"If you take another step forward, you won't be rude.

The calm female voice came from the valley again, and Xiao Chen thought to himself, is the person inside that Yunchuan Medical Immortal? Or a disciple of Yunchuan Medical Immortal?

But at the moment, he doesn't care so much. Since he finally found Shuiyun Valley, it would be too boring to just turn around and go back in anger without even meeting him.

At that moment, Xiao Chen ignored the voice of the woman in the valley and still spread out his body skills to go to the valley. However, when he got inside, he discovered that there were layers of restriction formations in the valley. Those restrictions were bombarded. If you were not careful, you would break through. Entering the fierce formation, both body and soul will be destroyed.

"The restrictions in this valley are stronger than the last. I would like to advise you to leave quickly, otherwise you will die in there. I don't care."

The woman's calm voice came out from the valley again, but Xiao Chen didn't listen, focusing on avoiding the restricted attacks around him. Although these formations were powerful, they couldn't defeat him now.

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Chen had passed through many restrictions and arrived in the valley. He saw a courtyard under a cliff, with bamboos in the front and back, and two huts inside.

Seeing the scenery of this valley, Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of the Butterfly Valley where Shen Jing was. It was like this. It seemed that the owner of the valley was the Yunchuan Medical Immortal.

Xiao Chen walked closer, and a breeze blew, carrying the fragrance of herbs from the courtyard. He saw a woman standing in the small courtyard. She had three thousand hair on her back, but she didn't know if her appearance was already old. .

"I asked you to go out, but you insist on coming in. You know the restrictions outside the valley just now. If you are not careful, you will be dead now."

The woman still had her back to him, speaking lightly while arranging the herbs on the stone platform.

Xiao Chen said, "It seems like I've always had good luck... Dare I ask this girl, is she the Yunchuan Medical Immortal?"

Hearing this, the woman stopped and turned her head slightly, "What do you call me?"

Only then did Xiao Chen see her face clearly. Although she had three thousand luxuriant hair on her back, her face was like that of a girl. Could it be that the "girl" in front of him was the medical saint Shui Hanyan who disappeared that year?

This was very different from the medical sage he had imagined before coming here. The medical sage he imagined was an old woman with wrinkles on her face, but he never imagined that she was such a beautiful and unparalleled girl.

But soon, he realized that the appearance of those who cultivated immortals would not age as quickly as ordinary people. And the medical immortal in front of him was obviously like his master, who had already cultivated his immortal body. In another thousand years, he would become an immortal. It won't age either.

"Today I get to see the true face of Senior Medical Sage. Please forgive me for being so rude."

Xiao Chen immediately bowed his hand. In any case, the person in front of him was one of the ten saints who were as famous as his father. What's more, there are very few people who are proficient in medical skills in this world. The two medical saints and medicine saints are more powerful than Several others need to be more widely known.

"Medical Saint? I don't dare to be called a Medical Saint."

Shui Hanyan turned around and continued to sort the herbs on the stone platform, and said, "Boy, you just said that you have always had good luck, but I think you are not going to die soon. By then, your luck will continue to be like this." Is it going well?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression condensed slightly. Ordinary people would never see the backlash of life and death in their bodies, but she actually saw it at a glance in such a short period of time.

At this moment, he was even more certain that the person in front of him was the Medical Sage back then. He said, "I'm really lucky, but Senior Medical Sage relies on his strength. Otherwise, how could he tell at a glance that he was not long after his death?" "

"You misunderstood. When I said you were about to die, I meant that if you don't go out, I will kill you." At this moment, Shui Hanyan turned his head, his eyes were as cold as frost, and it definitely didn't look like he was joking.

But Xiao Chen's gaze still fell on her, never moving away at all, his eyes were equally calm, and he said, "I thought the medical sage could only help the world by hanging pots, but not kill people."

"Then you can try..."

Shui Hanyan's eyes became colder, while Xiao Chen's eyes remained unavoidable as he looked at her and said, "So, senior has finally admitted that after living here in seclusion for more than forty years, He kept his name incognito and changed his appearance, but he didn’t know that the senior had lived in seclusion here for more than forty years. It can be seen that earth-shaking changes have taken place outside, and now..."

When he said this, he stopped, and after a while, he continued, "The next person is not the only one who is looking for Senior Medical Sage. Although Senior lives here in seclusion, he should be clear when he thinks about it. Since I can find him here, , then soon, someone else will come here."

At this moment, the courtyard suddenly became very quiet, with only the sound of the wind gently blowing the bamboo leaves. Shui Hanyan stared at the young man in front of him in silence, while Xiao Chen also looked at her, his eyes motionless.

After a while, Shui Hanyan finally said, "I have stopped interfering with things outside. The Ten Saints have long since disappeared. Now that you have come to find me, if you want me to cure the backlash of death energy in your body, you can." , if it’s anything else, there’s nothing I can do.”

Xiao Chen said, "I came to Shuiyun Valley today not to ask my senior to treat the backlash of life and death in my body, but to invite my senior to go to Wuyu Tian with me."


Shui Hanyan snorted coldly and said displeasedly, "Since you don't want me to treat the disease, then let's go."

Xiao Chen said, "Senior, don't be in a hurry, just listen to what I have to say. I must have lived here in seclusion more than forty years ago because I didn't want to enter that force. But as long as you are among the Ten Saints, you can't escape the eyes of that force. Very soon." Hurry, they will come for you..."

Upon hearing this, Shui Hanyan's eyes suddenly narrowed, "What else do you know?"

The expression on Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, and he said, "I also know that back then, the Medicine Saint, the Medicine Saint, and the Poison Saint were brothers, but few people knew about it, but later they joined a certain force because of the Poison Saint. , the three of them have been strangers since then..."

Hearing this, Shui Hanyan's expression changed even more, but he quickly recovered, smiled coldly, and said, "As expected of Wuyu Tian, ​​worthy of being a night shadow. Under the night, like a shadow, it is everywhere. It's really amazing." People are timid..."

Xiao Chen looked at her, the expression on his face remained unchanged. He would never be disappointed with Ye Ying. What Ye Ying was good at was not just assassination. There was a lot of information buried under the night and in the darkness in this world. They All can be investigated.


Shui Hanyan snorted again and said, "What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. You can't fight them. It's more important for young people to save their lives. Leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Chen said, "I came here this time just to invite you to go back to Wuyu Heaven with me. In this Lingxu realm, no matter where you are, it is not a safe place. What if..."

"I won't go with you."

Before he could finish speaking, Shui Hanyan stretched out his hand to interrupt, took a deep breath, and looked at the cliff above the bamboo forest, "I once promised an old friend that I would stay away from the disputes in the world, so even if I die, I will never Leave this valley."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and at this moment, a faint look of sadness flashed across his face. After a long time, he said, "I dare to ask the old friend that the senior mentioned. His surname is Xiao, and his courtesy name is Zhufeng..."

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