The mountains were often filled with heavy fog, and the mountains were also very steep. The fog often began to dissipate after noon. Xiao Chen searched for three days in the mountains. During these three days, he did not see Xiao Menger and his senior brother. , I don’t know where those two people have been today.

After noon that day, Xiao Chen, like the previous three days, extended his spiritual consciousness across a hundred miles and carefully searched every cave. However, there were so many caves nearby. Even though his current cultivation level was no longer comparable to that of the original, But continuing to search like this will consume a lot of energy.

It wasn't until dusk fell that Xiao Chen finally discovered an abnormality in a cave dozens of miles away. He saw a fire coming out of the cave, but upon closer inspection, he saw that it was not a ball of flame, but a fiery red flame. The spirit fox.

"Nine-tailed fire spirit fox..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and dozens of miles away, the nine-tailed fire spirit fox seemed to have felt his spiritual consciousness, and actually fled out of the mountain in an instant.

The nine-tailed fire spirit fox moved like lightning and was extremely fast. Xiao Chen did not hesitate, once again probed out his spiritual consciousness and chased after it in an instant. ❉✼✼

It was not until night was approaching that he gradually caught up with the spirit fox, and the spirit fox was running for hundreds of miles. At this time, its speed did not decrease but increased. I don't know where it was in front, but suddenly the power of a formation came through.

"Junior sister, Yimu's formation is about to be completed, please step back."

The person setting up the formation in front was Xiao Meng'er's third senior brother Liu Wuxin. At this moment, all the formations on the ground could be seen were emitting a faint green light. It was he who was gathering the essence of Yimu from the nearby peaks.

It turned out that three days ago, the two of them found the essence of Yimu here, so they spent three days here and expended a lot of energy before finally setting up the formation of Yimu. The next step is the key. The formation must not be affected. Any fluctuation.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

But at this moment, I saw a ray of fire suddenly coming this way. Upon closer inspection, there was a nine-tailed spirit fox hidden in the fire. It was the nine-tailed fire spirit fox that panicked and headed here. The Yimu formation rushed over.


Liu Wuxin was suddenly startled. He saw the fire fox coming from nowhere and was about to destroy the formation. At this moment, without thinking, he focused his fingers and slashed with a white sword energy. This sword was so powerful, it must be The nine-tailed fire spirit fox must be beheaded until both body and spirit are destroyed.

But at this moment, another green light suddenly flew from behind, and with a "zheng" sound, the white sword energy was offset at the critical moment.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The nine-tailed spirit fox suddenly turned pale with fright, kicked off its four legs, and rushed into the Yimu Formation. Then there was only a loud "bang" sound, and under the influence of the formation, more than a dozen surrounding peaks suddenly shook violently. It seemed to be about to collapse. At this moment, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

As soon as the nine-tailed fire spirit fox rushed into the formation, it immediately destroyed the formation, causing the surroundings to tremble. The spirit fox was frightened and ran rampant in the formation, disrupting the entire formation at once.


Suddenly the mountains shook and the ground shook, and smoke and dust billowed out within a few miles. The nine-tailed spirit fox chirped twice and disappeared into the billowing smoke like lightning.

When Xiao Chen arrived, the spirit fox had long disappeared. The power of the surrounding formations was in chaos, making it impossible for him to detect it with his spiritual consciousness.

"Who are you!"

Seeing that the formation he had finally set up was destroyed, no matter how high his Taoist heart was, Liu Wuxin's face was covered with frost at this moment.

"It's you……"

Xiao Meng'er recognized Xiao Chen at a glance, but she didn't expect to meet him again here. If someone else destroyed her Yimu Formation, she would definitely draw her sword and kill him.

But the person in front of her was none other than someone else. She had owed Xiao Chen a favor when she was in the ancient land of Huangquan. Now, even if the other party destroyed her formation, she wouldn't be able to say anything.

"Junior sister, do you recognize this person?"

