The next few days, the Su family was busy.

Wei Fenhua prepared Su Wei's luggage for going out, Su Weiguo contacted the agent for Su Wei, and handed over the money and various documents for going abroad.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, and the day when Su Wei was going to Spain was approaching.

Originally, Su Weiguo wanted to go with him, but the cost of Spain was very high.

If he went with him, the cost would be more than 50,000.

Moreover, after going there, various living expenses had to be budgeted, which was not allowed at all with the current financial ability of the Su family.

Moreover, it was unknown when he would return, and the small restaurant at home would have to close down, which was another huge loss.

After thinking it over again and again, Su Weiguo could only let Su Wei go alone.

Before leaving, he worriedly warned: "Su Wei, don't force yourself when you go there. Stay if you can. If not, we'll come back!"

Su Wei smiled and nodded: "Dad, don't worry, I'm fine."

Wei Fenhua also held Su Wei's big hand and said with tears: "It's not as safe outside as in China. Be more careful there. Keep an eye on your wallet. There are many foreign thieves. Your third uncle even lost his passport when he went abroad last time."

Su Wei wiped away his mother's tears and said with a smile: "Mom, your son is so old now. Who dares to steal my wallet? If I catch them, I will beat them up!"

"You kid, you are still so restless. You can't fight over there. If you dare to fight..."

"Okay, mom, I won't say more to you. The car is here and we are going to the airport."

Su Wei didn't want to listen to his mother's nagging anymore, so he got in the car and rushed to the airport quickly.

When the Brazil World Cup just came to an end, Su Wei, full of confidence, carried a large bag of luggage and boarded a flight to Madrid, the capital of Spain.

After a fourteen-hour flight, the plane arrived safely at Madrid International Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, Su Wei's King of Football system sounded in his ears.

[Main Quest Update: Join a La Liga Team]

Su Wei was very excited, thinking that he had been reborn, not only to join a La Liga team, but also to join Real Madrid!

As a result, the reality was cruel. The intermediary sent a fat and greasy uncle to pick him up at the airport on the first day.

This guy arranged Su Wei to stay in a small hotel and asked for Su Wei's mobile phone number.

But in the next few days, the figure disappeared.

Su Wei, who was unfamiliar with the place, stayed in the small hotel for two days.

Just when Su Wei thought he had met a wicked black intermediary, the greasy uncle finally came back early on the third day.

Su Wei didn't wash his face, brush his teeth, or eat breakfast. His head was dizzy, and the greasy uncle called him out of bed.

"Xiao Su, it's very difficult to try out for a La Liga team. I've been running around these two days. I've been to Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Getafe, Rayo Vallecano... I've been to several La Liga clubs in Madrid. They've watched your football videos, but they haven't responded!"

"How about this, let's lower our requirements and gain a foothold here first. There's a Galaxy Pegasus Club in Madrid. I have good business dealings with them. Why don't you give it a try?"

The greasy uncle said a lot, and Su Wei was confused at first. When he heard the word 'Galaxy Pegasus Club', he woke up instantly.

Damn, what kind of team is this?

Su Wei had watched a lot of Spanish football matches in his previous life, but he had never heard of this Galaxy Pegasus Club.

No need to ask, this team is probably not even a Spanish Second Division team.

Su Wei estimated that it might be a Spanish third division team.

Su Wei did not look down on the Spanish third division. Logically speaking, the competitive level of the Spanish third division might be better than that of the Chinese first division.

But he was reborn, and he was at least a runner with a speed of 100.

Moreover, the task assigned by the system was to join a Spanish first division team. Su Wei said that he would never join this diarrhea Pegasus team!

Su Wei immediately said firmly: "I want to try other Spanish first division teams."

The greasy uncle's face changed immediately when he heard it, and he looked quite unhappy and said: "If you want to play in Spanish first division with your level, you have to wait slowly."

After that, he left, and the wait lasted another three days.

Su Wei stayed in the small hotel for the first week in Spain.

Fortunately, the owner of this small hotel was kind-hearted. Su Wei relied on his half-baked English and rich body language to avoid starving to death.

During this period, his father and mother also called Su Wei once a day to ask about his recent situation.

Su Wei was afraid that the two elders would worry, so he did not tell the truth and just said that everything went well.

Seeing that the fat agent was nowhere to be seen and there was no phone call, Su Wei was directly annoyed.

He called several times a day to inquire about the trial, but the other party always said that he was waiting for news.

Finally, Su Wei made a harsh statement: "I want to return the money and go home if there is no team for trial!"

His tough attitude really played a role.

The next day, the greasy uncle not only came, but also brought a plane ticket and said to Su Wei: "Xiao Su, you can try your luck in La Coruña, but let's be clear in advance. If it still doesn't work, we can only lower the level."

Su Wei was also quite helpless and had to nod and agree.

Then he looked at the ticket in his hand and wondered: "Am I going alone?"

The greasy uncle nodded: "I'm very busy and can't go. But don't worry, someone from our company will pick you up locally."


A week wasted in vain.

Su Wei went to the second stop in Spain with regret, the capital of La Coruña Province, La Coruña.

Su Wei had heard of La Coruña.

Because there was a great team in this city, the Real Deportivo La Coruña Football Club.

What impressed Su Wei the most was that this team not only defeated Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga in 2000, but also won the La Liga championship.

It also defeated Juventus, AC Milan, Bayern, Manchester United and many other strong teams in the Champions League, and has the reputation of "Super La Coruña"!

However, that was almost ten years ago.

The current La Coruña was once in decline, and it had to fight for relegation every season. It was a real underdog in La Coruña.

Departing from Madrid Barajas Airport in the morning, it took an hour's flight and landed at La Coruña Airport before noon.

Su Wei carried his suitcase and followed the passenger flow to the airport lobby, then looked around, looking for someone to greet him.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a piece of white cardboard held high in the crowd, with two big Chinese characters written on it: Su Wei!

Damn, I even got my name wrong.

Su Wei frowned, and then took a closer look at the person holding the sign, and was stunned.

Because I didn't expect that the person who picked me up at the airport was actually a woman, still very young, and looked only a few years older than me.

She was wearing casual sportswear, with a youthful and beautiful ponytail tied behind her head, and she looked like a school girl.

When Su Wei saw this school girl, his heart sank suddenly.

Damn, did I fall into a fire pit?

It was obvious that this school girl was unreliable!

Su Wei walked up to the school girl with a stiff upper lip.

The other party saw Su Wei coming to her side and asked happily: "Are you Su Wei?"

"Well... I am." Su Wei was not in a good mood.

"Hehe, hello, my name is Xu Manman, Brother Dong has sent me your video, you play football really well!" Xu Manman said with a smile.

Su Wei wanted to force a smile, but failed. He knew that his smile would be uglier than crying.

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