She is already messed up enough now, she doesn't want another Mo Shaochen to disturb her mind.

  Mu Qingyu nodded to him, then turned and left.

  He looked at her with lowered eyebrows and passed him by, feeling a little empty in his heart. Especially, last night at the window, I saw her kissing a man intimately. That man is not the Li Xiaoran we saw earlier.

  Who is that man? Was it the man he heard on the phone with her that day? How much does she have that she doesn't know?

  Dr. Li shook his head, secretly said that he was thinking too much, and walked to the doctor's office area.

  Mu Qingyu quietly pushed open the door, not daring to open the curtains, thinking to let Mu Shangen rest for a while, she gently put the stool beside Mu Shangen's bed, sat down gently, gently took Mu Shangen's hand, and held it in her palm.

  Looking at his son's sleeping face, his little hand was in his own. A gentle emotion gradually permeated her thoughts.

  Anyway, this time, she finally grasped the hand of fate, she was finally on the edge of the cliff, and brought back En En's life!

  Enen, it's hers, no one can take it away!

  Open the curtains, and the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning shines straight into the room through the window.

  People like to use the sun at seven or eight o'clock as a metaphor for children, because the sun at seven or eight o'clock is the most energetic.

  Mu Qingyu looked at the sunlight coming in, and suddenly wished that Mu Shangen could also be like the sun at seven or eight o'clock, full of youthful vigor.

  As the curtains were opened, the sun jumped onto the bed, and quietly climbed onto Mu Shangen's face, her little hands harassing Mu Shangen's sweet dreams.

  Slowly, Mu Shangen opened his eyes. It seemed that he had recovered better than yesterday. Mu Shangen wanted to raise his hand to rub his eyes, but Mu Qingyu quickly stopped him.

  Because Mu Shangen was young, he used a catheter, and when the catheter was inserted, he was still in a coma, so he didn't even know that he was still on an IV in his arm.

  The hand that was about to be raised was held by Mu Qingyu, and Mu Shangen turned his head slightly, looking at Mu Qingyu with big eyes blinking.

   "Enen, drowsy? This hand is still on a drip." While talking, Mu Qingyu raised Mu Shangen's left hand, motioning him to look for himself.

   Mu Shangen's clear eyes followed Mu Qingyu's raised arm, looked at it, and smiled. Soon, the nurse came to change the medicine, and replaced the connected needle in his little hand with a bottle of medicine.

   Mu Qingyu was afraid that his son would not be able to bear it, so he slowed down the flow of the potion. Mu Shangen moved his small body impatiently: "Mom, itches~"

  Itching is because the wound is starting to heal. Generally, such thoracotomy requires hospitalization for about a week after the operation is completed. If there are strong complications and high fever, it must be postponed. Moreover, the length of the hospital stay has a lot to do with the individual's physique. Those with good physique and fast recovery may be able to be discharged from the hospital earlier. On the contrary, the discharge time is very long.

  Mu Shangen is a child, full of energy, and his physique is not too bad. Therefore, he recovered very quickly. Although he had a strong rejection reaction, it has been more than 36 hours since the second operation. He has no adverse reactions and has recovered well. Obviously, he is the type that can be discharged early!

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