1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 304: .Inseparable (4)

   Strange, no fever! So how can he talk nonsense?

   She frowned and asked, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

  Leng Yunlin shook his head, his eyes were clear, like the clear blue sky.

   "Then, did you sleep too much, and your energy is a little—not so good?" She began to doubt again, and looked around him.

  Ahem, because the two of them just rolled over the bed sheet, and she had a clear view of his body. No matter how you look at it, you are shrewd and strong-ahem, dry.

   "I have never been so awake at a moment like this." Leng Yunlin smiled slightly, the light flowing in his eyes was so obvious.

  This, is this a confession?

  Mu Qingyu didn't know, but his eyes were too hot, his expression was so sincere, so sincere that she seemed to see the depths of his heart, in fact, just like her, he was a lonely and pitiful soul.

   "I, I don't know..." She really didn't know what to do. Even these few days, when Leng Yunlin wanted to marry her, she was just struggling with how to deal with Enen's affairs, instead of being in a dilemma like now!

  She can ignore Li Xiaoran's confession to her. Because after all, no matter how familiar she is with Li Xiaoran, they are just good friends and neighbors. Although she was also very touched by Li Xiaoran's contribution, that kind of touch was different from the touch of wanting to be with him for the rest of his life.

  But Leng Yunlin was a little different. In any case, these were men and women who had had physical **** with her. A man and a woman, even if they have no feelings anymore, once they have a skin-to-skin relationship, there will always be a little more charming thoughts out of thin air.

   What's more, Leng Yunlin is indeed handsome, and his thoughtfulness also makes her lose her mind occasionally, as if she has fallen into a fog.

   It's just that he actually showed his feelings to her!

  Although he didn't say "I love you" blatantly, it may prove that she may not be able to reach the point of deep love in his heart.

  However, the phrase "I can't live without you" seems to have fully revealed his thoughts!

  Mu Qingyu was indeed a little panicked.

  She can deal with Leng Yunlin indifferently, that's because, she knows, in his eyes and heart, he also deals with her indifferently.

  The more he treats her as a plaything and doesn't treat her as a human being, the more she will not have a trace of nostalgia for him, and the more she will leave.

  But what if he fell in love with her?

   She is not a dead thing, she is a human being too! Especially, after being severely hurt by Mu Qingxi and Mo Shaochen, she began to disbelieve in feelings and love. Even though she usually behaves normally, once a man approaches, she will unconsciously be fully armed to resist foreign invaders.

  So, although Li Xiaoran tried hard to impress her heart, she was always hesitant. Of course, if she hadn't met Leng Yunlin and cured En En's illness, maybe because of Li Xiao Ran's tenderness and En En's expectation, she would have married Li Xiao Ran.

  However, she happened to meet Leng Yunlin.

  Just like the song "Fleeing Years" sang: "In my lifetime, we will meet each other on a narrow road, and we will not be spared in the end."

  After going around for so many years, she unexpectedly bumped into the man of that night. He offered a high price, of course she accepted, anyway, it's not like she never lived with him.

  However, she never expected that this one-month money transaction would actually be caused by him to have some real feelings!

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