The new team will be in the middle of the game, but the situation will not change.

As for Barcelona, ​​there is no change like Lacodo.

No matter who the opponent is, they always use the 4-3-3 attack formation.

Suarez is still in suspension and can only watch from the stands.

Today, the forward line is still a combination of Messi, Neymar and Munir.

Among them, Messi is in the middle, Neymar is on the left, and Munir is on the right.

The midfield is the golden trio of Iniesta, Busquets and Xavi.

The backcourt has four players, Alba, Pique, Mascherano and Alves.

The goalkeeper is Bravo.

Not only was the starting lineup star-studded, but even on the bench, there were Pedro, Rakitic, Ter Stegen and other good players!

When Laco fans saw this comparison of players, they couldn't help but think.

"Alas! With this lineup, they should lose less and win!"

Laco wanted to lose less, but Barcelona didn't agree.

In 2014, Guardiola had been gone for almost two years, but Enrique inherited Guardiola's Tiki-Taka.

And with Neymar joining, Barcelona is now more aggressive in passing and controlling!

After the game started, Laco's midfield and frontcourt players knew that with their own strength, they had no way to grab the ball from the opponent's feet.

So everyone chose to give up the midfield and frontcourt.

All the players retreated to their own half and set up a big bus formation, leaving only Du Jie to make trouble near the midline.

Even if they had already admitted their weakness, Laco's life was not easy.

As soon as the game started, less than three minutes later, Iniesta passed Salmon on the right.

Then he passed the ball to Neymar, and the two played a two-on-one match. Iniesta cut inside the penalty area and shot!

The ball brushed the right post and almost hit the goal.

Suddenly, the fans of Camp Nou applauded.

And the supporters of Laco were all sweating.

Barcelona is really hard to play. Iniesta's power is only temporary.

His role today is mainly to connect several people in the frontcourt of Barcelona.

The biggest threat in the frontcourt of Barcelona is still with Messi.

In the tenth minute of the game, a unified shout rang out in Camp Nou: "Messi, Messi, Messi!"

Hearing the cheers of the fans, Messi also began to exert his strength.

Midfielder Xavi passed the ball, and Messi received the ball with his back at the front of the penalty area.

Without looking back, he had already noticed that there were defensive players behind him sticking closely to him.

Messi didn't care. He had played in La Liga for so many years, and he had experienced this kind of special care of man-to-man defense countless times.

He just shook his right shoulder, first turned to the right, and then quickly pulled his body back to the left.

This breakthrough is Messi's signature shoulder-diving!

Although the action is simple, Messi's frequency is very fast. Basically, in the La Liga arena, 99% of the defensive players can hardly keep up with him.

The moment Messi turned around, he felt that the ball was in.

He even began to consider that this ball was a gap and a long shot in the "Messi Corridor".

Or continue to advance into the penalty area and make a good play of one-on-two and one-on-three.

Little did he know that the next moment, a long leg suddenly appeared on his route.

The football was poked out in an instant and rolled towards the sideline.

Messi lost the ball, which surprised him quite a bit, and he couldn't help but look up at the person in front of him.

This is a young man who is a head taller than him and has an oriental face.

Yes, this person is Su Wei.

Under the night, the two looked at each other, Su Wei stared at Messi fiercely, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Messi's heart tightened, and he subconsciously avoided Su Wei's fierce eyes.

As a result, he heard Su Wei speak, speaking fluent Spanish.

"Leo, I can't let you pass here. After this game, I will make you the worst player in the game!"

Messi: "???"

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that this young man was making things difficult for him, and he didn't seem to have offended him.

After a pause, Messi said: "Your name is Su, right? I've seen your games, and your defense is indeed something, but if you want to completely stop me, you still need..."

"Ah!" Before he finished speaking, Messi felt a pain in his foot and immediately fell to the grass with a scream.

Su Wei was too lazy to listen to his nagging. When they passed by, he took advantage of the referee's inattention and pretended to accidentally step on Messi's foot.

The force was so strong that Messi grimaced in pain.


At the same time, the referee blew the whistle and ran away.

come over.

After asking about the situation, he was ready to take out the yellow card and give it to Su Wei.

But then, he only gave a verbal warning and did not show a yellow card.

Because before the game started, La Liga officials discussed an issue with their referee team.

The main attraction is the Dragon Kingdom element, including the goal performances of Messi and Neymar.

