The more he talked, the more he laughed.

Even when he was excited, he laughed out loud.

Although Luisinho was Cavaleiro's fellow countryman, he just said "hmm" twice at this time.

Little did he know that Valero's emotional intelligence was lower than his football intelligence, and he kept talking.

What a coincidence, Cavaleiro was sitting in front of Su Wei.

I was already annoyed with this guy. The kick I was kicked by today was directly related to his slow pass.

Listening to him chattering non-stop, Su Wei couldn't help but say, "Everyone is tired, please keep your voice down."

Cavaleiro's face changed instantly when he heard this, and he left the chair and turned his head to say, "Boy, what's wrong with me talking?"

Looking at his unrepentant and aggressive look, Su Wei immediately got angry.

He immediately stood up and looked at him and shouted, "You didn't say anything, you just disturbed others' rest, don't you know what's wrong?"

"Damn boy, do you have a problem with me? Apologize to me immediately."

Cavaleiro also got angry and stood up, his eyes full of anger.

"I apologize? Damn you, you disturbed others' rest by talking, and you think you are right?"

Su Wei couldn't help but burst out with a Chinese quintessence.

Although the Chinese quintessence lost its original flavor when it was cursed in Portuguese, Cavaleiro also knew that this sentence was definitely not a good thing.

Instantly, he pushed Su Wei hard and said angrily: "Boy, be honest, I've been annoyed with you for a long time."

"Same, I'm annoyed with you too, you want to talk, right? Come out, let's go outside the car and talk."

Su Wei raised his foot to walk out. At this time, the bus had not started. He came under the bus, raised his hand and pointed at the unconvinced Cavaleiro, saying: "If you have the guts, come out, I'll teach you to talk properly!"


The quarrel between the two attracted the attention of all teammates.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Salman immediately said to Su Wei: "Boss, what are you doing? We are all teammates, it's not good to hurt the harmony."

Cavaleiro wanted to get off the bus with him. He knew what Su Wei meant, it was nothing more than going outside the car and practicing with him.

Although he was a little scared, at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. He bit the bullet and went down to practice with Su Wei.

As a result, Luisinio, who was standing by, quickly grabbed his arm and said repeatedly: "Forget it, forget it. If you go down to fight and the head coach finds out, you will have no good results. Besides, I think this kid is very wild, and you may not be able to beat him!"

Cavalero also knew that he was not as tall as Su Wei, nor as strong as Su Wei.

If he really went down to fight, he might not be able to beat this kid from Dragon Country.

Just when Cavalero was in a dilemma, the old captain Pablo shouted sternly from the rear of the car: "Be quiet, if there is anything, go back and talk!"

Cavalero took advantage of the situation and sat down again with a cold snort, not daring to say anything.

Seeing this, Su Wei also returned to the car.

But he was not idle, but stared at Cavalero and said: "Next time this happens, don't blame me for being rude to you. Be honest in front of me in the future, understand?"

Cavalero rolled his eyes and didn't dare to confront Su Wei head-on.

Seeing his dead pig fearless look, Su Wei really wanted to give him a peach blossom face.

If he met such a guy in China, Su Wei would have taken action against him long ago!

There was no conversation along the way, and the bus returned to the base parking lot.

The players drove away one after another. When Caballero got off the bus, he deliberately avoided Su Wei's cold eyes and went back with his fellow villager Luisinio.

At this time, Dr. Jack got off the bus, walked to Su Wei, and said: "Su, I want to take the Brazilian team to the hospital for a check-up. Do you want to go with me?"

Su Wei jumped a few times in front of him and said: "I'm fine, you go."

Jack asked doubtfully: "Really? Your wound is not small, do you want to go and deal with it again?"

Su Wei said: "Tomorrow, I can go to the hospital by myself!"

Jack nodded and said: "Be sure to go to the hospital for a check-up."

After Jack left, Su Wei and Salman walked towards the players' dormitory in the night while chatting.

Salman suddenly said, "Boss, you looked scary when you got angry just now. I think Cavaleiro was scared by you. He didn't dare to get out of the car, knowing that you would kill him after he got out of the car!"

Su Wei laughed when he heard this: "That guy is just a bastard who bullies the weak and fears the strong. Don't mention him.

I'm angry."

Salman shook his head and said, "Alas, offending him is never a good thing."

