1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 559: .Heart Distance (2)

unless. . . . . . Well, something went wrong!

  Thinking of this, she immediately felt panicked! How could it be, these few days, Enen's condition is very stable, and Mo Shaochen also said that he is recovering well, why would he make such a phone call?

  She immediately got up from Leng Yunlin's arms and walked into the bathroom: "Yunlin, I'll answer the phone!"

  Wen Ruan in his arms left his side all of a sudden, seeing her back hurriedly walking into the bathroom, Leng Yunlin suddenly felt like laughing!

  Why, you don't even want to put on a show in front of him? What is she trying to do? During these days, she really doesn't like herself at all, right? She is just in front of him, pretending to be a snake, right?

   I don't know why, but upon discovering this, Leng Yunlin's heart shattered into pieces!

  Doctor Su? Could it be that he is really Mu Shangen's attending physician, a heart surgeon—and at the same time, Su Chengkai's illegitimate son, his cousin?

  Thinking of this, his eyes became more and more cold!


  In the bathroom.

  Mu Qingyu turned on the phone, and Mo Shaochen's anxious voice sounded over there immediately: "Hey, Qingyu, where are you? Something happened to Enen!"

   "What's wrong?" Mu Qingyu's heart jumped into his throat! "What's wrong with Enen?"

   "He seems to have had a bad stomach, and he keeps having stomach troubles!" Mo Shaochen said immediately, "However, it's not a big deal, it's just that he keeps having stomach troubles, and I can't find his change of clothes."

   "His clothes are already folded in the small schoolbag under the bedside table." Mu Qingyu immediately said, "His affairs won't affect his heart, right?"

   "That's not true, it's just that his stomach hurts all the time, and it's not a good thing."

   "But, Enen has always been fine, why would she have a stomachache?" Mu Qingyu was in a panic.

   "Maybe it's because of those bottles of yogurt." Mo Shaochen thought for a while before saying, "Although the yogurt is not iced, he just recovered and his stomach is still very fragile. If he drank too much yogurt, he would become like this."

   "I see, I'll be right there." She hung up the phone, feeling extremely anxious!

   Blame her, blame her for buying so much yogurt for Enen, making him feel uncomfortable! As a parent, as long as there is a problem with her son, she can't wait to take all the responsibility on herself and hold the whole world in front of him!

  Originally, she planned to tell Leng Yunlin about Enen. Now as long as he is not careful, such a thing will happen to him! She was afraid of provoking Enen, what if Leng Yunlin did something irrational after finding out, what would she do?

  At this moment, she is like walking a tightrope, knowing that there is no safety rope on her body, but she has already walked halfway, how can she go back and start again?

  She opened the door without saying a word, "Yunlin, I have something else to do, I'm leaving first, you are too tired from work, go home and have a good rest."

  After saying this, she turned around and was about to leave.

  Unexpectedly, Leng Yunlin suddenly grabbed her arm!

   "Honey, I want you to be with me."

  His eyes were shining brightly, but his expression was neither sad nor happy. Mu Qingyu was going crazy, how could he listen to what he said? She immediately said, "Yunlin, I really have something to do!"

   "What's the matter with you? What's the matter?" Leng Yunlin pulled her into his arms with force, "I said, I want you to accompany me!"

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