The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 988 The Secret Order of Ten Thousand Ghosts

"As soon as you see wealth, the world will be at peace..."

Weird sounds echoed in the nearby mountains and forests, giving people an eerie feeling even in broad daylight.

This time, everyone finally determined the direction from which the sound came, and stared in the past. They saw two strange figures appearing in the direction of the sound, one white and one black.

The white one was dressed in white, and his face was as pale as pink. He wore a white high hat with the words "make money at first sight" written on it, and held a white mourning stick in his hand.

The black one is dressed in black, completely opposite to the white one. He holds a black mourning stick in his hand, has the four words "World Peace" written on his high hat, and spits out a long scarlet tongue.

Needless to say, the appearance and attire of these two people are black and white. But how can black and white come to the human world in broad daylight in the underworld?

"It's...the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance!"

At this moment, many people were shocked, and the black and white Wu Chang people in the distance were still far away just now. Everyone just blinked, and the two people were actually close in front of them. In addition, there were people floating around their bodies. Those bloody talismans, and the paper money flying all over the sky, this scene is really weird.

"The Alliance of Ten Thousand Ghosts, black and white are impermanent..."

Even some old men with extremely high cultivation levels present could not help but change their expressions at this moment. How could the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance be alarmed this time?

The Black and White Impermanences have always lived deep in the "Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts" and rarely come to the world to move around. This time they both came out. Could it be that the King of Ghosts actually issued the "Xuance Order of Ten Thousand Ghosts"!

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee……"

Bai Wuchang had a weird and evil smile on his face, unlike Hei Wuchang who had a sad face and a long scarlet tongue.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had arrived in front of Xiao Chen and his party. As for the people around them, how dare they provoke the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance?

If they were stopped, once the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Killing Order" came down, no one present today would be able to escape. Therefore, at this moment, the people who were still blocking the front quickly moved to both sides, and they would never dare to To block the path of Black and White.

At this moment, everyone was trembling with fear. On the Yunzhou side, the three people headed by Beigong Zhengyang also had a bit of shock on their faces. They did not expect that this time, the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint would The reappearance of this person actually shocked the Ten Thousand Ghost Alliance, which had been hiding in the world for many years...

The Alliance of Ten Thousand Ghosts is also called the "Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts" or the "Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts". To the west of Yuding, there is a bottomless abyss. It is vast, endless and bottomless, and underneath that is where the Alliance of Ten Thousand Ghosts is located. , this abyss is called the "Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts", or the "Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

The Yin Qi in the Abyss of All Ghosts is extremely heavy, so the techniques practiced by the people in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance are also very different from ordinary people. If they want to practice to the superior state, they must have their own Yang Qi sucked out, die once and then be reborn. , then yes.

The original founder of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance was named "Ancestor of Ten Thousand Ghosts". It is said that this person was just a scholar in the mortal world who went to Beijing to take the exam. Later, he was killed by a monster that sucked out the Yang Qi on the way.

But that night was another mysterious night that only happens once in ten thousand years, and the place where the scholar died was, by coincidence, the place where the mysterious darkness of the Eight Desolations gathered.

That night, the scholar gathered in the underworld and was reborn. Later, he found an ancient book at the bottom of the abyss. It was rumored that it was one of the eight lost books in heaven.

Because the scholar gathered the energy of Xuanyin, he learned the miraculous skills in the book, and eventually became the ancestor of all ghosts who was later feared by everyone.

As for that strange book, it was naturally passed down from generation to generation, and the ancestor of Wangui named it "Wangui Policy".

There are also rumors that more than 3,000 years ago, Ancestor Wangui had a decisive battle with a master from the Five Immortal Domains at that time. No one knew the final outcome. However, since then, there has been no trace of Ancestor Wangui. trace.

Today's Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance may not be as well-known and tremblingly strong as the Ten Thousand Ghosts' Patriarch, but the three words "Wangui Alliance" are much louder than they were then, and their scale is far greater than that of the original Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance. It was much bigger when the ancestor was in charge.

Today's Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance is so large that it is no longer limited to the Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts. The forces of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance are also present in other places. Even the Wutian Temple with three saints is not willing to provoke such a being. .

In the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, the rules themselves are already very strict. If you are born as a member of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, and if you die, you will be a ghost of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance. Once you enter the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, you will not be able to take another step in the rest of your life until your luck is exhausted. After all, the soul is dispersed between heaven and earth.

At this time, the atmosphere was extremely solemn. Everyone held their breath and watched motionlessly as Black and White Wuchang approached Xiao Chen and his party.

These two people, Black and White, are not only members of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, but also have the strength of quasi-sages themselves. No one dares to underestimate these two people.

"Whoever comes, please tell me your name."

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on these two people, and his voice seemed indifferent.

With his spiritual consciousness, it was not difficult to detect that these two people were very high in cultivation, but this was not the key. The key was that he noticed that everyone changed their expressions at this time, even the two medical and medicinal saints beside him, The moment the two people appeared just now, their expressions showed a bit of surprise.

That was enough to show that the power behind these two people was huge, and just now, he seemed to hear someone say the words "Alliance of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

"It's the Alliance of Ten Thousand Ghosts, black and white are impermanent..."

