The first half was in the 16th minute, and Cavaleiro was dribbling the ball on the right, preparing to force a breakthrough.

As a result, the opposing left winger Bitolo was very active in defense, and cooperated with the left back Tremuranas, two people defending one, and easily intercepted the ball.

Bitolo got the ball and looked up at the middle in front.

Bacca was about to start, and Bitolo immediately raised his foot and made a long pass, which showed his skill.

The football flew across the center line from Sevilla's half and flew behind Lobo who was dragged at the back.

Lobo turned to chase the ball, and Bacca also chased the ball behind.

And it was visible to the naked eye that Bacca was faster than Lobo.

After running ten steps, when Lobo came to the ball, Bacca had caught up, and the two were shoulder to shoulder.

Bacca used his shoulder to squeeze Lobo with his strong body, making him stagger and almost lose his balance.

Bacca took advantage of this opportunity, poked the football with his toes, and then surpassed Lobo, instantly forming a single knife.

At this moment, the situation was extremely dangerous, and Bacca had a flat road in front of him.

Although Lobo did not fall, he could not catch up.

All the Laco fans in the stands had stood up, staring at the court with wide eyes and worried.

If Bacca scored again, Laco would really be finished in this game.

Now the fans' eyes were all fixed on Lux standing on the goal line.

The Argentine has now become Laco's lifeline!

Looking at Bacca coming aggressively from a distance, Lux knew that he couldn't just sit there and wait for the ball to die, so he left the goal immediately.

Just as he ran to the penalty area line, ready to meet Bacca's upcoming single shot.

But he saw a blue and white figure approaching Bacca from the side at a very fast speed.

Almost at the same time, the blue and white figure and Bacca met in front of Lux.

Lux spread his limbs, ready to block Bacca's single shot, but he didn't see the ball.

It turned out that at the last moment, the blue and white figure, with a sliding tackle after a sprint, accurately shoveled the ball under Bacca's feet out of the baseline.

Bacca fell heavily and pressed on the leg of the tackler.

Lux was stunned for a moment, and then he saw clearly that it was Su Wei who chased back from the side to the middle and completed the sliding tackle!

"Su!" Lux ran forward and came to Su Wei, asking, "Su, are you okay?"

Su Wei stood up and said, "No problem."

Lux said happily, "Brother, you tackled the ball beautifully!"

Su Wei smiled and said, "Just right, thank goodness this guy didn't run very fast, otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch up."

Lux was stunned again. He saw clearly from behind that it was not Bacca who ran slowly, but Su Wei who ran too fast.

At this time, Lobo and others also rushed back.

Lobo breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly, "Su, thanks to your fast running."

At this moment, the Laco fans in the stands also put down their hanging hearts.

After they recovered from their shock, they all applauded Su Wei for this wonderful defense.

Among them, a man wearing a flowered shirt and sunglasses sat in the VIP stand area, clapping and muttering: "This kid is really fast, and his defensive awareness is very good. No wonder Eduardo is unwilling to sell him. Well, I have to work harder and try to bring him to Celta!"

The man who was muttering was Austin.

After meeting Eduardo, he did not leave La Coruña.

In addition to enjoying the beautiful beaches in La Coruña, he took time to watch La Coruña's game today.

He felt that this trip was right, Su Wei's defensive performance was better than he thought.

"Currently, this guy's value on Transfermarkt is already one million. It is estimated that his value will rise after today's game. However, it's good to rise. If it rises a little more, Eduardo may not be able to keep him."

Thinking of this, Austin smiled.

It seems that Su Wei has become his possession.

At the same time, in the Dragon Country in the middle of the night.

Hundreds of thousands of domestic fans were also amazed by Su Wei's wonderful defense.

In the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with comments again.

"Damn, so fast, he ran from the side to the small penalty area in a flash."

"Yeah, and the tackle was decisive and accurate."

"Su Wei is so domineering, he is completely different from those boiled chickens in China."

"Nonsense, he is a serious La Liga starting player!"

"Haha, I didn't expect to see such a powerful player in my lifetime.


"Come on Su Wei!"


Baka felt a little ashamed after being tackled off the single-handed shot.

After getting up from the ground, he went to the referee to argue that Su Wei's tackle was a foul.

The referee was not polite either, pointing to his own eyes and said: "I saw it clearly, it was a good ball, the first tackle was made."

Baka was not convinced, and cursed, and ended up getting a yellow card.

Emery crossed his arms on his chest, stared at Su Wei, and pouted.

For some reason, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This single-handed shot also reminded Laco's defense.

Although they were anxious to equalize the score, it was also important to defend well against opponents of Sevilla's level.

So after the game resumed, Laco's formation retreated.

Otki and Bergantinhos both obediently returned to their own half.

The offense still didn't improve much, but the defense was at least a little better.

Sevilla lost a one-on-one chance, and their luck seemed to be getting worse.

Several counterattacks were either off target or hit the defender.

In a blink of an eye, the first half was over.

Except for the goal scored in the first two minutes, neither side scored any more goals.

The game came to the halftime break, and the fans in the stands and in front of the TV and computer all took a break.

Some went to the toilet, and some posted online.

The head coaches of both sides began to get busy.

Emery returned to the locker room with a gloomy face. He was very dissatisfied with the team's performance in the first half, especially on the offensive end.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you playing Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​or Atletico Madrid? Are you satisfied with one goal?"

Most Sevilla players lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

At this time, Bacca muttered softly: "It's not that we don't want to score, but the opponent's defense is really something. "

Emery became even more angry when he heard someone refute him.

He immediately raised his voice to the maximum: "I didn't see how strong the opponent's defense was, but I saw your laziness!"

"Baka, you need to run faster, Dennis, where is your penetration in the middle? And Vitolo, I thought you were not on the court in the first half, where was your assist from the wing?"

Emery's voice was deafening, and the Sevilla players hung their heads one by one, and it felt like they were trailing 0:1.

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