Zi Yuan must have gone back to Burial Sword Valley to save people before while Bai Luan was not paying attention, but if she acted rashly by herself, there would probably be problems.

"Commander...what should I do?"

At this moment, everyone looked at Bai Luan, waiting for her to make up her mind. Bai Luan had an uncertain look on his face, but he finally looked in the direction of the Sword Burial Valley and said decisively, "Go back!"

The figures of more than a dozen people disappeared under the dark night in an instant.

Buried Sword Valley, the night was boundless, the wind was as cold as frost, a figure sneaked in quietly, it was none other than Zi Yuan.

It's Chou time now, and there are about two hours before dawn. Zi Yuan has already gathered all her breath before coming, and within two hours, she must find a way to rescue the person.

Returning to the previous cliff, I saw the Yunzong people still guarding the outside of the square. There were twelve people in total. If you want to rescue the people inside the square, you must restrain these twelve people, either kill them or temporarily order them to leave. He loses consciousness.

Now that there is only one Zi Yuan, it is obvious that he cannot kill twelve people at the same time. He can only make these people lose consciousness.

At this time, the wind had stopped, and everything was silent. Any slightest movement would alert those below.

Ziyuan hid on the cliff and remained motionless, her sharp gaze like an eagle's eye fixed on the position changes of the twelve people below. No one could escape her eyes, and she was waiting for an opportunity.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters of an hour passed.

The wind finally started blowing, and the leaves in the forest were blowing. It was a good opportunity for an assassination!

At this moment, Zi Yuan's pupils quickly dilated, her eyes focused, and became as sharp as an eagle's eyes. In this dark night, she could see things as if they were in daylight, without any obstruction.


Taking advantage of the sound of the wind, the three silver needles in Ziyuan's hand were fired out, accurately hitting the backs of the three people in front of the square. Before the others could react, the same silver needle had already been shot into their backs. neck.

Although it was a dark night, none of the twelve silver needles were in vain. The twelve people were instantly hit by the needles, and they all fainted. Although this needle could not kill them, it could make them sleepy. Within a stick of incense, Unable to wake up.

"Senior Brother Yin...look!"

Seeing those Yun Sect members outside the square falling down, the disciples who were buried in the Sword Valley in the square were startled, but Yin Jian reacted instantly, someone must have come to save them, and he immediately "shushed" He made a sound, indicating not to make any noise, so as not to disturb Tang Yu and others in Yun Zong.

Several people held their breath and looked around, but the sky was too dark and they couldn't see anyone coming in the distance. It wasn't until a gust of cold wind blew that a figure landed in front of them.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, and they could vaguely see that it was a beautiful girl, not a master, not an elder, not the person who buried the sword valley... Then who was she?

Zi Yuan didn't say much, and immediately untied the ropes on several people, untied their acupuncture points, and said with concentration, "Follow me."

Several people looked at each other. No matter who the girl in front of them was, at least she was here to save them. They immediately followed her outside without hesitation.

However, as soon as she walked out of the square, Ziyuan suddenly stopped. At this moment, she seemed to smell a hint of danger hidden in the dark.

"Girl...what's wrong?"

Yin Jian was nervous and his face was slightly pale. He looked around and picked up a bloody long sword on the side of the road, becoming alert.

When the other people saw the girl in front of them suddenly stop, their hearts started to jump. They looked around, but saw no movement.

At this moment, there was a sudden chill from somewhere, and a man's voice as cold as frost was heard from somewhere, "You are quite skilled, but it's a pity that you have to die here too..."

When the voice fell, I saw a figure slowly appearing in front of me. The man was dressed in white and holding a folding fan, but it was the man in white from before.

"Tang Yu!"

Seeing this man appear, Yin Jian was shocked and cried out.

And this man, in fact, has a high status. He is the direct disciple of Tang Qingshi, one of the three great elders of Yun Sect. Although he looks young, his actual age is not young, and his cultivation level is also very high. At least among the younger generations, he is already He is the best, far beyond what Yin Jian can compare with.

However, although this person's cultivation level is high, his character is very ruthless. Those people who were buried in the Sword Valley were all killed by him. At this moment, I saw him walking towards this side step by step, with an expression on his face. He didn't take Zi Yuan, Yin Jian and others seriously at all.

At this moment, there was a cold blade in Ziyuan's hand, which instantly transformed into a swift shadow and struck at Tang Yu. The attack was extremely fast, and it reached Tang Yu almost instantly, but Tang Yu remained silent. Calm and calm, he leaned back. Zi Yuan's lightning-like sword finally passed by his face and cut off only a strand of his hair.

And the next moment, before Zi Yuan could take the move, Tang Yu had already gathered 70% of his true energy in his palm, and struck her with a palm. This palm was so fast and fierce that even though Zi Yuan reacted quickly, she had to lift it up in a hurry. With half of the skill, there was only a "bang" sound, and the palm hit her firmly, knocking her away immediately.


Yin Jian was startled and immediately stepped forward with his sword. However, given his cultivation level, most of his power was blocked at this time. Even in his prime, he could not withstand Tang Yu's moves. At this time, a palm strike The wind struck and immediately shook him and the other disciples buried in the Sword Valley until they vomited blood and flew backwards.


Tang Yu sneered. He had no interest in people like Yin Jian, but he was very interested in the mysterious woman in front of him. At this moment, he attacked again.

Sensing the murderous intention coming from behind, Ziyuan's energy condensed. Her cultivation level was not as good as that of the man named Yunzong, and Yeying was good at group combat. The rescue failed tonight. She did not hesitate at all, and instantly turned into a shadow. Hiding in the night, he had to escape outside the valley.

"Oh? The art of shadow escape? Interesting..."

Tang Yuwu had a sneer on his face, and as soon as he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, and more than a dozen talismans flew forward in an instant. The talismans spontaneously ignited in mid-air, and turned into a volcano. He caught up with Zi Yuan instantly.


A scream was heard, but a talisman was stuck on Ziyuan's back, which immediately made her appear. She could no longer hide. It was obvious that the magical power hidden in this talisman was extremely powerful.

"Since the girl is here, why leave in such a hurry? It's better to stay..."

Tang Yu moved, and before Zi Yuan could escape, he was already there in an instant. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Zi Yuan's throat.

Originally he was very forceful in this move, but after seeing the other person's appearance, he didn't expect that she was such a beautiful and charming girl. His heart moved, he relaxed his hand, and said with a smile, "She is actually a beauty, interesting..."

Although he loosened some strength on his hands, the murderous intent in his eyes did not diminish at all, and his eyes suddenly turned cold. "Say! Who sent you here!"

Obviously with his knowledge, he could tell at a glance that this girl was no ordinary girl. Even though her life was hanging on the line, there was still no panic in her eyes. If she had not received strict training and experienced countless life and death, she would never be able to do this. He looked calm, and there were probably more than just this one nearby. These could never be the people from Buried Sword Valley. There were no such outstanding people in Buried Sword Valley.


In the distance, Yin Jian and others were shocked when they saw Zi Yuan falling into Tang Yu's hands. At this time, many people from the Yun Sect came nearby.


"You are here."

Tang Yu looked at these people, then looked at the people on Yin Jian's side, and said, "Lock all those people, as well as this woman in my hand, into the secret room of the Sword Burial Valley. I will put them..." Catch them all.”

At the end of his words, his eyes turned cold, and he tapped several acupuncture points on Ziyuan's body, temporarily blocking her power.

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