"It's not really a marriage anyway. If you don't like him, just dump him!" Yu Zexiao carelessly said, "Besides, these days, married and divorced, I'll introduce handsome guys to you if you're having a hard time! I'll take care of all the handsome ones, Leng Yunlin! And they're all male stars. Do you like wild, strong, or handsome guys?"

"Go, don't add chaos to this!" Luo Qingxue pushed him, "Qingyu, in fact, tonight, you say that it is a marriage, or it can be regarded as the last engagement continuation. It is not a very strict wedding. The main purpose is to introduce you to Yancheng's celebrities. The main thing is because of bad things that happened last time. Yunlin wants to compensate you. I haven't seen it. These are our good friends, so come to see you deliberately. "

  The more she said that, a touch of emotion gradually spread in her heart.

   No wonder, no wonder Leng Yunlin said that he wanted to give her a surprise! In addition to this party that looked like an engagement banquet and wedding ceremony, he also found his best friend, just to bring her into his circle!

  At the same time, a strange idea suddenly appeared in her heart!

  If, if he took her today and admitted the marriage in front of so many people. Did she increase her chances of marrying him? After tonight, she will tell him about Enen. Maybe he will be under pressure so as not to break up with her?

   Should be able to, right? She does love him, but she is also unwilling to give up Enen.

  Maybe, we might be able to see the feelings between them, and accepted grace?

   And, now, it's really not a good occasion. With so many people present, it is not a calm, rational, and appropriate occasion to talk about this matter.

  Mu Qingyu didn't know, because her hesitation would cause their disputes for a long time.

  Maybe, will be missed forever!


  It took a lot of time to put on make-up and styling. When a group of people went to the Huangting Hotel, the sun had already sunk into the horizon, and the night was about to begin.

  Perhaps, Mu Qingyu has been busy taking care of her son and didn't know it, but before Leng Yunlin was there, she really planned to make a big fuss.

  Although he has doubts in his heart, he has indeed been giving Mu Qingyu a chance. If she could explain the situation and get a satisfactory answer from him, he would still be willing to marry her.

  The car was going all the way, but there were no festive flowers on the car, and there was no "囍" posted on it. However, this group of cars driven by luxury cars still caught the attention of many passers-by.

  On the way, Mu Qingyu was still very nervous, Luo Qingxue and Xiaobao were sitting beside her.

  However, I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement. Several guys made a fuss. The bride and groom are going to get married. Shouldn't they be temporarily separated first?

  So, even if Mu Qingyu wants to tell Leng Yunlin about Enen, she has no chance at this moment.

   "Little aunt, what's the matter?" Xiao Bao clung to Mu Qingyu's side and climbed onto her lap.

   "Little Treasure! Don't step on it, you'll get your clothes dirty." Luo Qingxue reprimanded the little guy, and reached out to hug him back by the way.

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