The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 963: Love comes from the heart

The owner of Mingyue Valley walked forward, looked at Tang Yu, and sneered, "Are you a dog? Your ears are so good and your nose is so sharp.


Tang Yu's eyes fell on her, and then he saw Hua Weiyang behind her. When he saw Hua Weiyang, his heart suddenly moved. He didn't expect to be such a peerless beauty. At this moment, his mind I can only think of one person, and that is Xiao Menger.

Only Xiao Meng'er can compare with the woman in front of her, but what is Xiao Meng'er's identity? He was a disciple of Immortal Lord Donghua, but he didn't even dare to think about it.


Unexpectedly, today, he would see a person who was as peerless as Xiao Meng'er. It seemed that neither of them should belong to this world. They should be fairies in the sky.

I saw him taking two steps forward, but his eyes remained fixed on Hua Weiyang, and he smiled and said, "I don't know how to call this girl."

Hua Weiyang looked at him indifferently. She had seen many such people. She thought she had some skills, so she forgot who she was and said lightly, "Pity the Flower Palace, Hua Weiyang. To make a long story short, your junior brothers are here, take the The guys from Buried Sword Valley will come and replace it.”

At this time, the four Yun Sect disciples had their heads covered with sacks. Tang Yu glanced at them, not knowing that they were his junior brothers, and sneered, "Substitute? It may not be as hard as you want. Not only did Tang not show up today, The people will be exchanged for you, and you... must stay. As for those four, if you want to kill them, then just kill them."

Hearing this, the four of them all trembled, and the Mingyue Valley Master sneered, "Don't be anxious, Mr. Tang. Let's take a look at these people first." At the end of the words, with a flick of his sleeves, a strong wind blew away, immediately blowing those people away. The sacks on the four people's heads flew away.


Several people's faces were horrified, and when Tang Yu saw the four of them, his heart sank. Aren't these four people in the sect? He didn't come out this time, so how could he fall into their hands?

"Senior brother..."

Several people turned pale, and one person said hurriedly, "Master was worried that something might happen to you outside, so he asked the four of us to go down the mountain to have a look. But two days ago, we were walking in the town, and suddenly a gust of evil wind blew us away. When we wake up, When I came, I was kidnapped by them..."


At this moment, Tang Yu's face was extremely gloomy, as if it was covered with a layer of frost. If they were other people in the Yun Sect, he could not care whether they were alive or dead, but these four people were his junior brothers. If there were any shortcomings, then he You will definitely be punished by your master if you go back.

Looking at Tang Yu's cloudy face at this time, Hua Weiyang said calmly, "How about it, Mr. Tang, are you willing to change people now?"

"Hehe, okay..."

Tang Yu sneered, raised his hand, and said coldly to the Yun Sect disciples behind him, "Go to the secret room and bring those half-dead people out!"


Several Yun Sect disciples behind him immediately went into the valley. After a while, they brought Yin Jian and others up. There were originally more than a dozen people, but now there were only five left.

And these days, several people have obviously suffered a lot. Yin Jian had an arm cut off, and several others also suffered serious injuries, with bruises all over their faces.

When they saw the woman at the mouth of the valley, everyone was stunned. Could it be that they were here to save them? They were with the girl that night, and that girl that night, they watched Tang Yu break her hands...

The expression on Hua Weiyang's face remained unchanged, and she said calmly, "Let them go at the same time."


Tang Yu sneered, looked at his four junior brothers, and then at the five Yin Jians here, and sneered, "Four for five, did you make a mistake in your calculation?"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were still indifferent, she looked at him and said, "Then what do you want."


Tang Yu smiled coldly, and suddenly murderous intent appeared in his eyes. He stretched his hand back, and with a "creak", he crushed a person's throat.

"Uh..." Before the man could say anything, blood was already flowing out of his mouth. The pupils of his eyes gradually dilated and he lost his breath.

"Junior brother!"

Yin Jian's eyes were splitting as he watched his junior brother's body fall, while the other three people beside him seemed to have lost their souls at this moment, with horror on their faces and motionless.

"Doesn't this solve the problem? Girl, don't you think so?" Tang Yu looked at Hua Weiyang, smiled faintly, opened the folding fan again, and shook it gently.

