The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 998 The Ruthless Sword

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely solid, the strong wind stopped, and even time seemed to have suddenly stopped at this moment.

In the square, everyone held their breath and concentrated. Hua Weiyang also had a flash of doubt in his eyes. Why didn't Luo attack the mysterious woman in front of him? And this mysterious woman...

Who is she?

From the moment she broke through the formation and came in, to now, although her attacks were ruthless and ruthless, she only seriously injured a few elders but did not take any lives.

However, a few days ago, she destroyed the three forces of "Huanyougu", "Yanlong Sect" and "Seven Evil Sect" without leaving a single person alive.

Since she is so ruthless in killing, why didn't she kill anyone in the Wuding Sect today?

She just asked Xue Wuguang and others to step back because she didn't want to kill the Wuding Sect's people, but she must get this spiritual branch of the Wuding Sect...


At this moment, Li suddenly roared at the mysterious woman. The sound was so terrifying that the people in the Yun Sect behind him flew backwards.

But the mysterious woman still stood there, unmoving. Then she reached out and struck out with her palm. There was a loud "bang" sound, and the ground suddenly cracked in large areas. Rui was shocked by her sudden palm. It flew out with a "boom" and smashed a large hall behind it into pieces.


Everyone in the distance was so frightened that even the giant dragon couldn't resist her. What a terrifying power it was!

"call out!"

There was a sharp sound, and before everyone could react, the mysterious woman instantly turned into a blood shadow and attacked again. Xue Wuguang and others were shocked and said, "Stop her!"


Several elders with advanced cultivations all rushed forward at this moment. However, the elders who usually had extremely high cultivations were now like foundation-building cultivators facing Yuanying masters. Under the opponent's weird techniques, , before he even made a move, he was so shocked by a palm that he vomited blood and flew backwards.


Hua Weiyang immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. If she didn't break the seal of the power of the You clan, she would never be this woman's opponent. Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate anymore. She put her two fingers together and pressed hard towards the center of her eyebrows.

At this moment, a majestic mountain-like force suddenly surged out in all directions with her as the center. Even the ground nearby was shaken to pieces.

Everyone in the distance felt their breath suffocated, and the old men of Yunzong were also suddenly startled. At this moment, they clearly felt a very terrifying force that suffocated them, and this force faintly brought... A force of darkness that is definitely not like the power of a human cultivator!


Suddenly, there were heavy black clouds in the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder. Mrs. Xianshu was startled and said, "Weiyang..."

On Hua Weiyang's eyebrows, another dark purple Soul Seal of the Nether Clan appeared. At this moment, her strength increased greatly, but deep in her eyes, there was a hint of ruthlessness.

If she had pure and flawless spiritual energy at the moment before, like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, and her spiritual energy nourished all things, then at this moment, she was like a demon that had been sleeping underground for thousands of years, and once it woke up, it destroyed the world and destroyed the world.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, especially the elders with higher cultivation levels. At this time, they could feel even more that the terrifying power sealed in Hua Weiyang was about to go berserk!


However, the mysterious woman didn't care at all. She snorted coldly and attacked again in an instant, causing dust to billow all over the sky.

Hua Weiyang hung in the air, forming seals with her hands, holding her breath and concentrating. When the woman's blood shadow came up, the curse seal was completed and she swung it out fiercely. But at this moment, the woman's figure suddenly disappeared. No trace.

With a "boom", Hua Weiyang's curse seal finally hit the mark, causing cracks of more than ten feet on the ground and adding dust and smoke to the sky.

"Watch out!"

While concentrating, Mrs. Xianshu saw the figure of the mysterious woman in the billowing dust and smoke, attacking behind Hua Weiyang. At this moment, Hua Weiyang felt the murderous intention from behind, and turned around suddenly, and the other party was already holding her hand. Murderous intent arrives.


The two of them faced off with each other, and thick smoke billowed around them. People in the distance could no longer see clearly. They could only see the two of them, like flying flowers in a dream, fighting for dozens of rounds, but they couldn't tell the winner.


