"This classmate is..." Mother Mu obviously felt a little unreliable. She suddenly thought, what a coincidence, these days, staying at a friend's house is a very serious matter. Anyway, if it was her, she would not want others to come to her house.

   "College classmate, he was in the same class as me, and he was doing student work at that time, and he was with me, and we were very close." Mu Qingyu told lies in the same way, and even looked at Mu's mother without blinking.

  When Mu's mother saw her daughter's determined expression, she felt a little too suspicious in her heart, and even scolded herself in her heart. Unexpectedly, although Mu Qingyu looked calm on the surface, her calves were actually shaking. Because she knows her mother's temper, she knows that Mu's mother is that kind of person, you'd better not try to deceive her, the consequences of deceiving her will be very miserable. You'd better not add fuel to the fire by trying to pull her away when she's at her most grumpy.

   All in all, it’s just one point, following what she said, she can still repent after she wakes up, otherwise, even if she knows she’s wrong, she’ll go all the way to the dark side. For example, after driving her out for five years, even though he cared about her, he refused to admit defeat.

   "Well, that's okay, but it's a little too much trouble for him." Mu's mother suddenly weakened when she saw her daughter's expression.

   "I'm just going to contact him, it might not work."

  While Mu Qingyu was talking, Leng Yunlin went online.

  The little icon of "Philip" jumps around: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

  When Mu Qingyu got excited, she almost called out the name "Yunlin". Mu's mother is still behind her, and she is talking nonsense with her eyes open in front of her mother, let alone doing such a thing. . . . . . It's really exciting and scary enough!

   "Hello, I'm Mu Qingyu, do you remember?" Mu Qingyu said immediately.

   "Oh, I remembered. Qingyu, what's the matter?"

  This guy can pretend! Mu Qingyu complained silently in her heart, showing a pleasant surprise: "I heard that you are highly valued in the company, and you are going abroad for business, right?"

   "Yeah, how do you know, haha."

   Hehe your sister! Mu Qingyu rolled her eyes again, and continued: "You are going abroad, can you lend me your house for a while, I will give you the money, my mother came to Yancheng suddenly, the room is too small, I really can't fit in it."

  As soon as she heard this key question, Mu's mother also looked over. Mu Qingyu was afraid that Leng Yunlin's answer would be too straightforward, and Mu's mother would see a flaw.

   Sure enough, Leng Yunlin was still very good, he deliberately pretended to hesitate and said: "This, this..."

  Seeing her hesitate, Mu's mother completely believed his identity—at least, this person should not be Leng Yunlin.

  Mu Qingyu immediately said: "In this way, I will give you this month's rent according to the price, and I promise not to tamper with your personal belongings, is that okay?"

  Leng Yunlin seemed to have made up his mind, so he nodded: "Okay, but, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, and I only have time tomorrow afternoon."

   "That's no problem." Mu Qingyu nodded immediately: "I'll come over tomorrow afternoon to look at the house, and I'll call you the money, okay?"

   "This...I'm going to go for several months." Leng Yunlin was still dragging there, "And, after all, this is a new house, and I haven't lived in it for long..."

  Mu Qingyu responded here: "Don't worry, I will pay you the cost of the house in one go. If something happens, you can also come to me. After all, we are old classmates. Where else can I go?"

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