After scoring the goal, Du Jie excitedly took off his shirt, jumped over the billboard, and ran to the stands where the Laco fans were.

In the audience, the Laco fans cheered.

Farina and others in the front field also ran over to celebrate the goal with Du Jie.

Su Wei did not join in the fun. Now the game is not over yet, and it is better to save a little energy.

Not only Su Wei, but also Lobo and others in the back field all stood firmly behind.

Karane took advantage of this gap to ask the staff for a bottle of water on the sidelines and drank it in big gulps.

Su Wei also trotted to the sidelines to get a bottle of water, drank a few sips, and poured the rest on his head.

Cool down, keep your mind clear, and prepare for the last ten minutes of the battle.

The pace of the game between the two sides is getting faster and faster, and Su Wei has just finished a bottle of water.

Eibar has placed the football in the center circle, and the game will soon resume.

Seeing this, Jimenez made another personnel adjustment.

Attacking midfielder Farina also went off to rest, and another central defender was sent.

In the remaining time, Laco must defend with all his strength!

As the game resumed, Su Wei's Lala didn't dare to make any more mistakes.

Although Karané was struggling, Luisinho kept helping to defend.

Together, they could barely deal with it.

Eibar was not smooth on both sides, and they became more and more anxious.

In the end, they could only lob the ball into the Laco penalty area from a distance.

This kind of long pass and lob had no quality at all.

Facing a large number of crosses flying into the penalty area from the front, Laco's three central defenders just played a role.

The football was repeatedly hoisted into the Laco penalty area, and was cleared by headers again and again.

As the game time approached the 90th minute, Jimenez finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, with the referee's whistle, the third round of La Liga, Eibar and Laco's game ended.

3:1, Laco won away.

As soon as the game ended, Pablo rushed to the sidelines from the bench.

He first hugged Jimenez tightly, and then strode onto the court, hugging and greeting his teammates one by one.

When he came to Su Wei, he not only hugged Su Wei warmly, but also patted Su Wei on the back and said: "Su, you did a great job, this right side will be handed over to you in the future."

Su Wei was naturally happy when he heard this.

Then what made him even happier was that the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Main task completed 1/3]

[Host, please keep up the good work]

Su Wei smiled knowingly, and now he is looking forward to the next victory.

Everyone returned to the locker room, and a staff member came to Su Wei.

"Su, please go over there to accept media interviews."

Su Wei was slightly startled, and saw that a temporary billboard had been erected on the sidelines not far away, which was densely packed with La Liga sponsors.

Su Wei knew that it was the official interview area after the game.

"I'll go?" Su Wei pointed at himself.

In the first two rounds of the game, Du Jie and Pablo were interviewed on the sidelines once.

Su Wei was a little surprised that he actually enjoyed the treatment of Du Jie and Pablo.

"Yes." The staff member smiled and confirmed.

"Okay." Su Wei followed the other party to the billboard.

The flash lights suddenly lit up, and the microphones with various station logos were immediately extended to Su Wei's mouth.

"Su, congratulations on winning the MVP of this game!"

Su Wei was stunned, and replied calmly: "Really? I just learned about this news. Thank you for your support."

There have been too many surprises recently, and this MVP is just average for me.

"Can you talk about your feelings at this moment? You are the first Dragon player to win the La Liga MVP."

Su Wei smiled and said: "Compared to winning the MVP, I am more satisfied with helping the team win."

He didn't lie. Since the system updated the winning streak task, what he hopes most now is to keep winning. Su Wei doesn't care about the false title of MVP at all.

The reporters thought this was the unique humility of Orientals, and showed their approval.

At this time, another reporter asked: "Su, you scored a very wonderful world wave today. This goal can book this year's Puskas Goal of the Year Award in advance. Can you tell us what happened at that time?"

Su Wei scratched his head and replied: "I didn't think too much at the time. I aimed at the goal and kicked a long shot. I didn't expect it to go in!"

Su Wei said it lightly, but the reporters didn't think so.

Thirty-seven or eight meters

Distance is not something that can be scored casually.

The reporters thought Su Wei was being modest again.

After talking about this game, another reporter talked about the next round of games.

"Su, you will face Sevilla at home in the next game. What do you think of them?"

Su Wei didn't care much about the schedule. Now he was surprised to learn from the reporter that the next opponent was Sevilla.

"The opponent in the next round is the king of the Europa League?"

Su Wei knew that Sevilla was a strong team in La Liga and a frequent visitor to European wars. His winning streak mission might be a bit dangerous.

Although he knew that the opponent was strong, Su Wei still replied firmly: "Sevilla is a very good team, but we will try to beat them at home!"

Yes, we must beat them!

No matter who the opponent is, if they block my winning streak mission, they must be eliminated!


After accepting the interview with the reporter, Su Wei returned to the locker room.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Lobo took the lead and shouted, "MVP is here."

Other players followed suit and shouted, "MVP!


Su Wei smiled slightly, thinking about how to respond to his teammates. He saw a half-person-high table in the middle of the locker room. He immediately walked to it in two or three steps, jumped on it, took off his jersey, and shouted, "La Coruna champion! La Coruna champion!"

His shouting immediately made his teammates laugh.

La Coruna players were all thinking that with the current momentum, La Coruna might really become a dark horse in the league this season!

Amid laughter and joy, everyone celebrated for a while, and then everyone took a bus to leave the Municipal Stadium.

Eibar has no airport, and it was late, so the La Coruna team did not rush to the night road, but stayed in Eibar for one night.

The next morning, all the players took a bus back to La Coruna.

The journey was not short, and Su Wei was bored in the car, so he took out his mobile phone.

First, he looked at the messages from his relatives and friends last night. As usual, his father would send a message of encouragement after every game.

His mother did the same, but the content she sent was to let Su Wei eat well, drink well, and rest well.

In addition to the two elders, there was also a message from Xu Manman.

Xu Manman said that she was sorry that she couldn't go to the game yesterday. This week, she will definitely go to the home game against Sevilla.

Eduardo also sent a message to congratulate Su Wei on his first La Liga goal.

Su Wei read one message and replied to it. When he finished replying to all the messages, he habitually checked the sports news.

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