Bai Luan squeezed his fingers tightly. That night, he also broke the meridians in Zi Yuan's body and lost both her hands...

"Tang Yu..."

Yin Jian's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he stared at Tang Yu fiercely. His teeth had already drawn blood from his bite. Now he just wanted to pounce on him and tear off this man's flesh one by one.

At the entrance of the valley, Hua Weiyang's expression remained unchanged, and her eyes still stayed on Tang Yu, saying, "Mingyue, go and bring the person here."


Mingyue Valley Master immediately led the four people from the Yun Sect to the opposite side, while Bai Luan and others stood on guard at the side.

When Mingyue exchanged the four Yin Jians, Tang Yu suddenly folded his fan, but at that moment, Hua Weiyang had already shot two cold eyes at him, "If you want your four junior brothers to die of poison now, feel free to try." try.

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Tang Yu immediately stopped. When he turned around, he saw that the faces of the four junior brothers were all black, especially the Yintang area, which was already black and blue, obviously showing signs of poisoning.

"Bring the antidote!"

At this moment, Tang Yu's face became even more ugly. Mingyue sneered, "There is no antidote. If you don't save your skills to force the poison out for them, they will definitely die of intestinal rupture within seven days."

"Let's go." Hua Weiyang turned around and said no more. The group immediately led Yin Jian and others outside.

Tang Yu looked at their disappearing figures, and his face became more and more gloomy. The leader of the dignified third elder of the Yun Sect was actually tricked by a group of women. His face was as ugly as this, and the junior brothers next to him did not dare to say anything. .

After a while, several people from the Yun Sect came up and whispered, "Mr....Mr...."

"What a man!"

Tang Yu turned around and glared at a few people, and said coldly, "They are all useless trash. I gave you Fu Yan that night, and I can also let people break in and rescue people. I will never let those women They returned to the Desireless Heaven..."

When he said this, his eyes became even colder, and he said in a deep voice, "Several elders are chasing Gongsun Chang. Why is there no news yet? Send a message immediately... and ask them to come back!"

"Yes, yes, Young Master..." Several people from the Yun Sect did not dare to say anything and immediately retreated downstairs.

Speaking of Hua Weiyang and others, after leaving the Buried Sword Valley for hundreds of miles, the group stopped in a forest to discuss the next route.

Yin Jian walked up. Although he lost an arm, it was not easy to save a life. He saw that his body was shaking a little at this time. He looked at Hua Weiyang and others and said, "Thank you girls for helping me. My three junior brothers and I , I really don’t know how to repay the kindness to you girls..."

At this point, he paused for a while and then continued, "May I ask... Lord Xiao asked all the girls to come? What happened to that girl that night..."

"She's fine."

Hua Weiyang walked up, looked at the people and said, "Is there anyone else in the valley?"

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads. One of them said, "It's just us and Senior Brother Yin Jian. Everyone else... was killed by Tang Yu."

Seeing the painful expressions on several people's faces, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Although Yun Zong destroyed and buried Sword Valley for some purpose, he did it so brilliantly this time. Part of the reason was probably that day. Xiao Chen protected them...

"You guys can go back to Wuyutian with me to recover from your injuries first. We'll talk about the rest later."

Hua Weiyang looked at the four people. It was better to save these four people now than to die in Tang Yu's hands. When the four Yin Jians heard that she was going to take them back to Wuyutian, they were stunned for a moment at first. Wuyutian That was a place they couldn't even imagine, but then they came to their senses and realized that they couldn't follow them to the Desireless Heaven.

Yin Jian stepped forward and said, "Thank you for your kindness, miss. It's just that a few of me are injured. If I come with you, I'm afraid it will drag you down. But don't worry, ladies, we are very familiar with Shu. Now that we are out, Yunzong People can't find us, and we still have to look for Master and them, so..."

After hearing what he said, Hua Weiyang didn't force herself. She took a jade bottle from the Mingyue Valley Master and handed it to Yin Jian, saying, "This bottle is Baihua Dan. It can treat your injuries. Be careful along the way."

"Thank you very much, girl..."

Yin Jian wiped the blood on his hands, and then reached out to take the jade bottle she handed over, as if he was afraid of staining her white cuffs. At this moment, the other party was like a fairy sister to him.