Su Wei shrugged nonchalantly, "What are you afraid of? We come here to play football, not to be bullied. Besides, he is not a coach. We play football based on our skills."

Salman smiled and said, "Boss is right. Let's not talk about him. It's a rare holiday. Where are you going to play these days? Let's go together."

Su Wei: "Okay!"

The two walked and talked all the way back to the dormitory, and they didn't discuss where to play.

Anyway, the holiday is long, and finally the two decided to make plans at dawn.

No one talked all night. The next morning, Su Wei was still sleeping in bed, and there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.

Su Wei got up and opened the door, and saw Salman standing outside with his luggage.

Su Wei yawned and said, "Are you going to play so early?"

Salman grinned and laughed, "Boss, I'm going back to my country! "

Su Wei was surprised when he heard it, "Why are you going back to China?"

Salman smiled and said, "Because I was called up by the national team."

Su Wei was stunned. He didn't expect the Cameroon national team to act so quickly.

Salman had only played two La Liga games, and he was called up to the national team. The efficiency of the Cameroon Football Association is simply amazing.

Su Wei was also very happy that his good friend was selected for the national team.

"Congratulations, I hope you can get more players in the national team."

Salman scratched his head embarrassedly: "I just received the notice this morning. It is said that someone was temporarily absent due to a sudden injury, so I was asked to try. I probably won't have a chance to play this time when I go back."

Su Wei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "You can do it, come on!"

"Well, boss, I'll bring you a gift when I come back! "Salman nodded.

The two chatted for a while, and then Salman dragged his luggage to catch the plane.

At this moment, the entire dormitory building was empty, with only Su Wei left.

Looking at Salman's departing back, Su Wei sighed: "Now, I am alone."

After closing the door and returning to the room, Su Wei lay on the bed, preparing to take a nap, when his cell phone rang again.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Xu Manman calling.

Su Wei's heart moved, his gay friend was gone, but his "girlfriend" was still there.

Xu Manman was his best friend in Spain besides Salman, so why not ask her to take a walk together.

Su Wei answered the phone, and an excited voice came from the phone immediately.

"Su Wei, do you know? After I posted your interview video last night, it immediately became a hit on Weibo, with hundreds of thousands of reads and hundreds of comments. My fans alone increased by more than 10,000! "

Su Wei heard that this was indeed a good thing: "Congratulations, then you have to treat me to a meal."

"No problem, but I have classes during the day, so where do you want to go in the evening?"

"A seafood feast!"


First there was a knock on the door, then a phone call.

This series of troubles made Su Wei lose all sleep.

He got up from the bed, thinking about what to do.

At this time, he remembered what the team doctor said last night, and lowered his head to check the injury on his right leg.

The wound of seven or eight centimeters has completely scabbed. Su Wei pressed it with his hand and felt no pain at all.

"It's amazing! "It seems that I don't need to go to the hospital. My legs are better now. As a player, I should be more self-disciplined.

I have to say that after becoming a professional player, my feet itch if I don't play football for a day.

Instead of being idle, it's better to practice.

Although the progress is not as fast as the system improvement, it is worse than standing still.

Thinking of this, Su Wei went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

He went back to the dormitory to change his jersey and shoes, and immediately went to the training ground.

Su Wei was practicing alone on the court. He didn't know that someone was watching him in the office building in the distance. This person was Eduardo.

The players were on vacation, but as the manager of the club, he didn't rest.

Standing at the window of the office, looking at Su Wei on the court, he showed a satisfied smile.

"Well, not bad, the young man is very motivated!"

Knock, knock!

Just as Eduardo was praising Su Wei, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in! "Jimenez walked in.

Eduardo saw the visitor, smiled and left the window, came to the sofa, and gestured for a seat.

Then, the two sat down on the sofa facing each other.

Eduardo spoke first: "Congratulations on your first victory of the season."

Jimenez chuckled and said: "I want to thank the club for its support for my work."

Eduardo asked again: "How is Pablo's injury?"

Jimenez answered truthfully: "Last night, Jack accompanied him to complete the MRI. The situation is OK. There is no bone injury, but some muscle damage. It is estimated that he can recover in one to two weeks.


Eduardo was relieved: "What about the next game against Eibar?"

Jimenez replied casually: "Pablo should be able to play, even if his injury is not healed, we still have Rolie and Su, there are enough people on the right back, you don't have to worry."

Eduardo nodded and suddenly asked: "Do you think Su can start?"

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