canglong. He is the eldest brother of the five people behind him, and because Canglong has never appeared in the world in these years, the current Tianzhu Palace is led by this person.

The third hall is the White Tiger Hall; the fourth hall is the Xuanwu Hall; the fifth hall is the Suzaku Hall; the sixth hall is the Baize Hall; and the seventh hall is the Chongming Hall.

These seven halls can intimidate the entire Illusionary Ruins Hill.

At this moment, everyone's faces were still full of horror. People from Tianzhu Palace rarely showed up, especially Sick Qilin, who almost never stepped out of Tianzhu City. Why did he come to Huangquan Valley this time? Could it be that you are also here for that young man?

What kind of identity is Bing Qilin? This young man can make him travel thousands of miles out of the city. Who is he...

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