"Don't you still think about it, contact that kid Leng Yunlin!"

   "After all, he is the father of the child. Without him, it is not even easy to register." Mu Qingyu sighed, "After all, the previous procedures and so on were all done at Leng's house. Besides, Xiaotuanzi is only half a month old after all, such a young age, and she is not in good health. If she is asked to travel long distances, will there be any accidents?"

  Mother Mu certainly knows about this problem. Before and after Xiaotuanzi was born, he always used things from Leng's family. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is very troublesome for children to register for household registration, maintain and treat diseases.

   In the eyes of the Leng family, they are not worth mentioning.

  Because they already have the best environment, a little guy has been added to the family. Ordinary people may go to the family together to take care of this little kid. As for the Leng family, they just need to invite their sister-in-law for a few more months.

  Even if she doesn't want to admit it anymore, she still knows this fact in her heart-the Leng family is indeed a wealthy family that is higher than ordinary people like them.

  Dong Jiachang's words, although ugly, do have some truth.

   It's just that she is unwilling to let Mu's mother admit Dong Jiachang's snobbery!

   After all, rich people have their own way of life, and ordinary people also have their own fun. You can't look down on yourself just because they were born in a humble age.

  The Zhao family is rich, and they were so powerful before, but now, it is not the same as going to jail!

  Thinking of this, Mu's mother settled down a lot: "The Chinese New Year is almost here, and there are only a few days left. We don't know each other well here, so we should go home!"

  Mu Qingyu lowered her head, thought for a while, and said, "Mom, it's not easy to buy tickets now. It's almost Chinese New Year, and the tickets are all sold out. Unless there are a few of us, the first-class flight. Moreover, I don't know if I bring a pre-term child on the plane. If there is something wrong with the child..."

  Mother Mu also has this kind of thinking of the older generation. Maybe she has watched too many air crash movies and always feels that flying is not safe. take the train. . . . . She also knew that the Spring Festival travel season was extremely scary, and it was almost impossible to grab a bus ticket at this time.

  After much deliberation, Dong Jiachang and Leng's family are still hateful. Knowing that Mu Qingyu was in confinement and that Leng Xiaotuanzi was just born, he kicked them out—

  She thought about it, and she was right, so she nodded: "But, even if we stay here, where will we live? We can't just stay in the hotel all the time. It seems that it is not easy to find a place to live in such a short time."

  Here comes the important point! Mu Qingyu pretended to be thinking for a long time, and then she said: "Mom, I am here, but there are quite a few classmates and colleagues. Let me see if I can find a place to live. After all, many of them are going home for the New Year."

  Mother Mu said: "This, it's not easy to trouble others."

   "That's how it is. I will contact the short-term rental place and my classmates to see if I can find a suitable place to live. After all, you know the situation of Xiaotuanzi. She is too weak, and I am afraid she is not suitable for long-distance travel."

  Mother Mu lowered her head, looking at the little guy who just woke up from his mother's arms after having a full meal. She sighed, having this child is a great bondage. When she was so young, her parents were at odds with each other. I don't know what will happen when I grow up.

  Thinking of this, she began to talk and sigh again, and she regretted it a bit. After all, she had such a quarrel with the Leng family. Although Dong Jiachang did too much, except for Leng Yunlin's parents, Leng Yunlin herself is quite good.

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