The two of them were very happy.

Su Weiguo saw Xu Manman and said in surprise: "Xiao Wei, who is this girl?"

Su Wei introduced Xu Manman to everyone, and especially mentioned that when he first arrived in Spain, he was taken care of by her.

Everyone liked Xu Manman a little more after hearing this.

Especially Wei Fenhua, she looked Xu Manman up and down, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she felt.

This girl is not bad, her height, figure, appearance, temperament, etc. are all perfect.

If she can be his daughter-in-law, it would be a good choice.

Of course, she could only think about these words in her heart. When she first met Xu Manman, she didn't dare to say them out loud.

During the meal, Wei Fenhua took the initiative to pull Xu Manman to sit next to her in order to get to know her better.

Xu Manman was very generous and called her "Auntie" all the time, which made Wei Fenhua feel comfortable.

After the meal, Su Wei said hello to everyone and said that he had to go back to the base and let everyone follow Xu Manman for the rest of the time.

The relatives all expressed their understanding that Su Wei's football career should not be delayed.

Su Weiguo drank a lot of wine tonight, blushing and speaking loudly: "Xiao Wei, you do your thing, we can take care of ourselves, and if it doesn't work, there is Xiao Xu!"

Su Wei smiled, and he was really relieved that Xu Manman would take care of his relatives.

After saying goodbye to everyone and coming out of the restaurant, Wei Fenhua hurried to the door.

Su Wei asked in confusion: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Wei Fenhua whispered: "Is this Manman your girlfriend?"

Su Wei was stunned for a moment, then denied: "Not a girlfriend, just a good friend."

Wei Fenhua said with a straight face: "Don't lie to me, I tell you this girl is not bad, she is an international student, educated, and beautiful. Although she is two years older than you, I think she is okay!"

During this meal, my mother found out Xu Manman's age.

Su Wei smiled even more brightly: "Mom, your son is only 19 years old. This is considered premature love in school!"

"Bullshit! Don't I know how old you are? You are already 20 years old. You have to be more careful about finding a girlfriend."

"Okay, okay, I really should go. You and Uncle San have fun. I gave all the expenses to Xu Manman. I also transferred another sum of money to your and dad's bank accounts, but it's in euros!"

Hearing Su Wei say this, Wei Fenhua asked in confusion: "Why? Your club has paid again? During this period, your father and I often exchanged euros for Longguo currency in China. The bank staff thought our family was laundering money!"

Su Wei smiled and said: "It's not the club's salary, but the bonus that the team gave not long ago. Winning the King's Cup is a bonus of 4 million euros. I got 800,000 euros alone!"

In terms of rewards, Su Wei naturally got the most bonuses.

No one in the team would feel dissatisfied with this.

After all, with two goals and an assist, Su Wei is definitely an important contributor to winning the King's Cup!

When Su Wei returned to the hotel, it was already early in the morning, and Salman in the same room was already fast asleep.

He was also a little tired, lying on the bed wanting to sleep, but he always felt as if there was something he hadn't done yet.

Suddenly Su Wei opened his eyes. Oh, I have completed the side quest [Win the King's Cup], but where is the reward? !

This side quest has been released for a few months, right? Did the system forget it?

At this moment, Su Wei suddenly heard the familiar mechanical sound of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the King's Cup side quest]

[Task rewards are being distributed]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the auxiliary skill: Emotional Master]

Su Wei is already very familiar with the system. The skills given by the side quests are generally skills that can be used on and off the court.

The two auxiliary skills are [Language Talent] and [Iron Warrior].

From the names of these two skills, you can guess the approximate functions of the skills.

What the hell is this [Emotion Master] tonight?

Is it preparing for my buddy to switch to a career of fooling decent women because he can't play football anymore?

Su Wei was confused, but he was not anxious because he knew that the system would definitely have an explanation.

Sure enough, the system prompt sounded again soon.

[Emotion Master]

[When the host communicates with others, if the communication partner has positive emotions towards the host, such as liking, admiring, admiring, and trusting, this skill will be activated immediately! After activation, the communication partner will have a strong emotional resonance with the host! ]

[For example, the host

The host encourages teammates, and teammates have positive emotions, which will stimulate their fighting power.

[For example, if the host wants to pick up a girl, once the other party has positive emotions, the probability of picking up the girl will rise sharply.

[Even not limited to negotiating with the club, planning your career with the agent team, you can use the emotional master skills to make people around you more loyal to follow the host.]

The system keeps explaining.

Su Wei finally understood that this auxiliary skill can enhance his emotional intelligence and overall view?

So that he can plan his career path more reasonably, not even limited to picking up girls.

Thinking about this, Su Wei was relieved. It seems that he needs to use the [Emotional Master] skill in the future. First, he will fool a captain.

When Pablo retires, it will be very cool for him to become the new captain.

Thinking about it, Su Wei felt that his eyelids could not hold up.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning.

In the morning, the La Coruña players took a plane back to La Coruña.

Although all the games of La Copa this season have ended, the team has not yet taken a holiday.

The club held a grand parade in the afternoon of the second day after returning to La Copa.

Su Wei and his teammates took the parade bus, holding the King's Cup trophy high, and slowly traveled through the city. More than 100,000 fans took to the streets to celebrate the victory with the La Copa players.

The parade lasted until nightfall, and the final destination was Riazor, the home stadium of La Copa.

Today, Riazor is free of tickets, and there are more than 30,000 seats.

Everyone brought the championship trophy and shared the joy of winning with the fans!

At the end of the event, gorgeous fireworks were set off over Riazor.

The most exaggerated thing is that when the players left the stadium, the excited fans rushed into the stadium.

The fans pulled the lawn, the net and so on, and Riazor became bald in a few minutes!

In addition to the parade, everyone went to the La Copa City Hall the next day to attend the award ceremony of the La Copa City Government.

Su Wei, Salman, Carrasco, Brozovic, Farina and others were all awarded the title of honorary citizens of La Coruña!

Local companies in Spain, European companies, and even Dragon Country companies all followed one after another.

In the next few days, everyone participated in several business activities.

It was not until a week later that the club announced a holiday.

Salman, Carrasco, and Brozovic left the base dormitory on the day of the holiday and started their own holiday life.

Su Wei did not leave, he was waiting for someone, that person was Xu Manman.

This week, he has been participating in various activities and has no time to accompany his parents.

However, during this period, Su Wei has been keeping in touch with his parents.

Su Wei's absence did not affect their good mood for playing at all.

Wei Fenhua kept praising Xu Manman on the phone, saying that she was sensible, capable, and especially considerate.

These days, he worked hard and took everyone to visit almost all of Spain.

Wei Fenhua also told Su Wei that this girl is very good and he should thank her well.

Su Wei said to his mother on the phone: "I know, I will thank her well."

The day before the club was on holiday, Su Weiguo, Wei Fenhua, and relatives had boarded the plane in Madrid to return to Longguo, while Su Wei was waiting for Xu Manman in the dormitory.

That afternoon, Su Wei was watching TV in the living room of the dormitory when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

He thought it was Xu Manman who came, so he hurried to open the door, but he didn't expect that it was not Xu Manman standing outside!


PS: Thanks to the big boss "Mo Ling Lan Yu" for sending a big health care. This chapter is written for you. Thank you for your support! In addition, it is the off-season, and I need to settle down. The rhythm will be slower than the previous article. Let me sort it out, and then start the new season, play in the Champions League, and abuse the strong!

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