At this moment, Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian's expressions became extremely solemn, especially Bu Yundian. He looked more nervous than Shui Hanyan at this moment. Maybe he didn't expect that even Wan Gui The Alliance will also take them away. This time, I'm afraid things may become a little troublesome.

"Seniors, don't worry..."

Hua Weiyang sent a secret message to the two of them, and at this time she stared closely at the black and white Wuchang people. Although she was not familiar with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, she thought that just the two of them could defeat the people from all the forces present. Everyone was shocked, this Ten Thousand Ghost Alliance was by no means an easy matter.


At this moment, Bai Wuchang still had a weird smile on his face. He did not look at Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. His eyes only fell on Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian, and he laughed in a ghostly voice, " The Sage of Medicine and the Sage of Medicine, I haven’t seen you for many years, but you two are well..."

Seeing these two people looking at themselves, Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian frowned even deeper. Shui Hanyan stared at the ghostly two people and said coldly, "The two of us have nothing to do with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance." "Why are you two here today?"

"The alliance leader asked me to come here. He wants to invite the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint to go to the Abyss of Ghosts. If there is nothing else going on with you, then please come with us..."

Bai Wuchang's eyes fell on the two of them and he smiled ghostly.


Bu Yundian had a look of embarrassment on his face, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid... we two can't leave with you today. To be honest, Shui Hanyan and I can't possibly join your Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance."

Hearing this, many people nearby felt trembled. There is usually no one the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance can't invite. If they really don't go, there will often be only one final result, and that is death.

If you can't get it, destroy it. This has always been the way of the Ten Thousand Ghost Alliance.


Bai Wuchang gave a gloomy smile, "You two have thought clearly. Instead of being taken away by the people of the Night and entering my abyss of ghosts, what's wrong..."


When they heard him say the word "night", Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian's expressions changed. As for the people around them, their faces were blank. Most of them couldn't understand what Bai Wuchang was talking about. What does it mean, and even the three elders of the Beigong family in Yunzhou City behind there seem to understand it.

Xiao Chen didn't even know what "night" was. Only Hua Weiyang, who was next to him, frowned slightly when Bai Wuchang mentioned the word "night".

At this moment, Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian's faces were both slightly pale. After a while, Bu Yundian was about to say something, but Shui Hanyan suddenly reached out to stop him and looked at Bai coldly. Impermanence said, "No matter what, it is impossible for Medicine Saint and I to join your Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance."

At this moment, Hei Wuchang, who had been crying and silent, finally spoke gloomily, "What if in the future, the alliance leader can allow you to successfully become a saint?"

After hearing this, many people around were startled. For them, becoming a saint was almost an unattainable legend. It was the real separation between immortals and mortals, and they had to go through three thousand tribulations. How could it be just talk? ?

Shui Hanyan smiled coldly, "Didn't your Excellency say that you want us to die once, die and then live, abandon our mortal bodies, and then become saints? Sorry, we will not go to this abyss of ghosts..."

Seeing that she spoke so decisively without any room for negotiation, Buyun Dian's heart almost jumped out of his chest. Sure enough, as soon as Shui Hanyan finished speaking, the smile on Bai Wuchang's face disappeared instantly and was replaced by It was as cold as frost. "Then it seems that only the Ten Thousand Ghosts Order can invite you two..."

"The Ten Thousand Ghosts Order!"

Upon hearing these three words, everyone around was shocked. Bai Wuchang had a blood-red wooden sign in his hand. However, the wooden sign was covered with strange incantations and there were also talismans around it. Wen loomed, giving off an indescribable sense of weirdness.

As we all know, the Ghost King, who is also the leader of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance, holds two Ten Thousand Ghost Orders of "life" and "death". One is the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Xuance Order", and the second is the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Killing Order".

The purpose of these two Ten Thousand Ghost Orders is naturally different. Among them, the "Thousand Ghosts Xuance Order" means "life". The person who receives this order will not die, but must obey the orders of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance. There is a very powerful ghost curse on it. Even if you don't follow the technique, you have to follow it.

The "Killing Order of Ten Thousand Ghosts" is different. This order is a "death" order, which is used to kill someone. The ghost king does not issue it easily, but once the "Killing Order of Ten Thousand Ghosts" is issued, it means that the person being killed The person who kills will be hunted down by the entire Ten Thousand Ghosts Alliance. It will be useless to go to heaven and earth. There is no point in escaping anywhere. He will definitely die.

Now the red token in Bai Wuchang's hand is the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Xuance Order". Everyone is frightened. Unexpectedly, the Ghost King actually issued the Ten Thousand Ghosts Xuance Order. This is necessary to invite the two medical saints and medicine saints. Into the abyss of ghosts!

"Shui Hanyan, Bu Yundian... take the order!"

Suddenly, Bai Wuchang's eyes turned cold, and with a swipe of his finger, a streak of blood flew out, and he immediately wrote the names of Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian on the Wangui Xuance Order.

At this moment, there was a dark wind blowing around, like thousands of ghosts roaring, and the screams were endless. The Ten Thousand Ghosts Xuance Order with the names of Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian suddenly became bloody, and there were ghosts all around. The shadow emerged and quickly flew towards the two of them.

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