"Tianzhu Palace..."

Taihuazi smoothed his white beard, his eyes gradually became deeper, and he said slowly, "Ten thousand years ago, there was a place abandoned by God. It was lacking in spiritual energy and all things withered. No one could survive there until many years ago. Later, a strange man passed by there and named it 'Tianzhu'..."

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps forward, looked at Ziweisi who was motionless, and asked, "Tianzhucheng has always stayed out of external affairs, but this time he did the opposite. Why do you think it is?

Ziweisi slowly came back to his senses and said, "The Canglong has never appeared again since it appeared a hundred years ago. Everything in Zhucheng today is being taken care of by Bing Qilin. This person is unpredictable and has wonderful calculations. What he did is really hard to fathom..." ✹

At this point, Ziweisi stopped, looked at the changes in the expression on Taihuazi's face, and finally thought about it for a long time before asking again, "I wonder what the real person saw when he was enlightened..."

Hearing this, Taihuazi's calm face seemed to have finally changed slightly, but this wave of disturbance quickly calmed down again. His eyes looked as deep as the abyss, even if it was purple. Wei Si couldn't see into his heart at this time and didn't know what he was thinking.

When their cultivation has reached the level of saints like Taihuazi, in the eyes of outsiders, they have already transcended into saints and are not disturbed by the world. But in fact, the more saints they are, the less likely they are to be distracted.

If a foundation-building disciple who has just entered Taoism is confused, he will be able to calm down quickly with the help of the master or elders. However, if a person who has become a saint is confused, the consequences will be unimaginable and his cultivation will regress. Just the minimal consequences.

The journey of cultivation is to go against the will of nature. The higher you go, the higher the realm you can glimpse. The more so, the more careful you need to be.

Taihuazi experienced three thousand tribulations in the past and finally became a saint. There are twelve realms of saints. Every time he ascends to a higher realm, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven. He must understand the way of heaven and glimpse the secrets of heaven before he can achieve good fortune and break through to the level of a saint. A state to realize the great truth, this is "enlightenment", which is to realize the great creation of the unity of heaven and man.

But that time when they were enlightened, the three of them actually saw the same terrifying dream at the same time. This was a rare and strange thing that happened to them.

After all, the realm of a saint is so mysterious that if you fail to reach the next realm, you don't know what the next realm will be like. It is definitely not just about improving your strength. Therefore, the three of them were confused on the spot, and not only did they fail to break through to the next level, In the next state, he regressed back to the previous state.

Even though it has been many days now, Taihuazi still feels a little uneasy every time he thinks about it. The terrible scene in his dream seems to be lingering in his mind all the time, and he can see it as soon as he closes his eyes, so Now, it is no longer possible for him to meditate and practice, even if he goes into seclusion, it will be of no use.

Seeing that he was silent at this moment, Ziweisi stopped asking any more questions and just said, "Xiao Yichen... will probably go to the Wushuang Meeting in a year's time."

"Wushuang Society..."

Taihuazi frowned deeply, and after a while, he slowly relaxed his brows, turned around and walked towards the depths of the secret realm, and said faintly, "That's it, Ziweisi, you go back first. If anything happens, I will A message will be sent to you."


Ziweisi nodded slightly and went outside. When he was about to walk out, Taihuazi suddenly turned around and stopped him, "Also, there is something else I forgot to tell you."

"What did the real person say?"

Ziweisi immediately stopped and turned back, looking at Taihuazi with a solemn expression, motionless.

After a while, I heard Taihuazi say, "Xuanqingmen."


Suddenly hearing these three words, the expression on Ziwei Si's face suddenly became solemn. Taihuazi nodded, "This sect is by no means as simple as what the outside world sees. The seven peaks are even less simple. In the past few days, I have often felt that the power of the spiritual veins in the Lingxu Realm is abnormal, or it may be related to this sect. If you have time, you can check it out, but remember, don’t let Qing Xuanzi discover you. This person’s cultivation level , I’m afraid it’s already…”

"Okay, I understand. If I have nothing else to do, I'll take my leave first..." Ziweisi said, nodded, walked outside, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the quiet secret realm, Taihuazi was the only one left. He stood motionless. Every time he recalled the events of the past, it seemed to be lingering around him like a nightmare, which often made him confused when he was enlightened. Mind, so over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for him to advance in his cultivation.

Many times, whenever it was late at night, he always felt that there was someone outside the window, but when he went out, he found that it was just the wind blowing and the shadows of the trees swaying.

Speaking of Xiao Chen, a few days later, he had left the Hill of Fantasy Ruins. He did not go to Tianzhu City. Although he knew that Tianzhu Palace might know something about his father, when he was in Huangquan Valley, the sick Qilin had already been given to him. He gave an obvious enough hint that this hint is for the Wushuang Meeting a year later. By then, some mysteries may be solved.

Just one year later, it was also the day when Ku Lingzi predicted that the Three Corpse Demons would be fully formed. However, when he went to Wuwu Sea before, he was lucky enough to receive a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi. This Qi was a wisp of chaotic Qi when the world first opened. , can suppress the three corpse demons, but I don’t know if they can continue to suppress them when the time comes.