At this moment, a thunder exploded, and I saw a purple thunder suddenly falling from the sky, a ten-thousand-foot mysterious thunder, which shook the earth and the earth. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. This rolling thunder was obviously caused by the power of the You clan on Hua Weiyang's body. Lead down.

With Hua Weiyang's skill at this time, she could have avoided it, but the mysterious woman didn't know what magic she had cast, and she was able to control the thunder. With a single movement of her fingers, the thunder suddenly fell towards Hua Weiyang.


A deep roar sounded, and Rui flew out from the pile of rocks in an instant. With a "boom", the scales on his body flew up, blocking the thunder for Hua Weiyang.


Hua Weiyang's face was slightly startled, but at that moment, the mysterious woman attacked again, with blood mist all over the sky, arriving in an instant!

Faced with the fierce murderous intention, Hua Weiyang did not dare to be distracted, so she softened her heart, ignored the power of heaven, gathered the power of the You clan, and struck the mysterious woman with one palm.


The moment the two palms met, the sky was filled with dust. However, after all, Hua Weiyang was in a different position. She felt an overwhelming force coming from the opposite side. Future had no time to activate his skills. With a "boom", he was shocked. He had to fly backwards.


Madam Xianshu's expression changed, and she was about to step forward to help, but unexpectedly, the mysterious woman struck with a palm, knocking her and the Lord of Mingyue Valley back several feet.

When Hua Weiyang settled down, she felt a suffocating murderous aura approaching. She saw the mysterious woman arriving in an instant, her fingers bent like sharp hooks, and she strangled her throat.

At this critical moment, a dragon roar sounded from the sky, and a terrifying palm force arrived in an instant. With a "boom", the mysterious woman was pushed back.


I saw a white-haired figure approaching in an instant, but it was Xiao Chen who arrived, followed by Bai Luan and others, who all arrived at this moment.

Xiao Chen caught the crumbling Hua Weiyang from mid-air and looked coldly at the mysterious woman in a robe not far away, "Who are you? The person who will destroy the three forces of Wuyu Tian is you..."

As soon as the words fell and there was no room for further explanation, Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and sent Hua Weiyang far away with a gentle breeze, and he immediately attacked the mysterious woman.

The wind is as cold as frost, and the fierce battle resumes!

At this moment, everyone was staying away from him, not daring to get even a little closer.

In mid-air, Xiao Chen's figure was as straight as a swimming dragon, but every move he made was extremely powerful, leaving no room for maneuver!

The mysterious woman had a very high level of cultivation, but for some unknown reason, when she faced him, she was forced to retreat step by step.

"Reveal yourself!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and stern, and his five fingers were like hooks. He suddenly stretched out and grabbed the woman's robe. He was determined to see who this person was today!

Unexpectedly, the woman's movements were strange and changeable. With a tap of her feet, she teleported backwards as gracefully as a startled giant.


The wind roared quickly, but three silver needles came out from Xiao Chen's hand and shot straight towards the mysterious woman. Sensing the murderous intention, the woman leaned back like lightning, and the three silver needles passed by her face in a thrilling way. Got out.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

With three rapid sounds, these three needles were shot at the three Yun Sect people behind. The people hit by the needles on the left and right were severely injured and kept retreating, but the person hit by the needle in the middle The man turned into a mummy in an instant, without a drop of blood on his body.

It turns out that among the three silver needles, the ones on both sides are just ordinary silver needles, but the one hidden in the middle is actually a ninety-nine blood needle!

The wind is blowing coldly, what makes it so cold?

The mysterious woman glanced back, and when she saw the person who had turned into a mummy, her heart seemed to become cold at that moment.


There was a sharp sound, and she saw a sword suddenly appeared in front of her, and that sword was extremely red. The sword body was also surrounded by blood mist, and it was strange, but there was also a three-point order. The terrifying sword energy!

"That is……"

Everyone in the distance felt suffocated, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. At this moment, they could feel the cold sword energy coming from the sword. It was a cold and ruthless sword energy!

The sword is a cold sword;

The heart is a cold heart.

When a cold sword meets a cold heart, the sword moves are also ruthless!


There was a sword whistle that shook the heavens and the earth, and the sword suddenly turned into a beam of blood that was hundreds of feet long, and mercilessly killed Xiao Chen!

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