If Su Wei was shown a yellow card right after the game started, it would more or less go against the wishes of La Liga officials.

At the same time, Salman ran to Su Wei and asked: "Boss, what's wrong? Why do I feel like the referee is going to give you a yellow card?"

Su Wei shrugged and said, "It's okay, I just accidentally stepped on Messi."

"Ah? Boss, why did you step on him? I think your defense just now was very successful. His heavy shoulder didn't even get past you."

"Haha, he, if the venue allows it, I don't even mind letting him get out of here with his money!"

"Huh?" Salman was even more shocked. Hearing Su Wei's tone and looking at the fierce expression on Su Wei's face, it felt like he pointed at Cavaleiro's nose and yelled.

"Boss, do you have a grudge against Messi?"

"Does hatred of family and country count?" Su Wei asked back.

He was reborn in 2024 and returned to 2014. He felt extremely indignant about what Colonel Messi did in Southport of Dragon Kingdom.

I believe that every person from the Dragon Kingdom with normal views will not easily forgive Colonel Messi for his arrogance and rudeness.

Of course, except for those soft-footed shrimps who have been kneeling for a long time and cannot stand up.

At this moment, the Barcelona fans in the stands started to yell at Su Wei.

Some people also talked about how Messi and Su Wei lost the ball when they were one-on-one just now.

This is so unreasonable. A boy from the Dragon Kingdom accurately stole Messi's ball. This was an image that would have been unimaginable in the past.

"Damn it, who is Deco's No. 22 kid? Is he strong? He can actually destroy Messi's shoulder-breaking breakthrough in a one-on-one process."

Barcelona fans are questioning their souls.

"His name is Su, from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Yes, this kid has some potential. He was selected to the best team in the last round."

"Come to think of it, Cork fell at his feet, right?"

"Yes, but we are not afraid, Messi will definitely have a way to deal with him!"

Two minutes later, Messi made a comeback.

Su Wei's defense was even more successful this time. He activated the [Death Coil] skill and stayed close to Messi.

He couldn't even turn around this time, he just felt like there was a big mountain behind him, pressing on his back.

Su Wei put pressure on him from behind and stretched his legs to steal the ball from time to time.

Messi held on for seven or eight seconds, but could not find a chance to get rid of it.

Seeing that if he didn't pass the ball, the ball might be lost, he had no choice but to move the ball in the direction of Harvey.

Originally, based on Messi's judgment on the court, his passing routes are basically the optimal solution.

However, this time, due to Su Wei's impatience, there was a big problem in passing the ball in a hurry.

Before the football reached Xavi's feet, Farina intercepted him halfway.

In an instant, Laco's counterattack came!

Farina dribbled the ball forward, and several people in Barcelona's backcourt hurriedly moved towards him.

When Farina was about to be surrounded, he sent a diagonal pass forward from the gap.

The ball went directly to Du Jie's feet. He controlled the ball and was very close to Barcelona's penalty area.

In front of Du Jie, only Pique was defending.

Although the situation was critical, Pique did not take Du Jie seriously.

He was so careless that he rushed forward to steal Du Jie's ball.

Du Jie made a slight move, dodged Pique's attack, and passed by Pique.

Now the trouble is big. Pique's speed can't catch up with Du Jie, so he can only watch him enter the penalty area.

Facing Bravo who was mid-attack, Du Jie decisively pushed the shot into the lower right corner of the goal.

Faced with this shot, which was almost like a penalty kick, Bravo had no choice but to break through Barcelona's goal in an instant.


Just at the 13th minute of the first half, Deportivo actually took the lead!

This result left Barcelona fans dumbfounded and completely mute.

Depor fans cheered and Jimenez was excited.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

He clapped so hard that his palms were numb.

After scoring the goal, Du Jie ran madly towards the corner flag area and punched the corner flagpole.

Teammates came later and everyone hugged tightly.

What a great honor it is to be the first to score the opponent's goal at Camp Nou.

Old captain Pablo shouted excitedly: "Come on! We can beat Barcelona!"

Compared with Depor's high mood, the Barcelona players were all stunned.

This ball is the most responsible

The biggest one was Messi. It was his hasty pass that caused Barcelona to lose the ball first.

At this moment, Messi put his hands on his waist, lowered his head, and was very upset.

Seeing this, Su Wei did not forget to provoke: "Messi, I just said that in front of me, you can't break through. I have already studied your sinking shoulders and fried meatballs thoroughly!"

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