The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 980 Reunion after a long absence

In the direction where the sound came from, the clouds suddenly spread out to both sides, and a compelling aura enveloped them, making those behind Heiyue feel their breath suffocated.

Soon, two figures appeared in the turbulent clouds. At first, they seemed to be far away, but in almost a blink of an eye, the two figures were approaching.

Heiyue's eyes were sharp. No matter who it was, he raised his palm, and a fierce palm force suddenly surged out, causing the entire cliff top to tremble and all the vegetation to fly.

Facing the sudden attack of palm power, Xiao Chen's breath was calm and motionless as a mountain. He also raised his palm, and the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills came out instantly, turning into a ten-foot palm print. With a "bang" sound, it was like the palm of Hei Yue. The collision caused the entire Qingsong Cliff to tremble.

And the dozens of people behind Heiyue, at such a close distance, were like thunder exploding in their ears. For a moment, they all felt dizzy, their ears were ringing, and they could hardly even stand still.

"Black Moon?"

Shui Hanyan immediately recognized the cold man in black on the edge of the cliff, and Heiyue naturally recognized her, and smiled gloomily, "Medical Saint, Shui Hanyan..."

Could it be that the sky is also nearby?

Shui Hanyan's first reaction was to look around cautiously, and Heiyue seemed to see what she was thinking at a glance, and smiled coldly, "No need to look for it, I am the only one today, but I didn't expect that, It’s really interesting that the Medical Saint will appear here today.”

At the end of his words, his eyes slowly fell back on Xiao Chen. His hair was as white as snow and as cold as frost. It seemed that the person in front of him was the Lord of Wuyu Tian.

At this time, a figure flew up from the cliff, but it was the Medicine Saint Bu Yundian. He must have carefully collected all his precious medicinal herbs into the Nascent Soul. There was nothing left in the medicine garden.

"Han Yan..."

When he saw Shui Hanyan, Bu Yundian's whole figure seemed to be stunned in place. The other party's hair was three thousand years old, but his appearance was still the same. However, these years passed by in a blink of an eye, and his appearance became even older. He is the Holy Medicine and the Holy Medicine. After getting sick, you can't change your life.

Shui Hanyan also looked at him, and saw that he looked much older. At this moment, his face had an indescribable complex expression. However, the two of them met again after a long separation, but at this time they were relatively speechless. In their hearts, they felt like Recalling scenes of old events from that year.

"The Holy Medicine and Medicine have reunited after a long separation. Could it be that today, you two want to reminisce about the past here?"

Hei Yue's voice was filled with a cold smile. At this time, after the formation on the top of the cliff disappeared, Xiao Chen came to Hua Weiyang in an instant. Seeing a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, he couldn't help but frown. " How are you?"


Hua Weiyang shook her head. Just now, she was only injured by Hei Yue's inner energy and was not seriously injured. However, when Xiao Chen looked at Hei Yue, his eyes were obviously more murderous and cold.

Seeing his cold eyes at this time, Hei Yue knew that it would be impossible to take Medicine Saint Bu Yundian away today no matter what. Even if Bu Yundian and Shui Hanyan join forces, they may not be his opponent, but the person in front of him The Lord of Wuyu Tian is a bit difficult to deal with.

With a cold smile, he said, "Since the Medical Sage and the Medicine Sage finally meet today, I won't disturb you two from reminiscing... We will see each other another day." After he finished speaking, It will turn into a black mist and go away.

Xiao Chen suddenly said coldly, "The game is not over yet, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" At the end of the sentence, he put his two fingers together and instantly moved a white piece towards him, and threw it towards him with a "whoosh" sound.

The force of this throw was like a huge force and was unstoppable. The dozens of people felt the strong wind blowing towards their faces. For a moment, they could not even gather their true energy.

But Hei Yue's cultivation was not trivial, so he reacted in an instant, condensed his palms, and caught the chess piece thrown by Xiao Chen with a "bang".

Even though he had reached the realm of quasi-sage in his early years and understood the mysteries of the realm, after catching the chess piece thrown by Xiao Chen, he still couldn't help but secretly thought, this person's cultivation level seems to be only in the Dongzhen stage. But his skill seems to be even better than Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian.

"As expected of the Lord of Wuyu Tian..."

Heiyue smiled coldly, and with a flick of his finger, a sunspot flew over. The two chess pieces collided with each other. With a "bang", they turned into a piece of dust, and in the dust, a black heart-killing fire suddenly appeared. He hit Hei Yue and hit him in the chest with a "chi" sound.


Heiyue was hit by this unexpected blow. He immediately stepped back and let out a muffled groan in his throat. The dozens of people behind him were all shocked. Apparently, they did not expect that among the white stones, there was There is also such a strange fire hidden inside.

And the people present could naturally see that Xiao Chen's heart-piercing blow was the repayment of Hei Yue's previous shock to Hua Weiyang.


At this moment, Hei Yue was seen covering his chest with his hands, his face getting darker and darker. If he hadn't been vigilant just now, he might have been seriously injured by this sudden heart-breaking fire.

This heart-killing fire was absorbed by Xiao Chen in the Tianling Sect in the ancient realm of Xianbei. It directly attacks the soul and is very powerful. If it cooperates to control life and death, few people can escape.

