1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 162: .Gentle Offensive (6)

   "I..." She didn't know how to answer.

   Wouldn’t it be false if you said you were going? He already knew her personality now, if he pretended to look forward to it, he would know it was fake.

  However, if you directly refuse. . . . . .

  After thinking about it, she smiled: "Of course it depends on Yunlin's request!"

   Seeing the hesitation on her face just now, he frowned even more.

  This woman, speaking of it, his mother's quarrel with him, and the Lin family's incident are all related to her. Why, she still wants to escape?


  The two of them took the elevator to the top floor. Leng Yunlin hooked her slender waist, looking very affectionate: "Don't be afraid, I won't let you be wronged! I..."

   Before the words finished, another person coughed on the side: "Ahem, CEO, Miss Mu."

   Come on, there is no one else who will call him that, except Cheng Yaoyun.

  He was also very helpless, just now when he was downstairs, he saw Leng Yunlin kissing her in the car from a distance. His car was a silver Porsche, and he parked in front of the company arrogantly. Although he hid in the car and kissed, how could he escape the employees coming and going?

   What's more, when Zhao Xiaonan came over later, the two of them were still close. From the appearance, it didn't look like they were in the relationship between the gold master and the canary. This is simply the rhythm of dating!

  However, compared to breaking them into kissing before, this time they bumped into their intimacy again, Leng Yunlin actually didn't mind hugging her slender waist, with an expression of not minding even being broken.

   This surprised Cheng Yaoyun a little.

   Could it be that Leng Yunlin really fell in love with her? Otherwise, it's impossible for him to lose his composure in front of so many people!

   Before he could react, Leng Yunlin asked directly: "What's the matter?"

  Cheng Yaoyun shook his head.

   "Yunlin, I'll clean up my workstation first." Mu Qingyu stepped aside, and quickly moved out of the way.

  She was afraid that Cheng Yaoyun had something to say with him, and it might be inconvenient for her to be on the side.

   "Don't be in a hurry to leave. From now on, your workstation will be in my office—" Leng Yunlin's voice was very soft, and there seemed to be a sunny expression on his face, like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

   I don't know what's going on, seeing his expression, Mu Qingyu suddenly shivered all over her body.

   Feeling a little chilly.

   "Yun, Yunlin, this is not good!" If her place is also moved in, wouldn't she have even less personal space in the future? How could she secretly call Enen?

   "It's nothing wrong." He shook his head and noticed that she was trembling just now, so he pulled her to his side, lips, on her neck, and kissed softly: "Don't forget, you are now my 'personal secretary'! If you are not by my side when I 'need' you, what are you 'personal'?"

  Hearing this, not only Mu Qingyu, but even Cheng Yaoyun were shocked.

   This seemed to be the first time he had heard the CEO request to keep a woman!

  How many superpowers does this Miss Mu have? . . . . . In the short ten days of contact, can the president be fascinated to death?

   What's more, there is also a supposedly strong opponent—the eldest lady of the Zhao family.

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