1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 528: .Memory Gate (2)

  Su Chengkai was taken aback, and saw that his son's forehead was covered with sweat, but his face was tense, his teeth were clenched, and he seemed serious. He looked at him and nodded.

  The two men immediately walked into the house, and when they reached the study, Mo Shaochen closed the door: "Dad, what happened during the three years when I lost my memory?"

  He asked Su Chengkai, how could Su Chengkai know? He met Mo Shaochen when he was hit in the head by a boulder during the tsunami in the island country. Before, he had been to Mo's mother and asked about Mo Shaochen's information, but Mo's mother only gave him a photo of her son and told him that her son had gone to the island country.

  Su Chengkai had no idea how Mo Shaochen met Mu Qingyu, fell in love with her, and met her sister. He doesn't love her sister, but on her birthday, because he drank too much alcohol, he mistook Mu Qingxi for her and had a relationship with Mu Qingxi!

   Even, in order to take care of his son, he stayed in the United States and never came back. Even if he returned to China, he would go back to his own home instead of Mo's mother's. After Mo Shaochen woke up, he happily reported the matter to Mo's mother, but found out. . . . . . She had been in a car accident and died!

  Because of this matter, Su Chengkai has always felt guilty towards Mo Shaochen. There is no doubt that after all these years, how many strong feelings he still has for Mo's mother may have been submerged without a trace in the passage of time. However, maybe what you can't get is the best thing, mother Mo has always been a cinnabar mole in Su Chengkai's heart. In addition, her death made him feel even more guilty and remorseful when facing Mo Shaochen. He had thought about handing over most of the shares in his business to him!

   It's just that no matter what he thinks, he didn't participate in the memory of those three years, so he doesn't know anything!

   "Dad, tell me, did I miss something?" He had a severe headache and kept holding his head, so painful that he couldn't speak!

   "Shaochen, what's wrong with you?" Su Chengkai was also shocked when he saw his appearance. He immediately went to help him up.

   "Dad, please tell me, what happened to my lost three years!" He had a splitting headache, his head was like a container, with a small opening blocking all his memories, and those loose memories were like streams of water, scrambling to rush out, but there still seemed to be something lacking.

   "Shaochen, you, don't worry!" Su Chengkai saw that his eyes were red, his face was grim because of the pain, and he was holding his hands hard, as if the pain was unbearable, he was also very anxious!

   After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "I did find you after your accident! However, I have a photo album here. There are photos of you in it!"

  When Mo Shaochen heard the news, he rushed out immediately!

  Su Chengkai took him out and walked to the opinion room next to him. The big bookshelf here was full of books. After searching for a long time in front of the bookshelf, he finally found the photo album: "It's here!"

   Before he finished speaking, Mo Shaochen snatched it over. He hurriedly flipped through the pages. The first few photos were photos of him attending the opening ceremony. The above eyebrows are the same, and the smile is gentle and pure.

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