"Now that the two Medical Saints and Medicine Saints have reappeared in the world, whether it is the Lingxu Realm or the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan, there will be a storm. If you are confident that you can successfully bring them back to Wuyu Heaven, you might as well give it a try, haha... …”

Hei Yue smiled coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and instantly turned into a black mist, leading everyone away.

"Girl, how are you? Are you okay?"

It wasn't until Heiyue and his party disappeared without a trace that Bu Yundian realized what he was doing. He quickly handed Hua Weiyang a jade bottle, which contained a healing elixir. The medicine refined in the Medicine Sanctuary was naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After Hua Weiyang took the medicine, her expression quickly recovered. She shook her head and said, "It's okay. I was slightly hit by his force just now. It's no big deal..."

"That's good, that's good..."

Bu Yundian was slightly relieved, and then looked at Shui Hanyan again. At this moment, the two of them were still relatively speechless. Finally, Bu Yundian sighed and wanted to say something, but in the end he stopped talking.

"Two seniors, this is not the place to talk. It is best to leave as soon as possible." Seeing that the two of them were silent, Xiao Chen said.

Bu Yundian raised his head and saw his appearance clearly. His face was startled, he looked so much like...

After a while, Bu Yundian slowly came back to his senses. He sighed in his heart. It was just a bit like him. After a while, he saw that he was still so young but already had a full head of hair. Bu Yundian couldn't help but feel... There was another flash of suspicion. This young man seemed to be very unusual. His body...

"I haven't asked yet, who is this little friend?"

Bu Yundian can naturally see that Xiao Chen's cultivation level is very high. Just now he was able to hurt Hei Yue with a strange fire, which is enough to show that his strength is definitely not inferior to himself and Shui Hanyan. In the past hundred years, , apart from Xiao Zhufeng back then, it was hard to find any young man in the Lingxu Realm who was as powerful as him.

"My surname is Xiao, with the courtesy name Yichen." Xiao Chen looked at him and said.

"Xiao Yichen?"

Hearing this name, Bu Yundian's face was even more stunned, and he thought to himself, could he be from the Xiao family? And he is so similar to Xiao Zhufeng...

He looked at Shui Hanyan again and saw a strange expression on Shui Hanyan's face. This time he concluded that Xiao Yichen was definitely not an ordinary person and asked, "Hanyan, what's going on?"

Obviously, he has been living in Qingsong Cliff for these years, and he no longer knows many things about the outside world. Especially in recent times, Xiao Chen has become famous in the Lingxu Realm. As long as a small monk, even if he has not I have seen him and heard his name.

As long as you say Wuyutian, you will know who is coming. For example, last time in Buried Sword Valley, Yi Yiping pretended to be Xiao Chen, and finally deceived everyone in Buried Sword Valley.

But Bu Yundian didn't know. At this time, Shui Hanyan frowned again, and opened his red lips slightly. When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. Bu Yundian was so anxious that he stamped his feet and scratched his head. Look. She looked at Xiao Chen again, and finally had to look at Hua Weiyang.

He hurriedly said, "Girl, yesterday you asked me to go to a place called Wuyutian to avoid being tracked by those people. And just now Heiyue called him the 'Lord of Wuyutian', but he said his surname was Xiao. This Xiao family, Xiao family...what does this mean? I had never heard of Wuyutian back then, could it be..."

At this moment, Bu Yundian's thought was undoubtedly that of Xiao Zhufeng. He had never heard of Wuyutian back then, but from Hei Yue's words just now, he could tell that Wuyutian must be an extremely powerful force.

He believed that only Xiao Zhufeng could create such a powerful force in just a few decades. The white-haired young man in front of him claimed his surname was Xiao, and he was the Lord of Wuyutian. Could it be that the Lord of Wuyutian, Shouldn't it be Xiao Zhufeng? Who is he...

"I am not from the Xiao family. My name was chosen by my master back then. The word 'Xiao' has nothing to do with the Xiao family."

Xiao Chen looked at the confused Bu Yundian and explained.

After hearing that he was not from the Xiao family, Bu Yundian was even more surprised. As for Shui Hanyan next to him, when he looked at Xiao Chen again at this moment, there was an indescribable look in his eyes.

Regarding the Xiao family's expulsion of Xiao Zhufeng, most rumors were that Xiao Zhufeng committed a crime and had an affair with Su Rou, a girl from the Su family. But what happened back then, the truth has long been buried under the dust. Even the people in the Xiao family may not know it, so how can outsiders know?

It's just that the young man in front of him has the same proud character as his father back then. Now that he has been expelled from the Xiao family, even though he still has the blood of the Xiao family, he will never recognize himself as a member of the Xiao family, let alone Seek the slightest bit of protection from him.

"Not from the Xiao family..."

Bu Yundian pondered for a long time and then looked at Shui Hanyan, still wanting to ask something. Unexpectedly, Shui Hanyan showed an impatient look on his face and interrupted, "Okay, okay, this is not the place to talk. Hei Yue was right just now. You know better than anyone else how many people are trying to find you and me. Someone will come here soon. If you don't leave now, if that person comes, they will never be able to leave again! "

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