1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 599: .Father and Son (2)

  Is there anything else that would embarrass him and embarrass him more than her scene reversal?

  He just mocked her for being pregnant out of wedlock, and gave birth to a **** with an unknown man! But right now, this man is his uncle's illegitimate son, his cousin!

   Mu Qingyu, after a brief moment of stupefaction, immediately realized that she opened her mouth and smiled: "Doctor Su, don't talk nonsense!"

   "I'm not talking nonsense!" Mo Shaochen said immediately, "I went to Xiangcheng and found out everything. Do you still want to hide it from me?"

   This sentence completely defeated Mu Qingyu's bottom line!

   That's right, Mo Shaochen disappeared five days ago. He first went to N University to try to find news about Mu Qingyu back then. Unfortunately, it took too long to find anything.

   Then, he went back home—where he lived with his mother. After his mother died, a lot of things hadn't been touched there. Still keep the original appearance. At home, he found a diary written by himself, on which Mu Qingyu had told him about his hometown.

   Moreover, in his room, there is Mu Qingxi's pregnancy test report from Xiangcheng Hospital.

  Since he couldn't find it here, he decided to go to Xiangcheng to try his luck!

  He is a doctor after all, went to Xiangcheng, directly in the name of Su's Hospital, and quickly found Mu Qingxi's hospital registration!

  The above shows that Mu Qingxi had indeed died many years ago. However, her child is still alive!

  Mo Shaochen turned pale with shock! If his child was still there, a boy, then, very likely—it was Mushanen!

  Thinking that Mu Qingyu has raised his son for so many years, his son also has a congenital heart disease, and it is actually himself who performs the surgery himself!

   Moreover, if he guessed correctly, Mu Qingyu might have betrayed himself to Leng Yunlin in order to raise his son's expenses!

  Thinking of this, he couldn't forgive himself! It was already afternoon when he returned to the hospital non-stop, but he learned that Mu Shangen had already been discharged from the hospital this morning!

  He found Mu Qingyu's residence from the hospital records. Hurry over, find out, people are gone!

   Just when he was in a hurry, he received a call from Su Chengkai, saying that it was Leng Yunlin who wanted to marry Mu Qingyu!

marry? How can you get married? If he guessed correctly, Enen, very likely, is his flesh and blood! And Mu Qingyu, for so many years, he has always liked her!

   Unexpectedly, when he arrived, this scene actually happened!

  Mu Qingyu was dumped by Leng Yunlin?

  He saw her pale face, tight lips, slightly red and swollen pupils, and Mu Shangen in her arms. Only then did he know that the greatest hope in his life had come!

  If at this time, in full view of everyone, he asked about Enen's life experience. . . . . .

  He knows that he is despicable, even if Enen is really his son, Mu Qingyu, he is definitely not his biological mother!

  However, he didn't want her to go, didn't want to lose her again!

  At this moment, he didn't dare to provoke her, let alone provoke her, he just looked at Enen.

  Why didn't he see that this child was almost carved out of the same mold as when he was a child?

  Enen is very similar to him, but the lines are softer, which is like his mother.

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