Cheng Yaoyun smiled, lowered his head and said to the little guy: "Your name is Mu Shangen, noble Shang, grace of grace. Your mother left you for a month before. You just had heart surgery a few days ago, didn't you?"

   Mu Shangen nodded immediately: "Yes!" He was right.

  Cheng Yaoyun took out his mobile phone again. In his mobile phone, there was naturally a photo of Mu Qingyu, and it was also a photo of Mu Qingyu and Leng Yunlin together!

   "Little friend, look, is this your mother?"

  Mu Shangen stood on tiptoe and nodded when he saw Mu Qingyu smiling above. The chubby claw pointed to the photo on the phone: "Yes, this is my mother. Eh, who is this uncle?"

   "Have you met this uncle?" Cheng Yaoyun's smile deepened.

   Mu Shangen nodded: "Yes, this uncle, like Enen, has a bad heart."

   "This is the uncle who invited your mother to the banquet today—he is your mother's boss and the president of our Leng Group!"

  Mu Shangen doesn't know what a "president" is, but he thinks that Leng Yunlin is a nice person.

  Although there are photos to prove it, the nursing aunt is still a little puzzled: "Then, I can't let the child go with you! If something happens, I can't afford it!"

   "That's good, I'll call her and tell her, and you will know." Cheng Yaoyun said, and immediately called Mu Qingyu.

  Then, he pressed the speakerphone: "Hello, Qingyu, I'm Cheng Yaoyun."

  Over there, Mu Qingyu's answer came immediately: "Assistant Cheng, what's wrong?"

   "It's like this, the president needs to invite a 'special' 'guest' to the evening banquet." He said, looking at Xiao Enen, obviously, the "special" "guest" Leng Yunlin mentioned was Mu Shangen!

   As he spoke, he looked at this "special" "guest" again, "President, he wants to give you a surprise! Do you promise to let this 'guest' attend the banquet tonight?"

   Cheng Yaoyun's words were very vague, Mu Qingyu didn't understand why, but she heard Leng Yunlin say that she bothered to give her a surprise, obviously, that means - he didn't despise himself!

  She nodded immediately: "Of course."

  Cheng Yaoyun raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction: "You go to the president first, he will take you to the venue, and I won't accompany you. See you later."

   After saying this, he immediately hung up the phone.

  He turned back and looked at the little guy: "Just now, was it your mother who spoke?"

   Mu Shangen nodded: "Yes."

  Cheng Yaoyun touched the little guy's head, and then looked at the nurse: "This is the meaning of our president. In the evening, our Leng Group will hold a big banquet. Ms. Mu is our outstanding employee. Our president wants to 'reward' her, so I arranged for me to come here first and bring the children over."

   As he spoke, he bowed his head on purpose, and deliberately said in front of Mu Shangen: "It is said that at this banquet, maybe you will meet the father you want to see!"

   This is the sentence! Immediately, Mu Shangen's cute spot was hit, and he nodded desperately. He just made a phone call, saw his mother's photo, and listened to the uncle's words. Obviously, he had already decided that this gentle and smiling uncle was his mother's friend.

  With these words, the nursing aunt is embarrassed to say anything else.

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