Sometimes he tilts his head slightly, gently grabs a large handful of black hair, and slides it slowly in his palm, like a river, with eternal water droplets flowing.

  He likes her.

   Never at any moment, compared to now, she can feel that he likes her.


   I don't know if it's because of the hair blowing or something else.

  She always feels that her hair is warm, and her heart is also warm.

   There were obviously two beds in the ward, but Leng Yunlin packed everything up, yet he squeezed together with her.

  She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but Leng Yunlin deliberately said, "It's warm when two people are together."

  Is he the kind of person who is afraid of the cold?

  However, when the two were lying together at the same time, he unexpectedly quickly lifted off her hospital gown.

  Mu Qingyu wanted to exclaim, this guy, at this moment, is thinking about it. . . . . .

  However, soon, she dispelled her worries.

  He didn't pull off her baggy cotton trousers, but just lingered on her baggy clothes, where someone pinched the bruised finger marks.

  He lowered his head, biting on the soft part of the abdomen, until a new trace covered up the old one. Soon, all over her body were only the bite marks left by him, instead of the raging fingerprints of that person.

   This man. . . . . . Mu Qingyu didn't even know whether to cry or laugh. Why didn't she realize that he had such a strong and perverted desire for monopoly at the beginning?

   Could it be that his previous appointments were all like this?

   And Leng Yunlin slowly got up after leaving his traces. He was still afraid of hurting her neck, so after making gestures for a long time, he made a gesture to hold her in his arms, but let her move the smallest gesture, and sighed comfortably.

   "In the future, if you encounter that situation, don't do stupid things again." He said with lingering fear. Thinking of her huddled in a corner covered in blood, my heart still ached.

  She nodded meekly, she didn't know if it was because she absorbed his body temperature, or because his slightly domineering gentleness gave her a feeling of peace of mind.

   "Also... In the future, don't leave my sight if you have nothing to do!" Leng Yunlin still can't decide whether someone framed her or someone framed him this time. If it's revenge against the Leng Group and him, then it won't be just one time!

after? Will there be a future? She clenched her fist, although Li Xiao then came to send her a text message, saying that his company is a bit busy these days, and he needs to give him a few days to arrange work, and he will bring Enen over for surgery on Wednesday.

   There are only two days left, so keep going, it’s still possible!

   What's more, she has to find a time to withdraw 300,000 yuan. She also had to think of a way to distract Leng Yunlin for a while. . . . . .

  I don't know why, but this time, when she thought about leaving Leng Yunlin, her heart ached for no reason.

  She simply buried her head in Leng Yunlin's shoulder socket. Sensing her movements, Leng Yunlin thought she was scared after this accident. He didn't think much about it, but hugged her even tighter, and kissed her hair lightly: "Go to sleep."

  The next day, the sun was shining outside the house, and the light yellow light shone in through the white window screens, adding a touch of warmth to the house.

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