1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 1089: .Underground Love (5)

   "That's right. Anyway, the house is empty and it's empty. You can earn a lot of money by living with us." Mother Mu sighed. She cleaned up the house in two days. Before moving yesterday, she went to the supermarket to buy things like bed sheets and quilts, and they have been washed. You can take them today and use them directly.

  This house has three bedrooms and one living room, Mu's mother lives in one, Mu Qingyu and her children live in the big bedroom, and Mu Shangen lives in a small room. Mother Mu was afraid that she would be tired, so she didn't dare to let her move too much. At first, she only cared about taking care of the two children, and when she saw her mother walk into the master bedroom, she still remembered the big wardrobe that the tech guy said. Guessing that there is some message left by Leng Yunlin here, she said, "Mom, my classmate said that his clothes are all in the wardrobe, let's not move."

   "That's natural." Mother Mu nodded. She moved swiftly and quickly swept the room again, laid the bed sheets and tidied the quilt, and the whole room looked brand new.


   "I'm going to clean up the bathroom. If you're tired, rest first." Mu's mother left the bedroom, and Mu Qingyu saw her disappear, then walked over, closed the door, and opened the closet.

  Inside, there are no horizontal partitions, but a row of men's clothes are hung. It's just that there seems to be nothing coming from here!

   While he was wondering, Mu Qingyu suddenly heard the sound of his mobile phone. Seeing that Mu's mother was packing up her things and didn't care about her mobile phone, she immediately took her mobile phone away without saying a word: "Hello."

   "Qingyu, are you here?"

   It was Leng Yunlin's voice. She looked behind her, and saw that Mu's mother was packing up her things. She had no time to pay attention to her, so she immediately said, "I'm here."

   "Are you in your big bedroom?"

  Mu Qingyu knew that Leng Yunlin had something to tell her, so she immediately walked to the door, closed the door, and immediately said: "Yes."

   "That's good, just wait a minute." Mu Qingyu was still a little confused when Leng Yunlin hung up the phone.

   There was silence in the room, and she suddenly felt—the wardrobe seemed to move!

  Mu Qingyu was taken aback! Thought it was a rat or something.

   Fortunately, the movement soon disappeared. Mu Qingyu was wondering, this movement rang out again!

  Mu Qingyu was taken aback by this, as soon as she turned around, she saw the clothes in the closet, and they really started to move!

  She was about to scream, but suddenly heard a "click" in the closet, and when the sliding door opened, Leng Yunlin pulled it away from the clothes and walked out!

   "Qingyu..." Mu Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and watched Leng Yunlin come out of a pile of clothes in a daze. He was wearing a pair of trousers, the trouser legs were draped over his shoulders, the crotch fell on his head, and a shirt was rolled up around his waist, which looked a little funny. Leng Yunlin pulled off the clothes on his head and body, looked at the stunned woman in front of him, and stepped forward with a smile.

   "Miss me to death." Leng Yunlin immediately hugged her, lowered his voice, Mu Qingyu was a little surprised to see the appearance of a living person who had undergone a major transformation.

   "What are you...how did you come from here..." Mu Qingyu was very surprised, she really didn't expect that Leng Yunlin would come out of this place!

   "Hey, I bought these two apartments." Leng Yunlin was triumphant, "When I bought it, I arranged for people to break the walls on both sides and make a door. Then, I used a special combination cabinet to block the door. In this way, no one will find out when you come in and out here!"

  Mu Qingyu is a little speechless, a normal person, who would do this in his own home!

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