On the other hand, Liu Wuxin next to her was slightly surprised and looked at Xiao Meng'er.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er's eyebrows were furrowed. To this day, she already knew Xiao Chen's identity. But back in Huangquan Valley, when she knew Xiao Chen's identity, she couldn't tell what it was like at that time. Feeling, but this feeling made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Seeing that Xiao Meng'er didn't speak, Liu Wuxin looked at Xiao Chen again, but at this moment, his eyes were obviously hostile, especially since the other party destroyed the Yimu Formation he had finally set up.

"People passing by."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm. As soon as he finished speaking, he moved forward in an instant. Liu Wuxin did not expect that he would be so arrogant. His eyes immediately turned cold and he was about to take action, but Xiao Meng'er next to him reached out and pressed him. "Senior Brother , forget it, that person...he helped me once. "

"What did you say?"

Suddenly hearing this, Liu Wuxin seemed to have already guessed it. Xiao Meng'er looked at the direction Xiao Chen was leaving, frowned and said, "He is the person I told my senior brother before. This person acts without reason and has no origin." I don’t know, senior brother, don’t worry about him.”

"But this person just caused the destruction of the Yimu Formation without even saying a word of apology. Does he know who you are?" Liu Wuxin frowned slightly. At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Meng'er.

Of course, regarding Xiao Chen, Xiao Meng'er only mentioned to him what happened in Huangquan Valley, but did not reveal Xiao Chen's identity.

But now, in the entire Lingxu Realm, not many people actually know Xiao Chen's identity. Most people make random guesses and follow what others say.

At this time, Xiao Meng'er was still staring at the direction Xiao Chen left. The night gradually fell, and she shook her head, "Probably, I don't know."

"I see……"

At this moment, Liu Wuxin felt relieved, thinking that it turned out that person did not know the identity of the junior sister, nor who the master was. No wonder he was so arrogant. If he knew who the master was, how could he dare to be like this.

"Hey, it's a pity that Yimu's formation was destroyed. The Yimu essence that had finally gathered around it dispersed in an instant. It will probably be very difficult to set up the formation again."

Looking at the dead vines scattered around, Liu Wuxin shook his head and sighed.

As for Xiao Chen, he tracked the aura of the nine-tailed fire spirit fox all night, and finally found the trace of the spirit fox again the next morning.

It's just that the spirit fox is unusual. It has escaped the tracking of his spiritual consciousness many times and ran to nowhere. When it reached a mountain stream in front of it, a mysterious light suddenly shot into the sky and enveloped it.

The spirit fox screamed in fright and wanted to rush out, but was enveloped by the power of restrictions. However, the restrictions shrank smaller and smaller, and finally formed a circle of light, imprisoning it in Inside.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The spirit fox suddenly trembled with fear, and the fire on his body started to burn. At this time, two figures suddenly appeared not far away, but they were a man and a woman.

"Haha! After squatting here in Shushan for three months, I finally lured out this nine-tailed fire spirit fox. This time, big brother is saved!"

The girl, dressed in red like Xia, ran over quickly, caught the spirit fox, gently stroked its soft hair, and said with a smile, "It is indeed the legendary nine-tailed fire spirit fox. Although there are flames on its body, This flame is not burning.”

"Little sister, you'd better be more careful. This is probably a vixen, but if she gets angry, she won't burn all your hair off."

At this time, the man also came over, but seeing that he had a smile on his face, he was wearing green clothes, and he had two long swords on his back. He must be a master of swordsmanship.

"Little fox, be good, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we won't hurt your life..."

The girl held the spirit fox in her arms and gently stroked its hair. She loved it very much. The handsome man next to her shook her head and smiled, "Okay, we have also caught the nine-tailed spirit fox. We have been out for three months this time. We have to catch it." Go back as soon as possible, otherwise Master will be worried about you at home. "

"You two...I'm afraid we can't take this nine-tailed fox away."

Just when the man finished speaking, a figure stood not far from the two of them at some unknown time.

The man's hair was as white as snow and his eyes were as frosty. He was Xiao Chen.

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