Originally, this time, he went to explore what happened to his father back then. Firstly, he wanted to know what happened back then. Secondly, he also wanted to find the person who implanted three corpse demons into his body. He could only find the person who implanted three corpse demons into his body. For those who are possessed by corpse demons, perhaps only the three corpse demons can cure them.

But when they arrived at Huangquan Valley, the clues about his father were interrupted. It seemed that it was true that what the Red Butterfly Fairy said was that after his father entered Huangquan Valley, he never came out again.

The clue here is broken, so we can only pursue the second clue. The second clue is the Ten Saints of that year. There were several of the Ten Saints who participated in the hunt for their father back then, but later they... And disappeared at the same time.

Not only those few people disappeared, but also several other people who were not involved in the pursuit, as long as they were among the Ten Saints, seemed to have disappeared from the world.

This matter is also very strange and bizarre. When he was in Qinling before, he suspected that Xiahou Jie of Qixia Hall in the Snowy Land was Poison Saint Zang Fengyun, one of the ten saints at that time. If this was true, then besides his father, What about the other eight people?

It was the middle of winter, and the snow was flying for thousands of miles outside, freezing everything into a sheet of silver.

On the desolate ancient road, there was only a lonely figure driving forward in a carriage. The driver was Ziyuan, but Xiao Chen was sitting in the warm carriage, feeling a little heavy.

He opened the window curtains, and a cold wind mixed with flakes of snow blew in, hitting his face, which was slightly cold.

At this time, Zi Yuan's voice sounded outside: "Your Majesty, we are in town not far ahead. Sister and the others are waiting for us in the town."


Xiao Chen only responded softly and lowered the window curtains. He was not in a hurry, so he took a carriage and arrived at the small town Zi Yuan mentioned in the evening.

Due to heavy snow and road closures these days, there were not many pedestrians in the town today. Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan went to the designated inn, where Bai Luan and others were already waiting.

"Your Majesty."

Seeing him coming in, Bai Luan and others immediately cupped their hands. Xiao Chen nodded slightly, took off his mink fur, put it in Zi Yuan's hand, and asked, "How is it? Did you hear about it?"


Bai Luan frowned slightly, nodded, and then told what he had heard in the past few days about the Wushuang Society. It turns out that the Wushuang Society is a unique immortal martial arts society in the Lingxu Realm. By then, in the Lingxu Realm, No matter the size of the sect or the family power, everyone can participate.

At the same time, if you want to get the qualification to go to the Ancient Immortal World, you must pass the Wushuang Society. In the Wushuang Society, there are many capable people, and this time, I am afraid it will be even more extraordinary.

The night outside was gradually getting lighter, Bai Luan paused for a while, and then said, "In addition... I also inquired, but it was just a rumor. Some people said that the Ten Saints will appear again, in the Wushuang Society a year later."


This time, Xiao Chen was refreshed. The Ten Saints had disappeared for so many years and suddenly reappeared in the world, but what happened? Could it be that he also wants to compete for the qualifications to enter the ancient immortal world? But it seems that things are not that simple...

And that day in Huangquan Valley, Bing Qilin hinted that he went to the Wushuang Society. Could it be that he had some purpose?

Ancient Immortal World...

Obtaining the qualification to enter the Ancient Immortal World does not mean that you have obtained the quota to enter the Ancient Immortal World. The former is only a necessary condition for the latter, and the latter is even more difficult.

At this time, Ziyuan suddenly said, "If Wushuang is like this, then Xiao Meng'er from the Xiao family will definitely go there."

When she said this, she looked at Xiao Chen, "Will your Majesty also go there then?"

Xiao Chen gradually frowned. Now he was not considering whether to go, but whether he was strong enough. If even someone like the Ten Saints would compete for this unparalleled qualification, then judging from his current strength, I'm afraid it's far from enough. Even Xiao Meng'er may not be sure to win.

Another point is that the death energy in his body gradually began to bite back. The twenty-year period mentioned by Fairy Suwen was approaching, but he still had no clue about the unique immortality in the world. Now he can still suppress it. Living is all due to the wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi in the body.

The room slowly fell into silence, and no one spoke anymore. After an unknown period of time, the night outside was completely shrouded, and no one in the room held a lamp, and it gradually dimmed.

In the corridor outside, when the store clerk passed by, he saw that there were no candles lit in the house, but he knew that there was an unusual person inside and did not dare to disturb him, so he quickly walked away.

After a while, when Xiao Chen was about to say something, a burst of spiritual power suddenly came from the spiritual jade in his sleeve, and the jade paper carried by Bai Luan and others also started to flicker at this time.

"Wuyu Tian... something happened?"

Several people's expressions were condensed, but Xiao Chen put the spirit jade back into his sleeves, and immediately walked out without saying a word, followed by Bai Luan and others.

Three days later, a group of people returned to Wuyu Tian, ​​but the scene in front of them made everyone's expressions change. Originally, Wuyu Tian was high in the sky, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth was extremely abundant. It was far away from the noise of the world, and it was like a fairyland outside the sky. However, At this time, the entire Wuyutian was shrouded in a thick evil aura, making it look a bit scary.

"how so……"

Zi Yuan's face was shocked, but seeing that the nearby islands had not been damaged, and the prohibition circle was still intact, with no traces of fighting at all, this meant that it was not invaded... But why? so? Why is there such a terrible evil spirit everywhere...

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