1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 595: .Shock! (Ingots)

  Holding her leg with her small body, Mu Qingyu's heart felt as if a thunderbolt had struck her, she was so stiff that she couldn't move!

   "This, this is impossible, right?" Below, U Ze Xiao, who was watching the ceremony, couldn't help it. No matter how he looked at it, Mu Qingyu didn't look like he would have such a big child!

   And Luo Qingxue, who was not far away from him, almost stood up to defend her. But when she suddenly remembered that Mu Qingyu had asked her specifically today what kind of attitude Leng Yunting had when he thought that Xiaobao was not his son, she was suddenly choked!

   At this moment, Zhao Xiaoxuan beside her was still asking: "Mu Qingyu! How dare you say that this child is not your son? This child is Brother Yunlin's flesh and blood?"

  She can't, of course she can't! Her whole heart is almost empty! There were a lot of words that were stuck in her throat. She wanted to tell him about En En. She wanted to tell him that although En En was her child, she was not her own son. She also wanted to tell him that she was pregnant, and they had been worrying about it all their lives!

  However, how could she resolutely push away Enen in front of so many people and tell him that she is not his biological mother?

   The scene of him crying for his father still penetrated deeply into her mind! Li Changhe even warned her that she couldn't provoke Enen, and couldn't make Enen's mood fluctuate too much!

  She lived with En En for four years, accompanied him to grow up, and took care of him when he grew up. He is her own son!


  She didn't answer, but Enen spoke. His eyes turned around, and when he saw Leng Yunlin next to him, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised: "Hey, uncle, it's you?"

  Mu Qingyu was even colder all over: "Enen, do you know him?"

   Mu Shangen nodded: "Well, I know him! Enen met him before the operation."

  Mu Qingyu almost couldn't accept it!

   That means—Leng Yunlin, who already knew about her having a son, but kept silent?

   Mu Shangen turned his head and pointed at Cheng Yaoyun: "This uncle said, if Enen follows him, mother will tell Enen who his father is? Is Enen's father here?"

  He was a little expectant, and looked around.

  Zhao Xiaoxuan stepped forward at the right time: "Little friend, take a look, is this your father?"

  She pointed at Leng Yunlin.

   Mu Shangen glanced at Leng Yunlin, but shook his head and smiled: "No, uncle is not my father. Mom, is Enen's father here?"

  Mu Qingyu trembled when she heard his words!

  She thought at that moment, she even wanted to explain everything to him! At least, she wanted him, for the sake of the baby in her belly, no. . . . . . So cruel to her!

is that so? So there was no sign, or was there already a sign, but she didn't notice it?

   That's right, she had already noticed Leng Yunlin's closeness very early on. obviously. . . . . . When Leng Yunlin was intimate with her five days ago, his attitude was not as good as before! But she foolishly thought that it was just because he was too busy and she ignored him too much. . . . .

  I don’t have time and ability to think, as if when I breathe, my heart hurts so much that I can’t speak. The whole body was stiff, and the feeling of numbness was stronger.

  She doesn't know what stage her spirit is in. In the past five years, she has always dedicated herself to En En. Even now, she doesn't want to push En En away.

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