"Then... girls, you should also be careful."

Yin Jian looked at Bai Luan and others again, and then he and his junior brother went in the other direction of the woods. Soon, they disappeared.

Mingyue looked at the direction in which the four of them disappeared, slowly came back to her senses, and asked Hua Weiyang, "Palace Master, let's go too. If someone powerful comes from Yun Zong, we will be in trouble."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, no longer hesitating, and the group immediately went in the direction of Wuyutian.

By the seventh day, everyone had passed through the thousands of mountains and valleys of Yuding. But at noon that day, there was suddenly a vague aura coming from behind. Bai Luan and others immediately noticed it. Mingyue Valley The Lord also had a look on his face, "It's not good, it's probably the people from the Yun Sect who have caught up..."


Hua Weiyang did not hesitate, increased her speed to the limit, and headed towards Wuyutian.

In Wuyutian, Ziyuan has been back for a long time, and she is still lying in Shen Jing's medicine garden today. Fortunately, Shen Jing replaced her bones, otherwise her two arms would probably be really useless. , but the meridians all over her body were severed. Although it was not as serious as Xiao Chen's before, it was not easy to restore the meridians.

Xiao Chen has been in seclusion in the cave of Secret Demon Cliff for half a month. Naturally, he has no idea what happened outside in the past half month.

On this day, I saw that the true energy in his body was flowing continuously, as if he had entered some mysterious realm. The traces of true energy were running more smoothly than before. It was not that the true energy flow became smoother, but that his spirit His consciousness has become much sharper, so he can better control the flow of his true energy.

Half a month later, with the stabilization of his cultivation, the backlash wounds on his body have disappeared, and there will no longer be backlash caused by the use of great power. As for the three corpse demons, they have fallen into silence during this period, with no signs of waking up. .

At this time, he seemed to have returned to the Taihu Lake in the past. It was raining continuously. He was fishing with the white-bearded man, but he never had the earthly aura in him.

Nowadays, he can be aloof from the world, like a god, transcendent in the world, and ethereal in the clouds, but he can never go back to the past, to the man in Ningcun who caught fish in the pond and got covered in mud. Dirty little naughty boy.

The scene turned, as if many years had passed. The familiar scene, the dark cloudy sky, was the Tomb of Gods and Demons. It was the Tomb of Gods and Demons that he had visited with Luodie many years ago.

"How could I come back here..."

Xiao Chen knew that everything here at this moment was born from his own heart, and everything here was a "appearance" constructed in his heart.

Could it be that my own cultivation will be able to achieve a breakthrough in this phase constructed by myself?

Or was it that he had all the arrangements secretly, and that he was about to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, but he just happened to create such a "appearance"?

Slowly, a figure appeared in front of him. The man's red clothes looked like clouds and flowers, standing pretty on the edge of the cliff. His clothes were fluttering and moving with the wind.


Xiao Chen frowned slightly and walked closer. He always felt a little guilty about Luo Die. Although he didn't see Luo Die leave that day, he could imagine how she left. At that time, he cried heartbrokenly, but he also remembered that the day she first came to Wuyutian, she smiled as happily as a child.

"Luo Die...why are you here?"

Xiao Chen got closer and closer. At this moment, he seemed to suddenly have some intuition. The Luo Die in front of him was not his "appearance", but like... a real Luo Die.

More importantly, the aura coming out of the other person's body gave him a very strong feeling, even stronger than Xiao Meng'er...

"Xiao... Young Master?"

The voice was as cold as frost. Luodie slowly turned around. At this moment, Xiao Chen felt suffocated and his mind was confused. In just a moment, everything constructed in front of him collapsed. "It completely disappeared.

Inside the cave, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was covered with a layer of cold sweat. That Luo Die just now... No, that was not his appearance just now, but Luo Die's appearance!

Why did he actually enter Luo Die's phase? And why was the Luo Die in the picture just now so cold and terrifying? Those two eyes clearly no longer had any emotion.

Although he has become cold and ruthless over the years, he is not truly ruthless. He just looks cold, but he still has feelings in his heart.

But the Luodie he just saw in the picture was completely heartless, devoid of any emotion, terrifying, terrible, and as cold as falling into the abyss. Could it be that... he is too forgetful of emotion!

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